>>10546808 lb
>Trump will not follow through on this
>>10546485 lb
>The Firewalker 4k
>>10546853 lb
>cop puts out the fire
This Footloose sequel looks awesome!
>This Footloose sequel looks awesome!
Study: America Hit By Roughly 550 Violent Demonstrations In Three Months
…since May 26, the day after the death of George Floyd.
The vast majority of U.S. states have experienced riots in the past three months with Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, Mississippi, West Virginia, Hawaii and Alaska being the only ones unscathed by violence-
There were a total of 7,750 Black Lives Matter-linked demonstrations in the U.S. in 2,440 locations across all 50 states,according to ACLED’s data.
Violent demonstrations have largely been contained to 220 locations with Portland being the hardest hit location, the data show.
(NWO spreading chaos ww)ACLED also claimed that 50 incidents across the country in the past three months have featured armed individuals, and BLM protests have been recorded in South America, Africa, Asia and several violent demonstrations have been reported in Europe.
‘The Gov Killed Nana’: Aerial Banner Slamming Andrew Cuomo Flies Over New York Beacheshttps://dailycaller.com/2020/09/06/gov-killed-nana-aerial-banner-andrew-cuomo-new-york-beaches/
>‘The Gov Killed Nana’: Aerial Banner Slamming Andrew Cuomo Flies Over New York Beaches
>was King apparent Cuomo slated to replace Biden ?
"Cuomo’s spokesman Rich Azzopardi released a statement in response to the sign, attributing it to “conspiracy nuts.”
“Everyone knows this governor has worked day in and day out to protect all New Yorkers and that’s why these sad politically motivated lies always land with a thud and I have no comment on how conspiracy nuts want to waste their money,” he said.
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>Assange will have a trial that will never be forgot. He is a hero to Qanons and the Left. But the Left will be shocked at what he will really say. It will break their hearts and leave them confused.
Remember Hannity's interview w/Assange?
Hannity asked why Wikileaks has never released any dirt on POTUS, something like that, and JA said "We don't have any!" kek
The Coming Coup?
Democrats are laying the groundwork for revolution right in front of our eyes.
As if 2020 were not insane enough already, we now have Democrats and their ruling class masters openly talking about staging a coup. You might have missed it, what with the riots, lockdowns and other daily mayhem we’re forced to endure in this, the most wretched year of my lifetime. But it’s happening.
It started with the military brass quietly indicating that the troops should not follow a presidential order. They were bolstered by many former generals—including President Trump’s own first Secretary of Defense—who stated openly what the brass would only hint at. Then, as nationwide riots really got rolling in early June, the sitting Secretary of Defense himself all but publicly told the president not to invoke the Insurrection Act. His implicit message was: “Mr. President, don’t tell us to do that, because we won’t, and you know what happens after that.”
All this enthused Joe Biden, who threw subtlety to the winds. The former United States Senator (for 26 years) and Vice President (for eight) has not once, not twice, but thrice confidently asserted that the military will “escort [Trump] from the White House with great dispatch” should the president refuse to leave. Another former Vice President, Al Gore, publicly agreed.
Two more data points (among several that could be provided). Over the summer, two former Army officers, both prominent in the Democrat-aligned “national security” think tank world, wrote an open letter to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs in which they urged him to deploy the 82nd Airborne Division to drag President Trump from the Oval Office at precisely 12:01 PM, January 20, 2021.
About a month later, Hillary Clinton declared publicly that Joe Biden should not concede the election “under any circumstances.”
This doesn’t sound like the rhetoric of a political party confident it will win an upcoming election.
The Cover-Up in Plain Sight
The first rule of conspiracy is, you do not talk about the conspiracy. The second rule of conspiracy is, you do not talk about the conspiracy.
So why are the Democrats—publicly—talking about the conspiracy?
Because they know that, for it to succeed, it must not look like a conspiracy.
…tip close states, or else dispute the results in close states and insist, no matter what the tally says, that Biden won them….“explaining” …it might look as if Trump won, close states will tip to Biden as all the mail-in ballots are “counted.”… get the vast and loud Dem-Left propaganda machine ready for war… blaring from every rooftop that“Trump lost.”
At this point, it’s safe to assume that unless Trump wins in a blowout that can’t be overcome by cheating and/or denied via the ruling class’s massive propaganda operation, that’s exactly what every Democratic politician and media organ will shout.
What then? The Podesta assumption is that the military will side with the Dems. There are reasons to fear they might. The Obama administration spent a great deal of political capital purging the officer corps of anyone not down with the program and promoting only those who are.
Barring all that, what’s left? …'''a repeat of this summer, only much, much bigger.
Shut down the country and allow only one message to be heard: “Trump must go.”'''
I.e., what’s come to be known as a “color revolution,” the exact same playbook the American deep state runs in other countries… Oust a leader—even an elected one—through agitation and call it “democracy.”
Is the Trump Administration prepared?
Once the ruling class gives word that the narrative is“Trump lost,”all the president’s social media accounts will be suspended. The T.V. channels, with the likely exception of Fox News, will refuse to cover anything he says. Count on it. He’s going to need a way to talk to the American people and he has to find the means, now.
For the rest of us, the most important thing we can do is raise awareness. If there is a conspiracy to remove President Trump from office even if he wins, they’re telling you about it precisely to get you ready for it, so that when it happens you won’t think it was a conspiracy; you’ll blame the president.
Don’t be fooled.