Anonymous ID: 6d78d3 Sept. 6, 2020, 11:17 a.m. No.10547703   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>10547458 (pb)


The "delusion" is upon those who cannot see the obvious. China has been accused of trafficking in organs harvested from political prisoners. Celebrities get "penis cream" facials. Athletes use "blood doping" to enhance performance.


But hey, all of that is totally normal. It's perfectly fine if those richer and more famous than you can turn your body or the body of your baby into a cosmetic, a performance enhancer or even "spare parts"!

Would a loving Creator who made each of us in his image ever want us to treat anyone this way? Of course it is satanic. And..taking these trends to their logical conclusions: If you have no compunction about using a baby's foreskin for a penis facial why would you have compunction about using that child in other, even more horrific ways? Why is it surprising to have satanists admit that outlawing abortion removes their "right" to certain religious ceremonies?


Human sacrifice in various forms is absolutely rampant in the world. Including the barbaric practice of infant vaccination which involves restraint, pain and the injection of poisons, not to help the baby but to "protect" those with "weak immune systems" and to initiate the baby into the "herd".


The key to one person saving the life of another is their understanding of what is happening and their willing consent. Any other procedure, ceremony, etc. that coerces, forces, demands or mandates that one person take risks for another is a form of human sacrifice and it is evil. Directly opposite the example of the sacrificial life, death and resurrection of Jesus the Christ, who in willing obedience to His Father (with whom He is ONE) laid down his life for the guilty.

Anonymous ID: 6d78d3 Sept. 6, 2020, 11:41 a.m. No.10547935   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Just a little more than a hunch on my part, but I think the fear pron over this pandemic was a little C_A match to the fan the flames. I have no doubt Fauci's NIAID helped the Wuhan Institute of Virology get funding and maybe access to samples for research/development of gain-of-function microbes. However, the remarkable thing is that viruses don't seem a very effective type of bioweapon. I think we have been hideously lied to about what a virus really is. Making an anti-viral vaccine for some types of viruses would be a very bad idea if my understanding is at all correct. The real bioweapons are the vaccines, imo.


In that light, the arrest of these this Chinese couple may have greater significance than the obvious.