for chickens and ducks i use non gmo corn, wheat, oats, some dried seaweed, diatomaceous earth and then all my compost scraps and birds go outside to eat bugs every day.
for cat she mostly gets canned tuna and a fresh egg lightly cooked along with diatomaceous earth and also butter, olive oil and coconut oil and i let him eat fresh grass and catnip whenever it's growing near the house. He also gets scraps of fish and if you have clean organ meat it is very good for cats.
for dogs you can use range fed organ meat scraps and bone broth and good non gmo people food like squash and butter and whatnot.
lots of good recipes online.
the pet food industry/vet industry started an advertising "drive" decades ago to convince people that "eating people food is harmful to pets"
good recipes like this include garden veg. https://damndelicious.net/2015/04/27/diy-homemade-dog-food/
one other last thing, Pottenger's cats is a study that shows raw food improves cat genetics and cooked food degrades it so i cook very lightly and add beneficial fats and oils.