Anonymous ID: a8ca8a Sept. 6, 2020, 11:19 a.m. No.10547731   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7826 >>7962 >>8034 >>8187 >>8284 >>8318



Michael Scheuer


Scheuer expressed his support for U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump in multiple blog postings on Scheuer based his support on, in his view, Trump's strong support of the Second Amendment, Trump's proposed wall along the Southern Border, Trump's skepticism of NATO and military intervention in the Muslim World, and Trump's unpopularity with neoconservatives and their media outlets such as The Weekly Standard, National Review, and also much of the mainstream media. Scheuer also likes Trump's "America First" talk towards American statecraft. In July 2018, Scheuer called upon "those millions of well-armed citizens who voted for Trump" to be ready to kill "a long and very precise list" of those who oppose Trump. His list included the entire mainstream media and two former Presidents. "If Trump does not act soon to erase" his opponents, he wrote, "the armed citizenry must step in and eliminate them." Scheuer named those opponents as: thug-civil-servants like Strzok, Comey, McCabe, Page, and Rosenstein; worshipers of tyranny, like the Democratic members of Congress, the Clintons, the FBI, and the Obamas; apparent traitors like Brennan, Hayden, and Clapper; all of the mainstream media; and the tens of thousands of government-admitted-and-protected, violent, criminal, and illegal immigrants. Scheuer concluded by looking forward to the "utter joy and satisfaction to be derived from beholding great piles of dead U.S.-citizen tyrants." The following year, he defended conspiracy theories espoused by the group QAnon and warned Democratic politicians and other QAnon "deniers" that it would give them "plenty to think about as they wait their for their own inevitable and personal hell to arrive…"


>Lightly formatted, PDF w/links.

Anonymous ID: a8ca8a Sept. 6, 2020, 11:23 a.m. No.10547756   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>179,383 views•Aug 4, 2020

Andy Ngo Speaks at Congress About Antifa

On 4 August 2020, Andy Ngo gave testimony to congress at the senate hearing about antifa and violent protests.

Anonymous ID: a8ca8a Sept. 6, 2020, 11:35 a.m. No.10547868   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7878 >>7919 >>7962 >>8034 >>8074 >>8187 >>8284 >>8318


In this anonymous submission, participants in the uprising in Minneapolis in response to the murder of George Floyd explore how a combination of different tactics compelled the police to abandon the Third Precinct.


The following analysis is motivated by a discussion that took place in front of the Third Precinct as fires billowed from its windows on Day Three of the George Floyd Rebellion in Minneapolis. We joined a group of people whose fire-lit faces beamed in with joy and awe from across the street. People of various ethnicities sat side by side talking about the tactical value of lasers, the “share everything” ethos, interracial unity in fighting the police, and the trap of “innocence.” There were no disagreements; we all saw the same things that helped us win. Thousands of people shared the experience of these battles. We hope that they will carry the memory of how to fight. But the time of combat and the celebration of victory is incommensurable with the habits, spaces, and attachments of everyday life and its reproduction. It is frightening how distant the event already feels from us. Our purpose here is to preserve the strategy that proved victorious against the Minneapolis Third Precinct.


Our analysis focuses on the tactics and composition of the crowd that besieged the Third Precinct on Day Two of the uprising. The siege lasted roughly from 4 pm well into the early hours of the morning of May 28. We believe that the tactical retreat of the police from the Third Precinct on Day Three was won by the siege of Day Two, which exhausted the Precinct’s personnel and supplies. We were not present for the fighting that preceded the retreat on Day Three, as we showed up just as the police were leaving. We were across the city in an area where youth were fighting the cops in tit-for-tat battles while trying to loot a strip mall—hence our focus on Day Two here.

Anonymous ID: a8ca8a Sept. 6, 2020, 11:43 a.m. No.10547964   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7988 >>8018 >>8066

Portland police officers kneel with protesters (Comments sorted by Newest) May 31, 2020



Ryan Ao captured this moment with his camera, as Portland police officers took a knee with protesters in downtown Portland on Sunday, May 31, 2020. Sunday marks the third day of protests in Portland over the death of George Floyd. Some language may be offensive to some viewers.