we are going to be a nervous wreck if (((they))) fuck with the election…which we know they will do.
But the masses are going to go berserk.
How is Trump going to keep people calmed down if (((they))) try to steal this thing?
we are going to be a nervous wreck if (((they))) fuck with the election…which we know they will do.
But the masses are going to go berserk.
How is Trump going to keep people calmed down if (((they))) try to steal this thing?
that is hopeful
John Christian Graas (Childhood actor in the 90's) played the part of Dylann Storm Roof, the charleston shooter. Yes it was another movie sponsored by the Smith Mundt Modernization Act. Thanks Obama
Google thinks it is the same guy….
These are the same people….
The alleged Dylann Storm Roof event in Charleston was alleged to have occurred on June 17, 2015
The day after this :
Donald Trump presidential campaign, 2016,_2016#Announcement
Donald Trump speaking at the 2015 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC)
Trump formally announced his candidacy for the upcoming race for president in the 2016 election on June 16, 2015
June 17, 2015 was also, 911 days after the reported “Sandy Hook funerals” on December 19, 2012
The Sandy Hook funerals and Barack Obama’s VP, Joe Biden.