Anonymous ID: e3a874 Sept. 7, 2020, 6:08 p.m. No.10560995   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>10560039 lb

Well, that's what you been told, educated on and indoctrinated with. You don't have to obey any authority. None. You and the crowd you hang with are the fucks that live your lives right on the edge and you answer neither to the law or those that enforce it. You despise the civil society of which you supposedly belong, but you aren't civil. You're a fucking malcontent. So when you're stopped and you decide that you are going to run off at the mouth, show your fucking ass, or do something really stupid like assault a LEO, pull a gun or some other genius decision you have set in motion a circumstance that forces that LEO to consider and deal with you as a probable, serious threat to their safety. You set this circumstance in motion, not the LEO. You are the antithesis of a civil society yet, when you're robbed, house broken into, car stolen or some other malfeasance of law affects you, you'll be the first motherfucker to dial 911 for help.


No factual data backs your asshat assertions. Conversely, the statistics outright refute your moranic ass. To that end…………………..GO FUCK YOURSELF.

Anonymous ID: e3a874 Sept. 7, 2020, 6:39 p.m. No.10561310   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Good grief anon. That is some fucking list. True? Who the fuck knows? But if all these fucks have met their fate then I feel cheated. All of this should have been public. kek