Anonymous ID: b15571 Sept. 9, 2020, 12:37 p.m. No.10579549   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9559 >>9569 >>9741 >>9907 >>9972 >>0081 >>0178 >>0226

This was posted on May 1st to Facebook (Portuguese original here:; Google translation here:

I also published it on the QResearch Pt/Br board here: >>10577234

Too long, so posted in 3 parts. Translation slightly edited for clarity (in brackets).

Part 1/3:


Carlos S Silva


May 1 ·


I'm going to tell you a story. [True], despite already knowing what the programmed covidians, both clinical and lay, will say…


From 1989 until autumn 1990, I worked as a computer consultant (systems analysis, data and programming) for JNICT [note: now FCT,ção_para_a_Ciência_e_Tecnologia], in collaboration with two doctors, one in Internal Medicine and the other in Genetics, who were studying the implications of the Genome Project (computer sequencing of the human genome, then underway, internationally).


One of the applications they shared with me, in the context of the collaboration, was the idea that certain researchers were developing to use viruses - especially the common flu - as vaccination vectors for other diseases. The general idea was to genetically alter these viruses, including genetic sequences of the viruses of the diseases for which they wanted to make the vaccine, and to spread them in the population, who, after the flu passed, would theoretically be “vaccinated” against the disease concerned… That is, a kind of general vaccination not allowed.


One of the selected viruses was from the Coronavirae family, more specifically the humanly transmitted flu Coronaviruses, which were already well known since the 1930s, and which were responsible for about 20% of the seasonal flu of low severity. Thus, in laboratories in the USA, the Netherlands and in a third country that, apparently, it is not “good tone” to mention [Portugal?], three different strains of the Coronavirus were created by genetic alteration, introducing genetic sequences of the HIV AIDS virus, which at the time it was spreading relatively quickly.


As the “pandemic” theory of HIV did not take place as catastrophists predicted, the issue was left “in the cold” (literally), especially since the Human Genome was not yet fully sequenced (only a relatively small part) and was not predicted the consequences of a dispersion of this viral vector used as a “vaccine”…


However, everything suggests that there has been a spread in “test” populations, and that these strains have spread around the world. But, as Nature is wise, the most aggressive viruses cause epidemic peaks restricted in time, due to rapid mutation, in contrast to the less aggressive ones. Even more so when it comes to viruses altered in the laboratory. The Coronas thus altered mutated to less aggressive strains, and the thing "fell"…


At least TWO times, as one of these doctors recently told me (which I am not going to name here for obvious reasons [legal liability issues, most likely]), there were attempts to “revive” the program, with the knowledge derived from the complete sequencing of the human Genome. The first time was in 2007-2008, which caused a very strong and somewhat “strange” flu epidemic, which caused many deaths, but which almost nobody attributed to Corona, much less in the “retreaded” [lab modified?] versions. Later, in 2011, another epidemic broke out, perhaps due to the introduction of another “retreaded” strain, which, combined with other even more serious seasonal flu and the precarious housing conditions of many people, caused in Portugal, in the FIRST FIFTEEN of January, almost 7,000 dead (in 15 days!). In the rest of the world, the numbers were even more terrifying.But no one has decreed a “state of emergency” or “public calamity” because of a flu with a mortality that is still much lower than that of the great epidemics of the early 20th century…


In early 2018, [it] returned - in the midst of seasonal flu - another “strange” flu that, often triggering atypical pneumonia, killed more than 3,700 people in Portugal. Many of those affected were temporarily left with partial loss of smell (apomia) and taste (anosmia), persistent cough and pain in the bronchi and lungs. Some have developed pneumonias, many of them caused by opportunistic bacteria, such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, and treated with azithromycin or clarithromycin… Interestingly, both the symptoms and the treatment of many of the resulting pneumonias coincide with those of the currently touted “covid-19”… I know personally cases like these, in which the cough and pain lasted for months, despite treatment…


But, as I said above, Nature is wise, and the immune systems of people who did not have deficits, triggered a so-called “group” immunity, better than all the so-called “vaccines”…

Anonymous ID: b15571 Sept. 9, 2020, 12:39 p.m. No.10579559   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9569 >>9741 >>9907 >>9972 >>0081 >>0178 >>0226


Part 2/3:


Then came the globalist “big coup”: what they called the “NEW Coronavirus” (to give the impression that it was a new and unknown virus), then “mutated” to an acronym-mantra, repeated until nausea by the media , in a campaign of psychological intoxication (a Psy-Op) of populations never seen in history: the “COVID-19” which, according to me, would be an acronym: “Covert Operations in Viral Infectious Diseases - 2019”…


The decision to launch the three 1990-95 laboratory strains of the Coronavirus into the World, possibly genetically “improved” to facilitate contagion and its spread, was taken on October 18, 2019 (hence the “19” for the acronym) in N[ew] York, at “Event 201”, a “high level pandemic exercise”, carried out by the “Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security”, in collaboration with the World ECONOMIC Forum and the “Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation”, which owns “GAVI - The Vaccine Alliance ”, allegedly to“ illustrate areas where public / private partnerships would be needed in response to a serious pandemic, in order to lessen the socio-economic consequences on a large scale ”(and, most likely, also to provoke them, with well-defined global objectives). They even delivered a “souvenir” to the participants,in the form of a plush coronavirus, labeled “Event 201”…


Then the first cases of influenza scheduled in November 2019 appeared in Italy ([Po Valley], conducive to spread, due to industrial pollution) and in Wuhan, China (an area with terrifying levels of pollution, and numerous lung diseases in the population). Soon after, in the industrial areas of Spain. And then in the USA. Always in areas of greatest industrial pollution.


Interestingly, the corona strain that appeared in Italy was DIFFERENT from that of Wuhan, and different from that of Spain. In the USA, the three appeared, possibly the three originals from 1990-95, duly "retreaded", since they all have genetic material from HIV, like the originals. In other words, the almost instantaneous transmission of DIFFERENT strains from China to Italy and Spain is highly IMPROVABLE, with the contamination being almost certainly by other means, using, for example, the “vaccination plans”. Since globalists control most of the world's governments, it was easy for them to convince the Chinese Communist government to "experiment". In exchange for what, we don't know… It is only known that the strains for this came via [Netherlands]…


Then, at the end of January 2020, the media started the population poisoning operation, with total shamelessness, repeating the acronym “N[EW] COVID-19” in an absolutely demented way. Then, on March 11, 2020 (a very “dear” date for globalists), the World Health Organization (WHO), through the voice of its director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, (ex-guerrilla of the violent “Liberation Front of the Tigray People Ethiopia”), declares the world[wide] “pandemic” as an impending catastrophe.


Then, one by one, many world governments, infiltrated by globalists, begin to decree increasingly totalitarian “measures”, without solid REAL bases, brutally ignoring the opinions of many renowned experts and silencing by threat (dismissal, cut of funds, or worse) all those who did not adhere to the “single [line of] thought” to be imposed.

The exaggerations, the blatant lies, the absurd impositions followed one another at a breakneck pace, supported by this operation of psychological intoxication of the populations by fear. With the mandatory “confinement” of the populations (as if countries were at war - and some puppets like Macron and others here too, dared to say they were “at war”), suicides skyrocketed, hospitals “reserved” almost entirely for “COVID-19” [refusing] to treat patients with severe pathologies or even [sending back] inpatients and, after all, [becoming] largely EMPTY (as has been confirmed a [bit] everywhere), companies [going] bankrupt, with millions of people being left without sustenance all over the world, with economies in free fall,the “trauma” programmed to impose a totalitarian police state is created, with the brutal wiping out of citizens' rights and freedoms, including those of religious practice, the destruction of what remains of sovereignties and the implementation of a single, brutal [and tyrannical world government], [that] wants to control and bend everything and everyone, injecting them “vaccines” with more than doubtful objectives (“Leave no One Behind”, is GAVI's motto to “vaccinate” the entire world population), [next] to which Hitler's regime would appear benign…

Anonymous ID: b15571 Sept. 9, 2020, 12:40 p.m. No.10579569   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9741 >>9907 >>9936 >>9972 >>0081 >>0178 >>0226




Part 3/3:


But, as I wrote earlier, “retreaded” viruses cause short-term epidemics, and the millions of people who already caught these strains of Corona in 2008, 2011 or 2018, have acquired partial or total immunity, and most cases are asymptomatic , or very light. There remain people with other serious pathologies, with deficient immune systems, who have succumbed to the FLU. When this [derives] in[to] atypical pneumonias, ventilators are applied (instead of aspirating and maintaining oxygen, as usual), which will burst their fragile pulmonary alveoli and kill about 99% of these people (who says that is not me, but experts in the field). However, many doctors believe in the WHO protocols, and do not think or investigate for themselves, and give free rein to this shameful [ventilator] business, and this killing caused by them (although many have already verified the error and opted for the classic ways).


But, as the epidemic is “phasing-out”, and the immunity of a large part of the population (despite the “confinements”, designed to prevent immunity on an even greater scale), the mentors of this crime against the populations insist on the [sinister agenda], in a stubborn “flight forward”, further tightening the pressure and threats against the populations, intensifying fear propaganda (to use the “herd effect” as a shield), inventing new “outbreaks” and saying that “they [couldn't care less about] Constitutions”, and imposing [thought censorship] typical of Soviet [style] totalitarianisms… And, in the [sold out media], there is no [other] news, only "covid".


The [dark scenario] they have set up is disintegrating [all around], thanks [in large measure] to social networks that, despite being largely censored, escape their total control over other media… And several world leaders have already denounced this diabolical plan and are currently fighting it.


But this is the dangerous phase for humanity. Not because of the “retreaded” viruses in the laboratory, which have caused far less real deaths than the usual seasonal flu (despite the gross falsifications of the number of deaths, [in which they classify as COVID deaths] most deaths by other agents), but because of the desperation of these would-be dictators, who wish to please the “owners” and participate in the slavery of Humanity. They may also attempt, in desperation, an armed action, with hundreds or thousands of civilian deaths, applying the sinister recipe of 9/11…


It is up to all of us to fight by all means at our disposal against this monster of the modern Frankensteins who want to impose on us, with the excuse of a plague[-like] bogeyman [flu]. One of the ways is to inform without rest, dismantling the lies of fear propaganda, and resisting whenever we can the totalitarian and illegal impositions of the [misgoverners] - who are already completely outside the Law - invoking the Right of Resistance [Article 21st of the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic (, in Portuguese), also: Right of revolution:] to any action that is unjust, illegal and detrimental to our lives, our homes and our society. Let us remember that a “state of emergency” or “calamity” does not suspend the Constitution, at least under Portuguese law. No government works for our good, but only for its agendas, [partisan] and / or imposed from outside…


With this, the trolls will call me “denialist”, conspiracyist or other ridiculous terms from the Orwellian “novilanguage” that they adopted… [But who cares… I fell I fulfilled my duty to inform, within my limitations, to oppose the wave of] darkness that they want to impose on us. [So that] Portugal [reborns to the Light], free from opportunists, frets with anti-national and anti-population agendas, and other traitors.

Let us have Faith!


For Portugal, ALWAYS!


Carlos S. Silva


NOTE: When this madness ends, for the "mental survivors" of the incredible "brainwashing" of the covid Psy-Op, [what will be severely damaged is] the credibility [(that still remains) of the rulers], the media, and the medical profession itself [] that agrees with this…