Anonymous ID: 018755 Sept. 11, 2020, 11:17 a.m. No.10604994   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5024 >>5086 >>5123 >>5265 >>5543 >>5597 >>5678

Netflix CEO: ‘As a Consequence of Slavery … Black Families in America Have 1/10th the Wealth of White Families’


Watch as Reed Hasting, CEO of Netflix makes the absurd claim that black families in America only have 1/10th the wealth of white families because of slavery:


This is completely absurd.


But if it was true, it would be the result of what Democrats have done to blacks over the years, not because of slavery.


After all Democrats were the party of slavery and Jim Crow, not Republicans.


That said, in America if you in good health and are poor it is your fault, not because of something that ended over 100 years ago.




HARLOW: “Before you go, I do want to ask you about race because you — Netflix has been far ahead of your rivals on diversity and your board in leadership and in content, frankly. You just personally donated $120 million to historically black colleges and universities.


After George Floyd was killed in Minneapolis, you moved $100 million of Netflix money into black-owned and run banks. And what you said about that was the move was to close the power gap between whites and blacks.

Can you explain that? And do you believe that more white leaders need to step aside to make room for more black leaders as we saw Alexis Ohanian do?”


HASTINGS: “As a consequence of slavery, Jim Crow and housing policy, black families in America have about one-tenth of the wealth of white families.


If we’re going to start to close that economic and power gap, we need black banks to be able to invest in the black communities.

If every major corporation takes 1% of their cash and deposits it in a black bank, it will be transformative in that sector.


Now, it’s not going to solve all of our problems, but it will make a real difference and it’s fairly easy for companies to transfer 1% of their cash to be in the deposit in black banks. So, already Costco has figured out that they want to do that and they’re moving ahead to that, so a credit to Costco.


We hope others will do that and we can have a steady investment in black wealth creation which will help heal the divide created by slavery.”

Anonymous ID: 018755 Sept. 11, 2020, 11:19 a.m. No.10605015   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5265 >>5543 >>5678

‘Russian Collusion Hoax’ Exposed In New ‘Obamagate’ Movie On Comey’s FBI


The producer of the pro-life film “Gosnell” is raising funds for another project; this time tackling the “Russian Collusion Hoax” that has entangled the FBI and top intelligence and national security officials for years, according to a Thursday press release for the project.

Filmmaker and journalist Phelim McAleer, who is a contributor to The Daily Wire, plans to release the movie “Obamagate” in early October.

The film project, which is being crowdfunded, will focus on the FBI under former director James Comey, as well as key players in ex-special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into alleged Russian collusion such as former FBI special agent Peter Strzok and former FBI lawyer Lisa Page. The October release was picked to counter the narratives of Showtime’s “big budget, pro-Comey mini-series called ‘The Comey Rule’” and Strozk’s upcoming, “self-aggrandising memoir.”

“Showtime has created ‘The Comey Rule’ which is based on a political fairytale and a conspiracy theory that is told by the left in a shameless attempt to take down President Trump. It’s simply untrue, and despite this, the media is gushing over ‘The Comey Rule.’ Americans deserve the truth,” McAleer said.

“Showtime is spending tens of million[s] of dollars to tell this lie and that’s why we’re creating ‘Obamagate The Movie,’ to set the record straight,” he continued. “Whereas Showtime and ‘The Comey Rule’ rely on dramatic fiction written by left-wing Hollywood writers, ‘Obamagate The Movie’ is non-fiction and it is solely composed of the texts, emails, messages, and transcripts that clearly show the Deep State plot to take down President Trump. We are giving viewers the word-for-word facts so they can decide for themselves.”

Watch the “Obamagate” trailer here:


McAleer’s movie is named after former President Barack Obama who, though he is not a prominent figure in the film itself, was instrumental in the launch of the original FBI investigation into the Trump campaign over alleged Russian collusion.

“The Russia Collusion Hoax started under his presidency, under his FBI,” McAleer told The Daily Wire in an email. “We had the outgoing administration spying on senior members of their political rivals campaign. If republicans did this – it would be treated like WaterGate but the mainstream media just seem to want the scandal to go away.”

Actors Dean Cain and Kristy Swanson will play “‘FBI Lovebirds’ Peter Strzok and Lisa Page,” while John James, who starred in the original Dynasty TV series, will play James Comey.

“Obamagate” will be filmed “Hamilton style” as a play. The script has been pulled “completely verbatim” from FBI files, court documents, text messages, and tweets sent out by the real people being portrayed.

“If you wanted to tell a story with just one perspective, you can do anything you want and you can change people’s perceptions of what took place,” Cain said in the press release. “When you do something verbatim, the words are there and it’s pretty darn clear. The verbatim texts themselves are damning.”