lb >>10620511
rambling anons thoughts on Max impact for our Message: us v them.
for social influencing/brainwashing:
moar important to echo exact same msg than to try to spread multiple messages. (moar important to have a acceptable message shared consistently than a great msg shared inconsistently)
the cabal/ds perfected it thats why they focus so much on one key point and do so consistently.
the DS advantage is they have a CoC structure that is adhered to (and they use science/psych to maximize their technique), we have truth and righteousness but a broader sometimes multiple faceted message.
when we focused on obamagate thats about as focused and successful (statistically) campaign we have had.
Key is repetition and multiple sources viewed by each audience to support confirmation bias and guise of impartiality (many diverse sources and same message is interpreted by society/audience as confirmation, as opposed to manipulation of control of information- as it really is).
however we are successful in our organic approach and i think that is how truth is shared and supported by god, our message leads to discernment and rational thinking and advances the critical thinking skills of the populace and society as a result. Their technique harms society and is best used to spread lies and propaganda so all in all i think we are doing the right thing.
truth just takes longer to absord because people accept the truth, they dont recite it like sheep.
BUT when we have a 24-48 hour window to share truth with max impact we need concise bullet points to hammer home.