>>10620665 pb
Can vouch for this baker. >>10620700 pb
Was here for the two breads he baked last night - he ghosted the bread you picked up
Guest pastebin is still a pastebin.
No baker or anon has ever said that a pastebin had to include a baker id.
my bin:
not offering handy at this time.
>>10620700 pb
baker, if u have not baked for a while, plz know: the request for a bin is the norm now, bc of problems last Spring from warroom. in fact, bakers usually post a bin on their own when offering to bake. (mebbe u know, but if u been away, that's the deal)
Anons like to see who is baking (so we are usually talking about an id'd bin not guest bin). Just so you know, you are not being singled out in any way. Most bakers now observe this convention, has worked pretty well.
Posting in part to clarify that pastebin don't have to be id'd. Perhaps preferred but never required. This is my understanding. Comments or questions?