Delete your twats.
6 gorillion indictments unsealed Monday.
Screencap this.
Delete your twats.
6 gorillion indictments unsealed Monday.
Screencap this.
AQI gradually improving in SF, about 160 rn. 232 yesterday.
Pray for rain, lots of it.
Dementia meds are only effective for a year max, and not entirely. He's going to continue to decline rapidly, there's no cure for dementia except coconut oil and that must be used early and daily. It increases mental acuity for all actually and I recommend it very highly to everyone. Try it for 1 week and testify. Make America Smart Again.
This fucktard disappeared forever after that. Guess Corey killed him with a whoomp whoomp.
When leftards get angry, they burn stuff, throw things, chant stupidly, and wave signs.
When white men get angry, millions of people die.
Dont loose your mind over it.
Trump should be quite late to mess with Joe's meds.
The Onion Field by ex-cop Joseph Wambaugh is partly about that.
The Revenge of Cankles
The libtards have seriously run Cal into the ground for about 25 years. Muh corona shutdowns and the fires are meant to be death blows. Likely moar ff coming unless the DOJ fucking does something for once. Nobody's holding their breath, we can barely breath as it is. Yet, /they/ will fail.
FEMA funds scam by state govt.
Better to trash it.
Demoncrat mismanagment of fires is causing global warming? THAT I could believe. Incompetent crooks.
Shit, the FBI is probably setting the fires. FBI needs to be disbanded and eliminated. It's not even legal.
James Corden, a fat British fuck, threatened to punch out any Trump supporter he meets. I havent seen him yet though.
Trump is going to annihilate Creepy in Debate 1. He likely wont make it to #2.
We only need one tree left to hang this asshole.
Fortunately, I saw both these guys twice.
Look like?
Pete was a powerhouse live, as were the other three. Numerous vids prove it.
Biden will probably meltdown from a Trump attack and die on the stage. Because Trump is such a racist.
Good times.
Killary passport flagged, cross-border run. Or not.
#1 Classic Rocker. Jimi.