That's whatcha call a Negative-Feedback loop, it's a self-stabilizing thing.
CO2 has a decreasing effect at Log20 rate… means the 400ppm we have now DOUBLES the greenhouse effect of the first 20ppm. We'll have to hit 8,000ppm to double our current greenhouse effect.
Plants breathe CO2, their minimum requirement is down around 225-250ppm. Adding more CO2 to the air makes it easier for plants to live (Like running at sea level, vs in Denver or Kenya).
2a. Plants don't have to 'breathe' as hard to get what they need, and so they waste less water.
2b. Professional greenhouses will force their atmospheres up to around 1,000ppm CO2, plants grow around 2x as fast, using 1/2 as much water.
The only side effect of massively increasing our CO@ will be the ease with which we can grow food and trees.
Everything should be coal fired when you think about it.