I got it too.
This is some stupid-ass shit.
Really, man? You kidding?
Don't give a fuck, not anjel. And emotions don't make gender. There should be nothing wrong with being a dude who feels like whatever and dresses like whatever, and people should love themselves like they are instead of lying to themselves about what they are.
fuckin' A! Choppin bits off - bad. You will suicide. Love thy code…be proud of being a chicky dude or whatever you want to be, but a woman you will never be, even if you chop it. You will be a dickless chickydude.
eww. creep.
workin' for me
Well…if it's once…and there's some reason…like friend's kid or niece or something….forgivable. If a pattern emerges, however…
A sickingly prodigous profile is nothing at all? A wave loudly clashing against a long shoreline loves a good joke! Spam always strikes for the heart. Nonsense is the other white meat.