Anonymous ID: 8e33dc Sept. 13, 2020, 9:44 p.m. No.10640521   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0689 >>0899 >>0945 >>1113 >>1159 >>1191

'This is not just an economic thing': Flight Centre CEO lashes Queensland border restrictions


Flight Centre's CEO has criticised harsh Queensland border restrictions, arguing that a side effect of economic damage will be the mental and physical health of owners.

Speaking to Today, Graham Turner of the Flight Centre Travel Group said the lockdown was potentially more damaging to people's health than waves of the virus.


"So many people are getting hurt so badly.And this is not just an economic thing," Mr Turner said.


"This is a mental and physical health as well, as well as personal freedoms.I mean, you have heard the terrible heart-breaking stories of people not being able to come to see their dying relatives."


Flight Centre has joined forces with Helloworld and airlines Qantas and Virgin to pressure state governments into relaxing border restrictions that have made tourism non-existent.

Aware of the impact of COVID-19, Mr Turner said the solution was to learn to live with successive waves as a nation and not on a state-by-state basis.


"We should be working this as one Australia - having one Australian strategy and opening those borders up as soon as is safe and nearly all the borders it is totally safe at the moment," Mr Turner said.


"Most people would agree with that. Victoria is getting things well under control and we will have other waves.


"We will have infections and we just have to learn to live with it as a country, not state by state."

Anonymous ID: 8e33dc Sept. 13, 2020, 9:48 p.m. No.10640549   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What is the ‘Event’ ?


The ‘Event’ is when the rising of the planetary frequencies will be accompanied by the planned mass arrests of the worldwide criminal cabal, politicians, big bankers and others who have committed numerous crimes against humanity. This will happen in a legal manner, and the accused will be given fair trials. As a result of this legal action there will be a worldwide reset of our financial system, of our energy and food production, our media, and the whole structure of society in general. Clean technologies which had been previously suppressed by big corporations will be released, the natural abundance of this planet will be distributed for everybody, our eco-systems cleaned and this planet, along with all its inhabitants, finally healed and liberated. Click here to read more about the ‘Event’

Anonymous ID: 8e33dc Sept. 13, 2020, 9:53 p.m. No.10640574   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0629 >>0689 >>0899 >>0945 >>1113 >>1159 >>1191

Leaked Chinese files reveal 2.4M Aussies targeted in ‘sinister’ surveillance program


ASPI Director of Defence and National Security Michael Shoebridge says many more Australians may be added to a list of people targeted by Chinese surveillance after a fragment of leaked reports were deciphered.


Leaked files revealed 2.4 million Australians and 650,000 organisations were the targets of open-source surveillance by a Chinese company linked to Chinese intelligence.


“Apparently [about] 2.5 million records were leaked and only about 10 per cent of them have been understood so far, and that a 2.5 million person database is probably a subset of bigger data holdings that Chinese companies have,” Mr Shoebridge told Sky News.


“So we’re seeing this elephant through a straw but the bit of an elephant we can see says 35,000 Australians are being spied on at a scale and a depth that people just find hard to understand."


The leaks indicated intelligence assessments were carried out on senior Australian politicians - including Scott Morrison, Joe Hockey and Andrew Hastie - and their families.


"The fact that it’s about children as well, it’s like a longitudinal database of people that might be influential in the future and it also about being able to blackmail people because of things that their family, children and contacts have done," Mr Shoebridge said.


“It’s got a very sinister aspect to it.


“Everybody leaves a digital snail trail behind them as we go about our daily life now … it’s about picking up all those trails and then looking at the pattern about individuals and relationships.


“So it’s really seeing a woven rug about lots of fragments that have been put together.”

Anonymous ID: 8e33dc Sept. 13, 2020, 10:13 p.m. No.10640683   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0695 >>0703 >>0899 >>0945 >>1010 >>1113 >>1159 >>1191

Trump's QAnon followers are a dangerous cult. How to save someone who's been brainwashed.


Now that QAnon is becoming a global phenomenon, with Trump and others in positions of power promoting it, there's a lot at stake.


Nineteen years ago Friday, attacks by the Islamist terrorist cult Al Qaeda took place on American soil, followed by conspiracy theories that the CIA bombed the World Trade Towers and the Pentagon. These have been thoroughly debunked, but they have still flourished, as Al Qaeda did itself until the U.S. took the threat seriously.


Before you dismiss QAnon as another kooky ideology, consider the fact that it’s gaining popularity — and quickly.


Now we face another dangerous cult that has inspired political conspiracy theories and could once again do the U.S. homeland damage: QAnon. The shadowy internet-based organization's followers believe that the world is run by a global cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles and child sex traffickers who are plotting against President Donald Trump and his supporters and that only Trump can save us. There is great concern that QAnon might turn violent, particularly if Trump loses the election.


According to QAnon, those involved in the plotting include "deep state" government bureaucrats, Democrats and celebrities. QAnon also appears to be spouting Nazi anti-Semitic tropes, and it uses biblical references, as some are convinced that Jewish bankers want to enslave people and incite world wars, evoking an out-and-out Nazi cult. They have recruited anti-vaxxers who are espousing distrust of virus experts like Dr. Anthony Fauci, believe Bill Gates wishes to put chips into people and think 5G cell towers are dangerous.


Before you dismiss QAnon as another kooky ideology, consider that it's gaining popularity — and quickly. There are millions of QAnon (pronounced "KEW-a-non") adherents in the United States, with entities established in more than 71 countries. And their conspiracy theories have seeped into the political landscape in significant ways.