POTD! And not cliche at all. Truth stands the test of time. That's different from some hip at the moment cliche.
I'd have to punch him in the dick but I'm more than willing.
Not yet. Adding it to my shopping list.
>At this point, a second American Revolution is the only way to stop the criminal traitors.
That's always been the only way. Q's plan was to stop us from realizing that.
Original Intent War. Because all the answers to everything that has happened are found in the original intent of our decimated Constitution. We'll strip out all the BS added after the BOR and make sure everything that's left meets the intent described in the DOI.
>Trump's unwillingness to arrest the known traitors has led us to this point.
Agreed. I don't trust him anymore due to that, the scamdemic and his 180 on Fed Reserve policy.
>Q has done nothing bet kept pissed off Patriots on the sidelines
Yep. Been saying that myself for at least a year or two.
Plus hires an AG that doesn't do jackshit. That ain't by accident! Barr knew his role and is doing what he was hired to do, which is the same as Q was hired to do - talk the talk and keep us thinking they give a fuck.
And why does Trump still talk about ventilators? I had to stop watching. Haven't been watching the rallies either. Saw part of last night's and that was it. I used to watch every one and cheer standing in front on my TV like a dumb ass.
Correction: Barr did do something. He killed Epstein and removed any chance that the underpinnings of the DS power structure could be brought down or the pedos would be held accountable.
>I got buddies already making kill lists for if/when it goes south - and those lists are not based on emotions but on maximum effect
You just explained why the concept of Q never made sense to begin with. Plus the fact that we are fucking censored to death since this started. So if Trump wanted us to "spread the message" why has the Trump admin done nothing to ensure we have an equal voice. So there are two reasons the official Q narrative doesn't add up.