>whats with all the He-women
No worries. They’ll still get irrational over decorating a room.
>they "screwed the pooch" giving us the internet!
They thought they could use it to control us.
They were wrong.
>got any rubber bullets?
Try wax slugs full of rock salt.
Imagine getting shot in da nuts with that.
Burst appendix hurts like a bitch…but anon still changed out a water pump on the car.
Get well, CM.
>He was quickly released without bail.
Anon doesn’t promote violence, but if he did, he would suggest gathering outside courthouses where this habbens.
If criminals know they’ll face an angry mob, perhaps they’ll ask to stay in jail
>When the judge releases them w/o bail the mobs shouldn't be there for the criminals.
Valid point.
On a related note, a permanent gallows outside congress would be a great reminder of their oath to the constitution.