Anonymous ID: 240a47 Sept. 14, 2020, 12:47 a.m. No.10641432   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1452 >>1499 >>1563

>>10641139 (pb me)

Argued there in pb that this notable was CRAP:

>>10640777 (pb)

Happened to look at Gateway Pundit afterwards. Some have said it is comped, and they may be right, but it also sometimes has good news posts and Q has linked it, so I often look there.

Anyway, clicked on this:

Topic is related to qmap dox, same issue as above.

It cites "Yaacov Apelbaum" who has been noted here as claiming that "Russians" are increasingly influencing "QAnon". There is much that is OBVIOUS BULLSHIT about this (although I have very little idea what is going on in Facebook/Twitter/etc apart from what gets posted here), so Yaacov is inherenty dubious. (That said, there may be disinfo being reported here about HIM too… it does NOT seem that his mother is Anne Appelbaum, so far as I see at the moment) And citing such dubious stuff does little to buttress trust in the Gateway Pundit.


Anyway, I clicked the "Yaacov" link in the prior article:

This was published on July 9, 2020. And there I saw the same UTTER SHIT graphic that was notabled PB. First pic. Whoever posted it pb posted it without explanation, and omitted the logically unsound explanation that followed in the original context.


And note what Mr. Apelbaum included next: a NOTORIOUS shill post. Mr. Apelbaum seems to have NO IDEA that this has been posted in perhaps THOUSANDS of breads, and that most anons simply ignore it. Or else he knows this, but omits it. In either case, he is a SHIT JOURNALIST.


Credit to this anon pb:

>>10641226 (pb)

for linking my prior post to a different post on XRVision (=Yaacov Appelbaum?). I suspect there is more to find there.

XRVision post:

>>10641150 (pb)

You can see the XRVision logo in all of the "Yaacov Apelbaum" graphics at the link above.


Basic Question: Who is more likely to be a SLEEPER and TRAITOR or at least a FUCKIING IDIOT? The owner of QMAP.PUB, who seems to have devoted enormous personal effort to crafting a usable site that benefits hundreds of thousands directly and millions indirectly? Or Yaacov Apelbaum and the owner of Gateway Pundit?

Anonymous ID: 240a47 Sept. 14, 2020, 1:30 a.m. No.10641594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1604


Actually, fag, he ("Yaacov", the apparent referent of your pronoun) fails to identify the shill post as a shill post at all. And that is obviously why I was chastising him. But you can't read very well. Or write. And you will consequentially experience pain.