Anonymous ID: 33949b Sept. 14, 2020, 2:39 p.m. No.10647616   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Potus decorated brave National Guard helicopter rescue crews for saving the lives of 242 people trapped by fires in the Sierras. And then, at about 4:27, he talked about a second heroic mission.


"… they flew to anothertreacherousmission


on the first 2 attempts they were forced to turn around and they were advised to abort the mission,


you must abort the mission


but they chose to try a 3d time, at great risk to their own lives, through tremendous skill and incredible valor, they saved 50 [more] people from absolute and imminent danger.


our nation is strong because of remarkable individuals like these service members


in the midst of our greatest trials and biggest challenges, America prevails because of the brave and selfless patriots who risked everything so that they may save lives of people, in many cases, that they don't know; they have no idea who they are …


its like law enforcement …."


Treacherouscan mean either a path with hidden dangers; or, betraying trust [e.g., treason].


While celebrating the bravery of the N.G., did Potus also tell us that there was a third attempt at some treasonous act [assassination, perhaps?] that even the operatives' superiors tried to call off? Or did Patriots continue in a brave and perilous mission, despite orders to abort?


Also notice what looks like a temporarily painted number 8 on the chopper in the background; which at the start of the clip, resembles a Q when the camera is pushed in on the shot.


Just sayin'.

Anonymous ID: 33949b Sept. 14, 2020, 3:12 p.m. No.10647720   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I, too, struggle with the absurdity of everything that is 2020. However, I remind myself that is all part of a full frontal attack, designed to cause trauma on both individual and societal levels.


They launch all of this madness during a "pandemic" - with all of the economic woes that come with it? Clearly, kicking America while she's down.


Nevertheless, we must stay strong. Our resolve is their kryptonite.


They keep upping the dosage because it isn't working. Just think, at one point, they might have assumed that the impeachment trial and the pandemic, together, would be enough to grind us into submission. But it wasn't enough.


Watch the water. Boat parades drive the DS mad.