Fuck the corrupt senate. After giving the CDC the mic to lie about mask wearing yesterday, it's obvious they have no interest in the truth. Not even sure Josh Hawley is anything more than an actor.
As a military retiree, it costs a $41 co-pay to see a doctor, and their insurance, Tricare, (mirrors medicare reimbursement rates) reimburses an additional $25 to the doctor. With a chronic illness, the fees add up pretty quickly. Add another $25-$50/mo per prescription and the costs really start to climb.
That's not insurance, it's robbery. The benefits our retiree were promised when they joined are not being honored. For Congress to water them down like this is criminal.
It's my theory that once 3 Nov has passed, there is no further need for direct action in the streets. COVID-19, arson, riots, are all being conducted to push the mail-in ballot issue. After the election, the focus switches to the courtroom battles, and the kayfabe of our legal system.
I would suspect attacks to focus on keeping Trump from swearing in on 20 Jan.
Also, once 3 Nov passes, POTUS is no longer facing re-election. Literally on 4 Nov, he's a lame duck in this term and is free to wield his executive power with no further repercussions from the voters.
Anons best guess is that they stop firing on 3 Nov and POTUS begins to return fire on 4 Nov.
We've been waiting for actual action for 4 years. It only makes sense to shift gears on Election Day, the most important of days to a political office holder.
"This is not another 4 year election"'
Think Obama's statement to Putin, "I'll have more flexibility after the election."
They are committing every crime conceivable to throw this election because if they win, they'll exonerate themselves. The risk is worth the reward because if they lose the election, they lose everything, criminal charges won't matter after suicide weekend.
Prepare for supply shortages as we traverse these troubled times, but trust the plan.
I hate it too, but I don't think it's shallow. The overarching argument, that plays in the MSM constantly, against DOJ action against the former regime is:
"You can't arrest someone who is running for President"
We all know that's a lie, but it plays well in the media. It resonates with undecided voters. Many people still hooked to the Matrix are convinced that Trump is possibly the anti-Christ, or Satan, and is planning to become permanent dictator of the world.
We need those votes too. But regardless of the outcome on 3 Nov, Trump is still POTUS on 4 Nov and is no longer facing re-election on that day. The timeline proffered in Q34 makes sense.
I may have underestimated the residual street level violence during the interstitial period. They'll have bank accounts to exhaust, and if we consider a complete change of paradigm:
"US goes into lockdown as Patriots round up Pedos in nationwide sweep. 200K sealed indictments begin to be unsealed."
I think the supply shortages will be natural this time, as a result of the Great Awakening. People are going to seriously flip out. Going into the office to make the doughnuts is going to seem less important. I trust that there are good people all over the world who have just been waiting for the right moment to do the right thing. The time is nigh.
The exchange has been soothing for me as well. Thank you, anon. I am very blessed with training and heritage that makes me very independent.
Get to the country if you can. Self-sufficiency helps one's immune system fight off the ills of the world. May we all be so blessed.
If you are doing business with these companies, you are funding the rioting, looting, murders, arsons, and lawlessness, etc.
If we're speculating, this would align with Friday, 6 Nov. Anticipated tweet would be, "My fellow Americans…"
Anonymous ID: pGukiFmX No.147592019 📁
Nov 2 2017 02:06:41 (EST)
Before POTUS departs on Friday he will be sending an important message via Twitter. God bless.
"X" Marks the spot
That's a big shit-sandwich, anon. Maybe time to throw caution to the wind and go a completely different direction? Follow your instincts.
Much truth in that statement. Imagine the holdings. The tracts of land, the palaces, the mineral reserves, the piles of golden idols…
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