>BLM is a Jewish commie terror group.
So is Congress.
Welcome to the controlled demolition of America.
And there's only one logical explanation for that.
Really? He couldn't find 12 non Jew owned souls that were qualified and could be confirmed by a Republican majority Senate?
Bank owned or China owned. We're fucked either way.
Happy birthday, anon! I second this recommendation >>10690476.
>He could, but they would never get confirmed by the (((house))) or the (((senate))).
The Senate confirms and he should have motherfucking tried.
Maybe some Wizard of Oz memes would be good. No heart, no brain, and courage fed through a teleprompter.
>POTUS tweet "They are comming after me…"
Total crock of shit. Them acting like he is the enemy only causes patriots to rally around him, offering their undying (and unthinking) trust. He walks the walk and then does what the Jews want, while patriots rationalize it away because "muh plan".