Anonymous ID: 4e184e Sept. 17, 2020, 9:48 p.m. No.10690957   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1003 >>1037 >>1042 >>1143

Anons better get their fireworks out.

Realize: upcoming events.


Required prerequisites for taking over 3-letter agencies by the military have been achieved.


Election will be a last-stand scenario for the DEMS. They are running out of ammo, but they aren’t gone yet (Antifa—>Wildfires). Results contested, election finalization occurring weeks/months with massive paper ballot fraud. Constitutional crisis.


A constitutional crisis is the red line that dictates failure. Failure to honor the constitution so broadly is an absolute existential threat to the American way of life.


Ultimately—Trump is forced (although highly prepared to do) to begin arrests pre-election. The outcome of each action is not ideal, however one does mean victory.


Either POTUS will allow them to commit fraud, and ultimately be called as the loser of the election (weeks/months after 11.3) but has the real vote and won in a landslide. Result would be Military intervention and optics would imply Trump is becoming a dictator while Biden is declared the “Legitimate President.” This is the “Constitutional Crisis” option.




POTUS uses military pre-election and brings them down. Optics would initially see this action as dictatorial and authoritarian, however trust in the MIL and the evidence and tribunal would be quite effective in awakening the population to the truth. This is the best option, but the (highly) short term optics would be HORRIFIC.


Enemy of the People™️ MSM would cry out headlines like:


“Trump Imprisons Political Rivals”

“Trump Silences His adversaries”

“Trump begins DC Holocaust”

…or some shit. Anons know how vitriolic they can be.


But the evidence and the respect for our Military would paint the picture and would wisen everyone to the truth. Arguing against the military and their courts when so much evidence is there would not be possible. The people would flock to the court cases and see the true crimes their ‘idols’ and ‘heroes’ have committed.


POTUS has been waiting very patiently. 17th day is Constitution Day. MILITARY will be handling it from now on.


Relevant: Assange coming to America soon?

NSA = MIL = Data (Wikileaks—>Seth Rich)

Extradition not required. We have the source (NSA).


You haven’t seen fuckin’ anything yet.

COVID and Wildfires and Hurricanes?

Babies in comparison to what is coming (and currently happening).


Anons could give a shit because the have prepared for this. They knew it was coming. They know that the scale of the problems is biblical.


Imagine a digital and societal nuke going off for weeks. Every day is just pure carnage, politically and investigatory.


All with China preparing for outright War.

They are really postured for it.

They don’t realize, as does the world, that the US has weapons in their possession that could only be described as biblical in nature?

Space Force was just a shiny label on an already functioning space force.