Anonymous ID: e0d2f4 Sept. 17, 2020, 9:39 p.m. No.10690902   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0919 >>0938 >>0955 >>1153 >>1259

Great research from an AusAnon on FB tieing links of Australian govt. and the push for vaccination; key players and connections.


ASTRAZENECA, CEPI, & THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT’S COVID-19 V8CCINE PACT: Why Scott Morrison & Dan Andrews Are Each Working Toward The V8ccination Of All Australians.


ABSTRACT: This article reveals the connections, financial commitments and business agreements made between our Federal Government and the mediating organization called CEPI, and AstraZeneca. It also explores how our Government, upon ‘licensing’ a deal with AstraZeneca, is financially supporting an ‘Advanced Market Commitment’, while aggressively pursuing policies designed to deliver on its commitment to a COVID v8ccine for all Australians. The length of this article is due to the extensive use of direct extracts from various official documents. All the evidence is here. Key focal words are capitalized to make for a shorter read.



A Devils' Bargain has been negotiated using the soul of the Australian People.


Australia has been selected as ground zero for the rollout phase of a Global COVID V8ccination Agenda.


A Pharmaceutical Parasite has embedded itself in the mind of our Australian Government. It is directing and dictating our National COVID strategy with one specific aim – to sustain, and engorge itself on the life-blood of all Australians. It cares naught for our health. Any future v8ccine for COVID-19 is not about safeguarding the health of Australians – it is about maximizing and bloating profit.


To understand why Scott Morrison announced on the 19th of August that 95% of Australians will need to receive the forthcoming COVID-19 v8ccine, whether mandatory or coerced, three essential things need to be examined:


(1) What is CEPI?


(2) How is the Australian Government connected to CEPI?


(3) What is Advanced Market Commitment (AMC)?






  • The Purpose of CEPI

  • Problems CEPI Aims to Address

  • What CEPI has Proposed


CEPI, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness and Innovations was launched on January 19, 2017, with multiple governments and philanthropic organizations contributing at least 800 million dollars to sustain its early operations.

It is effectively an international fund and think-tank to develop and market v8ccines against emerging epidemic infections.




  • ‘…when there is a perception that the commercial market is insufficient to justify private investment in v8ccine development against an emerging pathogen, that MANUFACTURERS BE REIMBURSED for the production of candidates that can be taken through phases 1 and 2.’


BOTTOM LINE: CEPI brokers and ensures a guarantee of money upfront for any research initiative shown. The Australian government has met this obligation with the AstraZeneca deal. Money from the Australian taxpayers has already been funneled into the coffers of those aspiring to create this unnecessary v8ccine ($333 million).




  • ‘A large part of the problem with regard to epidemic response relates to the v8ccine industry and the process of V8CCINE LICENSURE… a single v8ccine ranges between half a billion and a billion dollars to develop.’


  • ‘Aside from the cost of development, manufacturers face uncertainty as to whether once developed, a v8ccine will be recommended and used.’


  • ‘A central problem has been that the likely recipients of a v8ccine against…pathogens… will be in Asia and Africa, whereas the markets THAT ENABLE AN ACCEPTABLE RETURN ON INVESTMENT… are largely in North America and Europe.’


  • ‘The high cost of v8ccine development…means that MARKETING DEPARTMENTS of v8ccine companies are loath to recommend allocation of resources to a project unlikely to result in FINANCIAL RECOMPENSE, and markets of less than hundreds of millions of dollars annually are unattractive.’


BOTTOM LINE: It is not about protecting health and saving lives. It is about how successfully a v8ccine can be marketed to a population to generate the highest possible return. A market needs to enable ‘an acceptable return’ and a project must result in ‘financial recompense.’ Profits are the driving motivation overriding any true philanthropic concern. The Australian government is directly invested in the projected outcome of a “successful” v8ccine with its ‘licensed’ deal with AstraZeneca.



Anonymous ID: e0d2f4 Sept. 17, 2020, 9:40 p.m. No.10690909   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0955 >>1153 >>1259





  • ‘The partial remedy for this type of situation may be ADVANCED MARKETING COMMITMENTS (AMC)… meaning that once LICENSED, a government would COMMIT ITSELF TO RECOMMEND AND PURCHASE A PARTICULAR V8CCINE…’


BOTTOM LINE: A final v8ccine product is not essential, although ultimately desired. A ‘license,’ ‘an agreement,’ ‘a deal,’ negotiated thru CEPI ensures that money will be returned irrespective of whether the research culminates in a successful v8ccine. In a capitalist market, money needs to circulate, and investments are best fortified against risk. This is standard business practice. What is questionable, however, is how this all connects with the Advanced Market Commitment (AMC) and the agreement signed between the Australian Government and AstraZeneca. The devil is in the details.


(All quoted extracts taken from the research paper: ‘V8ccines for epidemic infections and the role of CEPI’, Stanley A. Plotkin, Feb, 2017.





  • Prime Minister’s Announcement

  • Homegrown V8ccine and Manufacturing




  • Prime Minister Scott Morrison said that Australians could be among the first in the world to receive a COVID-19 v8ccine through an agreement with the University of Oxford.’ (Aug 19, 2020)




‘Australia has invested AU $333 million toward development of COVID-19 v8ccines and therapeutics in Australia and around the world.’


  • ‘CSL Ltd. And the University of Queensland (UQ) entered into a development agreement with the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) in June to accelerate development, manufacture and distribution of a COVID-19 v8ccine candidate developed by the University of Queensland.


CSL will manage advanced clinical trials and the large-scale manufacture of the recombinant v8ccine, and together CEPI and CSL will fund the development and manufacture of UQ’s v8ccine. Funding contributions will be used to provide support for the pending phase 1 study led by UQ followed by subsequent late-stage trials.


  • Following the AstraZeneca deal announcement, CSL released a statement reiterating its commitment to the UQ v8ccine candidate, saying that: “development of the University of Queensland’s v8ccine candidate remains CSL’s priority.”


  • ‘The initial phase of production of the UQ COVID-19 v8ccine would take place at CSL’s manufacturing facilities in Melbourne, Australia.’


BOTTOM LINE: The Australian government invested $333 million of taxpayers’ money as early as June 2020. Suspiciously, the “pandemic” daily cases were consistently under 10-per-day in Victoria a week before June, and the rest of Australia had equally low numbers. The pandemic was effectively over for Australians by June 1st. And then it was not…


A further deal, as per the guiding directions and oversight of CEPI, had been agreed upon and publically announced by Scott Morrison in August. The deal is effectively a ‘license’ guaranteeing a return on AstraZeneca’s resource investment at every subsequent phase of development - with the ultimate objective being the final COVID v8ccine product. If, in the meantime, the panic of the “pandemic” fades, and the general public are not convinced of the necessity of v8ccination; if ‘herd immunity’ is acquired; if alternative treatments are explored and adopted - the tremendous expenditure by the Australian Government is ultimately squandered money. AstraZeneca will still make out like a bandit, but they would rather usurp and seat themselves on the kingdom’s throne – that is the ultimate gambit.


As party to the investment, the Australian Government also stands to gain. This is why Advanced Market Commitment (AMC) has become the guiding principle and why there has been zero Federal reproach of the seemingly ‘rogue’ dictates of the Victorian Premier, and his ludicrous lockdown strategy. Lockdowns and absurd declarations of a ‘State of Emergency,’ compounded with a frightfully fictitious ‘State of Disaster,’ serve only to extend the “pandemic” reality for all Australians. It is all being artificially inflated and protracted. Propagandized with diabolic finesse.

Anonymous ID: e0d2f4 Sept. 17, 2020, 9:41 p.m. No.10690911   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0955 >>1153 >>1259



Whatever “v8ccine” is developed will not be ‘free.’ It will be purchased with our collective taxation, and with our compromised health. AstraZeneca has an indemnity clause on the potential v8ccine, so it cannot be held accountable or prosecuted for any resulting detrimental long-term effects, or death. Ruud Dobber, a member of Astra’s senior executive team, told Reuters: “This is a unique situation where we as a company simply cannot take the risk if in … four years the vaccine is showing side effects.” Since 2000, AstraZeneca has been fined a total of: one billion, one hundred and forty-eight million and seven hundred and seventy-five thousand and two hundred and eighty-four dollars. Or simply put: $1,148,775,284. They have a staggeringly nefarious history of violations, corruption and toxic death products.


(Extracts taken from article: “Australian government signs supply deal with AstraZeneca for COVID-19 Oxford v8ccine,’ Tamra Sami, Aug 19, 2020)






Advance Market Commitment (AMC) is a financial guarantee against “market failures.”


  • ‘By agreeing to buy large quantities of v8ccines at established prices once the v8ccine was licensed, the mechanism effectively CREATED HEALTHY MARKET DYNAMICS, providing pharmaceutical companies with an INCENTIVE to develop and produce suitable v8ccines and guaranteeing a sustainable price to provide coverage for anyone that needed it.’


  • ‘Given the huge size of the response necessary to defeat COVID-19, any new AMC would need to be augmented. Instead of only using the ‘pull’ of incentivising manufacturers through guaranteed demand, it would also need to ‘push’, whereby PUBLIC FUNDS WOULD BE NECESSARY during development to invest in manufacturing capacity.’


  • ‘An AMC would not be used to fund development of v8ccines. Instead, push and pull mechanisms would accelerate availability by ramping up production and procurement, in advance while the most promising and suitable v8ccines were still in development.’


BOTTOM LINE: What we are witnessing in Victoria is part of the ‘push’ and ‘pull’ of peoples’ perceptions of the “pandemic,” and this is necessary so that the Federal Government continues to fulfil the obligations of capturing the minds and hearts of those expected to be v8ccinated. It is an essential part of the CEPI business model. The Federal Government brokered the ‘push’ and ‘pull’ arrangement with this incentivised ‘licence,’ allowing the plundering of ‘public funds’ by CEPI and AstraZeneca on the way to manufacturing their dubious v8ccine.


The fact that Scott Morrison initially announced that the COVID v8ccine would be ‘mandatory’ (before public outrage caused him to downplay his stance) should be ample evidence that he is endeavouring to show his ‘commitment’ in ‘advance’ to ensure the v8ccine is continually marketed to the target ‘market’ of the Australian guinea-pig-people. They will not relent on their objective – we must not be complacent.


This v8ccine is a commercial product that investors have backed. Health is not a consideration. Therefore, like anything mass-produced and aggressively marketed, the initial investment of all concerned parties needs to be recouped at minimum, with sizeable profits projected. Our government has heavily invested and is focused on maximizing a return.


CONCLUDING THOUGHTS: We have a perplexing situation in Australia where we are experiencing a mild virus that 99.9% of the population will survive, and 99% of those who do contract it will only experience mild symptoms, or remain asymptomatic. Yet, we are being prepared for the potential of mandatory, or coerced v8ccinations for at least 95% of the population on an ongoing basis, with yearly ‘booster shots,’ factored in to the calculations. This is irrational, unscientific, immoral and surely inspired by the conspiring minds of psychopaths: A Medical Tyranny. A v8ccine is redundant, untested, unsafe and potentially catastrophic to the human organism. Trillions-upon-trillions are guaranteed should the populace be conned into accepting this supremely scandalous v8ccine push.




(Extracts taken from www.gavi.orgarticle: ‘What is an advance market commitment and how could it help beat COVID-19,’ May 4, 2020)




All quoted extracts and original documents are available as screenshots on my profile: Stephen Reason


If you want the original .pdf of any referenced document, please email your request to

Anonymous ID: e0d2f4 Sept. 17, 2020, 9:46 p.m. No.10690947   🗄️.is 🔗kun



No - he actually went to a lot of effort to post it a certain way as to not get pinged, using screen captures and so on. I've gone through all text and corroborates with everything sauced and that i

have found elsewhere.