People have been missing something here.
In the following post that Q tagged
The first two lines don't fit
They are short and sweet like a homily or a saying or a rule of thumb
Be water, Spread fire
be water
spread fire
they are using the cover of sharing water/bringing water to first responders as cover to move around "spreading fire"
sick bastards.
Be Water
Means be anonymous. Act like a ninja and be in the shadows, arrive invisibly and leave invisibly. This is Martial Arts training, like Jackie Chan, Kung Fu, Shaolin Temple all of which areChineseculture.
Spread Fire
This is firearms combat training. Instead of double tapping each adversary, spread fire. Hit each adversary with one bullet, then go back and hit each one a 2nd time. The theory is that no adversary is left unattacked increasing the likelihood that each one will be dead or wounded in less time.
It could well be, and I have no information on this, that the Antifa and BLM fighters trained in Kurdistan and other Communist insurgencies, are training in this style of guerilla combat.
Why does it matter?
When patriots go into a situation, they need to be prepared for TRAINED guerilla fighters. You are NOT going up against Meth addicts.
And if you are working in a gas station or hardware store, looking for meth addicts and people who look like the arrest photos from Portland, thenYou are doing the WRONG thing. They have undercover people buying supplies, sweet looking retired couples and young professionals that look like CPAs and lawyers. Don't be suspicious about the people, be suspicious about what they buy.
This video is about Spread Fire: