Anonymous ID: 0e31b1 Sept. 22, 2020, 4:55 a.m. No.10742325   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2333 >>2342 >>2523 >>2606 >>2628 >>2746 >>2850

NYPD cop accused of spying on Tibetan immigrants for China

By Tom Hays Published 15 hours ago Updated 9 hours ago NyAssociated Press

NEW YORK (AP) - A New York City police officer was charged on Monday with being an "intelligence asset" for the Chinese government who agreed to spy on U.S. supporters of the Tibetan independence movement.

Baimadajie Angwang, a naturalized U.S. citizen from Tibet, worked since 2018 as an agent for the People's Republic of China in its effort to suppress the movement, according to a criminal complaint filed in Brooklyn federal court. It says he secretly worked for unnamed handlers from the Chinese consulate in New York.

There was no allegation that Angwang compromised national security or New York Police Department operations. Still, he was considered "the definition of an insider threat," William Sweeney, head of the FBI's New York office, said in a statement.

Angwang, 33, was ordered held without bail at an initial court hearing on Monday. There was no immediate response to a phone message seeking comment from his lawyer.

Along with being a NYPD officer, Angwang is a staff sergeant in the U.S. Army Reserve who was given security clearance by the Department of Defense, according to court papers that accuse him of lying during a background check that got him that status.

Angwang's job as a spy for China was to "locate potential intelligence sources" and "identify potential threats to the PRC in the New York metropolitan area," court papers say. He also was expected to provide consulate officials "access to senior NYPD officials through invitations to official NYPD events," they add.

The papers say the evidence includes intercepted communications between Angwang and a consulate official — someone Angwang called "big brother" and "boss" — about how to identify dissenters in the independence movement.

"They don't believe in Tibetan Buddhism," Angwang told the handler, according to the papers. "When the consulate extends a helping hand to them, they will feel the warmth of the motherland. How wonderful would that be?"

At one point, Angwang suggested that issuing 10-year visas to Tibetans in the United States would help recruit other spies, the papers say.

Angwang has worked at an NYPD precinct in Queens as a community liaison, authorities said. Before becoming a citizen, he sought asylum by claiming he had been arrested and tortured in China partly because of his Tibetan ethnicity, they said.

An advocacy group, International Campaign for Tibet, said in a statement that the arrest shows that the "Chinese Communist Party is engaged in malign operations to suppress dissent, not only in Tibet … but any place in the world where Tibetans are free to express themselves."


Funny. The yahoo article does not even give his name.


Houston consulate had to pack up and bug out a little while back. Is the NY consulate next? Anon hopes so.

Anonymous ID: 0e31b1 Sept. 22, 2020, 4:58 a.m. No.10742337   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2426

China 'must back off', says Taiwan

Issued on: 22/09/2020 - 07:38 Modified: 22/09/2020 - 07:36

Taiwan on Tuesday demanded that China "back off" and accused it of threatening peace, after a Beijing official rejected a largely respected marine boundary following recent incursions.

Foreign minister Joseph Wu urged Beijing to "return to the civilised international standards" after a Chinese foreign ministry spokesman said there was no so-called median line in the Taiwan Strait "as Taiwan is an inseparable part of Chinese territory".

Wu told reporters: "The median line has been a symbol of preventing military conflicts and maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait for many years. The Chinese foreign ministry's comment is equivalent of destroying the status quo."

"I call on the international community to condemn the CCP for its dangerous and provocative words and deeds threatening peace… China must back off," he added in a tweet.

China considers Taiwan part of its territory, to be absorbed into the mainland, by force if necessary, even though it has been self-ruled for more than seven decades.

Beijing has ratcheted up pressure on the democratic island since the 2016 election of President Tsai Ing-wen, who rejects its view that Taiwan is part of "one China".

Last year, Taiwan accused China of violating a long-held tacit agreement after its fighter jets for the first time in years crossed the median line of the waters that separate the two sides.

Washington's increased outreach to Taiwan under President Donald Trump has become yet another flashpoint with Beijing, as the US and China clash over a range of trade and security issues, as well as the coronavirus pandemic.

In recent months Taiwan has reported a sharp rise in incursions by Chinese warplanes into its air defence identification zone (ADIZ).

Anonymous ID: 0e31b1 Sept. 22, 2020, 5 a.m. No.10742350   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2523 >>2628 >>2746 >>2850

Prominent Critic Of Xi Jinping And Communist Party Sentenced To 18 Years In Prison

September 22, 20205:57 AM ET


China has sentenced an influential property magnate and outspoken critic of the Communist Party and President Xi Jinping to 18 years in prison on corruption charges – a hefty sentence that is likely to further deter dissent among the nation's intellectual and business elite.

On Tuesday, a Beijing court announced that it had found Ren Zhiqiang, 69, guilty of embezzling public funds and taking bribes over the course of 14 years, totaling about $2.9 million. He was sentenced in a trial closed to the public. Ren has also been fined $620,000 and his assets seized.

"The actions of the defendant Ren Zhiqiang constituted corruption, bribery, misappropriation of public funds and abuse of power, and he should be punished in accordance with the law," read the court ruling.

Others who have dared openly criticize Xi Jinping have also been met with harsh punishment.

Xu Zhangrun, 57, a distinguished constitutional law professor, was briefly detained in July after police alleged he had solicited prostitutes, and currently remains under effective house arrest. He has been a prolific critic of Xi's centralization of power.

Geng Xiaonan, a publisher, filmmaker and friend of Xu's, quickly came to his defense by giving interviews to international media, including NPR. Friends of Geng said she and her husband were detained in Beijing this month for "illegal business activities," almost certainly because of her advocacy for Xu.

But it is Ren's sharp downfall that has sent the biggest chill throughout China's private business circles and intelligentsia.

His trial occurred in the run-up to a major October meeting of China's top Communist Party officials during which Chinese leader Xi Jinping is expected to announce more details of a broad economic development initiative.

Earlier this month, the ruling Chinese Communist Party issued new guidance advocating greater Party control over China's private sector.

"We must educate and guide private entrepreneurs to arm their minds with Xi Jinping thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for the new era and maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee on political positions," the Party's general office wrote. "From beginning to end, we must be politically sensible people."

The son of a former vice minister of commerce, Ren was part of China's political elite and a veteran Communist Party member who had expertly balanced critique with political survival.

He made his fortune in the cowboy days of China's infrastructure boom during the 1990s and early 2000s as a property magnate and later chairman of developer Huayuan Real Estate Group. Ren also became a well-known and outspoken blogger on Chinese social media platform Weibo as it took off in the early 2000s, where he earned the nickname "Big Cannon Ren" for his brash analyses.

Ren gained further notoriety in February 2016 after lashing out at Xi Jinping's demand that all media outlets pledge loyalty to the Communist Party. "When does the people's government turn into the Party's government?" he wrote on his Weibo account.

Ren's Weibo account, then with more than 37 million followers, was blocked after the remark, as China ramped up censorship and cyberspace regulators closed the accounts of dozens of prominent bloggers on Chinese social media sites, predominantly Weibo.

But it was Ren's lengthy essay published this February, in the midst of the coronavirus epidemic, that likely triggered his current imprisonment. Without explicitly naming him, Ren called Xi Jinping a "clown stripped naked who insisted on continuing being emperor," going on to criticize Xi in veiled, literary references for the excesses of the Communist Party.

Ren was detained in March. In June, he was expelled from the Communist Party and placed under criminal investigation for "smearing the Party and country's image" and "being disloyal and dishonest with the Party."

In its announcement of its ruling on Tuesday, a Beijing court said Ren accepted his 18-year sentence and would not appeal.

Anonymous ID: 0e31b1 Sept. 22, 2020, 5:04 a.m. No.10742371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2381 >>2393 >>2395 >>2473 >>2606


Because foreign agent penetrating US National Security. That's why. Pretty fucked up, huh? Chinese law says that any citizen is required to cooperate and commit crimes against other nations if asked to do so. And even if he is a naturalized US citizen, he had family back in China. That gives the chicomms leverage over him anyway.

Anonymous ID: 0e31b1 Sept. 22, 2020, 5:19 a.m. No.10742464   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>10742393 Good question. Could be sloppy reporting. There is a lot of that going on these days as the libtards implode. They can barely think straight. Heard a Faux news radio spot last night where they said Senator Barbara Murkowski did not want to vote on a SC nominee. kek.


>good conscience

Good on 'ya anon.

Anonymous ID: 0e31b1 Sept. 22, 2020, 5:29 a.m. No.10742527   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2609 >>2621





Again anon reminds the board. This time with sauce.


This 1996 episode of the popular PBS series NOVA, entitled "Moolah", makes clear that China has been carpet bombing our economy with counterfeit US currency for a very long time. Stretching decades back into the last century.

Anonymous ID: 0e31b1 Sept. 22, 2020, 5:53 a.m. No.10742669   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2746 >>2850

73-1677, Boeing E-4B Nightwatch, Call Sign ORDER66. Warner Robbins to Offutt. On final. Once again we have a KC-135 in Canadian airspace for no apparent reason. 61-0293, Call Sign BOBBY42.


Last time two were sighted by PF in Canadian airspace seemed to coincide with B-52 mission to fly near Russia. Range extenders.


>>10737338 past bread

>>10734934 past bread

>>10728964 past bread

>>10728990 past bread

>>10737427 past bread

Anonymous ID: 0e31b1 Sept. 22, 2020, 6:12 a.m. No.10742809   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2830


Found the transcript. Looks like the word China has been scrubbed. But here is more modern sauce.