Anonymous ID: 8f72b6 Sept. 23, 2020, 6:05 a.m. No.10754261   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4281 >>4285

Gotta say, & I have been working the movement since the start, that the drops have become rather blasé, redundant & w/o traction.


Now, that's not to say that this awakening isn't going somewhere, it may just be the start of something, that will not come to fruition, until some time has passed.


Changing paradigms isn't logically a rapid function, w/o a major catalyst, which election 2016 had the potential to be, but…(?)


If POTUS, back by [MI], had the power that [D]'s blather on about, wouldn't this all have risen to the surface to be exposed & fully dealt with?


Really… Come on!


Point is, this slow process is infected.

It suffers from degradation.


It was never about teaching newbies from introductory Political Science 101, thru leading an educational process to edify hidden political corruption.


If it was, why bother with the 'crumbs' in need of a decode?

Just lay it out.


At this point, it would be best if Q need dark, until the day that something is functionally changing the stasis, we continue to exist in, at this time.

Anonymous ID: 8f72b6 Sept. 23, 2020, 6:14 a.m. No.10754333   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I get where you're going, I could use some clarification, as the premiss you speak of, isn't a dialogue you're having, that I'm privy to.


This may be limited, but much social media negation of QAnon or such hashtags, as to negate the 'hangouts', that much of the movement existed within, right?

So, what's left besides Mockingbird Media nonsense & panic, & here?

Anonymous ID: 8f72b6 Sept. 23, 2020, 6:15 a.m. No.10754340   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4381


I get where you're going, I could use some clarification, as the premiss you speak of, isn't a dialogue you're having, that I'm privy to.

This may be limited, but much social media negation of QAnon or such hashtags, as to negate the 'hangouts', that much of the movement existed within, right?

So, what's left besides Mockingbird Media nonsense & panic, & here?

Anonymous ID: 8f72b6 Sept. 23, 2020, 6:25 a.m. No.10754408   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Good! Continue your positive mind set. I'd love to have faith in the masses stepping up & correcting this sickness of greed which infests modern life.

Faith is a goos thing societally speaking.

It is nonsense, when run thru the grinder of the 'Old Guard' embedded, bureaucratic system.

Gonna take way more than faith & 'Trust The Plan'!