shills abound today.
I came here for a breath of air from voat's edgy racism. Is that organic over there? Seems like KKK larpers atm. Are we not united in country?
shills abound today.
I came here for a breath of air from voat's edgy racism. Is that organic over there? Seems like KKK larpers atm. Are we not united in country?
I'm all in on ACB. Catholic AND practicing? No wonder dem heads are rolling. Enforce freedom of worship and practice again!
what else is new; Catholics are hated more than jews. Probably cause we're right and arguments sound
>implying i want pedos in the church
>implying having sinners in the church somehow denigrates it's truth
really throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Lil biased
did you not read vigano's open letter to Trump? they infected everywhere in closed circles; just like america