Anonymous ID: d6b95e Sept. 27, 2020, 10:54 p.m. No.10818641   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8769 >>8804 >>8817 >>8821

What is the ‘People of Praise’? Snippets:


Our Sunday Visitor: Fundamentally, how would you describe the People of Praise?

Bishop Peter L. Smith: We’re a lay movement and part of one of the new ecclesial movements in the Catholic Church since Vatican II. After Vatican II, there was an explosion in lay ministry and lay movements in the Catholic Church where the Vatican Council called on all Catholics, not just priests and religious, to embrace living lives of faith and holiness in ordinary life in the midst of the world, and that all Catholics were called to live this way. It actually started before Vatican II; Vatican II just sort of really opened the throttles on it. What you saw was lay people beginning to organize and beginning to live the mission and ministry of the Church in many different ways that they felt God was calling them to. It’s a wonderful example of how the Holy Spirit works in so many different and diverse ways to bring about great good in the life of the Church, in the life of people and in the world.

OSV: How do the People of Praise live this out? Bishop Smith: First of all, our first call is to be a community, to live as brothers and sisters in the way that God has led us to while continuing to live in our homes and with our families and to experience our life of faith in our churches, parishes. And, to follow the lead of Pope Francis, in a sense, to go out to the peripheries and to serve the people on the peripheries.

OSV: What was it that attracted you to the group? Bishop Smith: I first bumped into two leaders from the People of Praise who were at a conference in South Africa, and one of them did a workshop on community life. And when I was doing my personal discernment, as I was finishing my university studies, much to my surprise, it seemed that the Lord was prompting me, nudging me to go and visit the People of Praise, so I did. And the first year I was in South Bend (Indiana)'''

OSV: And the brothers are a separate entity from the People of Praise in general, correct? Bishop Smith: Yes. What happened was a number of people, men and women, begin to discern God calling them to live dedicated lives of celibacy within the community. So then the community established a group of brothers and sisters for those folks. As we went along, we had a number of brothers in the group who went on to become priests and religious. (Because People of Praise is ecumenical), essentially what that means is you have to start a new association, a new community. We are canonically an association of the faithful in the Church. We live, we serve in different dioceses, but our priests are under the authority of the Archbishop of Portland for their priestly life and ministry and under the authority of the community for community life.


Vatican 2 or 2nd Vatican Council Snippet

Second Vatican Council, also called Vatican II, (1962–65), 21st ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic Church, announced by Pope John XXIII on January 25, 1959, as a means of spiritual renewal for the church and as an occasion for Christians separated from Rome to join in a search for Christian unity. Preparatory commissions appointed by the pope prepared an agenda and produced drafts (schemata) of decrees on various topics. In opening the council on October 11, 1962, the pope advised the council fathers to try to meet the pastoral needs of the church.


Why Viganò’s Critique of the Council Must Be Taken Seriously

Peter Kwasniewski article written on June 29, 2020

He writes about the dangers of the Vatican Council 2 and validates Arch Bishop Viganò's previous statements in the open letter to POTUS

Arch Bishop Viganò (recall his letter to POTUS a few months back)This is his response to Peter Kwasniewski article written on June 29, 2020 and he has quite a bit to say about The 2nd Vatican Council/Vatican 2 in terms of this Council being the Catholic Church Deep State his statement regarding this is here:

Archbishop Viganò: Is Vatican II “Untouchable”?


People of Praise brief history

Founded in 1971 in South Bend, Indiana, People of Praise has grown into a community of about 1,700 members. We are now in 22 cities across the US, Canada, and the Caribbean. In 1981, in response to a call from God, we established the Trinity Schools—private Christian schools in South Bend, Indiana, Falls Church, Virginia, and Eagan, Minnesota. In 2002, inspired by the Holy Spirit, People of Praise members '''began moving into some of America's poorest neighborhoods.

Anonymous ID: d6b95e Sept. 27, 2020, 11:14 p.m. No.10818769   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8776 >>8781 >>8817



Baker there are no digs on People of Praise and not much of any thing on 2nd Vatican Council/Vatican Deepstate, this subject content was touched upon by Arch Bishop Viganò, in his open letter to POTUS. Why is the relevant? Bishop Peter L. Smith: describes "People of Praise as one of the new ecclesial movements in the Catholic Church since Vatican II." Here's the question..did Vatican 2 ever really dissolve?



What is the ‘People of Praise’/Vatican Council 2?