On behalf of everyone at the Clinton Foundation, thank you for your support and interest. I look forward to continuing our work together toward a better world.
Fact Sheet: Clinton Foundation Amended Returns: 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013
The Clinton Foundation's amended returns reflect a commitment to disclosure and thoroughness.The review of these returns was led by Kathy Keneally, the former Assistant Attorney General for the Tax Division of the U.S. Department of Justice, who now is the Chair of Civil and Criminal Tax Litigation in DLA Piper's global tax group. She in turn engaged CohnReznick, a CPA firm that had not previously worked with the Foundation. This review looked at the Form 990 for 2010, 2011, and 2012, which were prepared by BKD. In addition to refiling those years' returns, the Foundation is also amending, in large part for consistency, the 2013 Form 990 as prepared by PricewaterhouseCoopers.
This quote is attributable to Kathy Keneally:
"I advised the Foundation that it had no legal obligation to file amended returns. I also advised the Foundation, as I would advise any client, that if it decided to file amended returns, those amended returns should correct any and all errors. The Foundation voluntarily undertook a thorough review of the returns for those years in which the line on the return concerning government grants was left blank. Foremost, we found nothing to suggest that the Foundation intended to conceal the receipt of government grants, which the Foundation reports on its website. Because foundations, like people, make mistakes, and because return preparers may differ on how best to present information, the review identified other items that the Foundation has decided to clarify or to correct. It is important to note that the review affirmed that the overall financial information - assets, liabilities and net assets - as they appear in Part I lines 20-22 were correct on the original returns and have not changed on the amended returns. The Foundation's decision to file amended returns reflects an extraordinary commitment to disclosure and thoroughness."
The nature of these amendments to the Foundation past years' returns falls into four major overarching categories.