Anonymous ID: 2cc62f Sept. 29, 2020, 12:27 p.m. No.10838962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9069 >>9296 >>9378 >>9571

Trump Observers Are Being Blocked Entry to All Satellite Voting Locations in Philly #StopTheSteal


Philadelphia on Tuesday opened 15 new satellite offices as early voting sites.


There was reportedly a problem with the state’s voter database.


Trump observers are being blocked entry to satellite voting locations in Philly, according to President Trump’s 2020 election security staffer and GOP advisor Mike Roman.


Ellie Rushing with the Philly Inquirer said she spoke to a Trump campaign observer who was blocked from entering a satellite office in Overbrook unless she was there to actually register to vote.


Why are poll watchers being kicked out of voting locations in Philadelphia? What are they hiding?

Anonymous ID: 2cc62f Sept. 29, 2020, 12:27 p.m. No.10838975   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9296 >>9571

National Guard Readies for Possible Unrest in Cleveland Ahead of Presidential Debate



National Guard members were seen in the streets of Cleveland, Ohio, on Tuesday, ready to help quell potential unrest ahead of the first presidential debate.


“More than 300 guard members were ordered into the city on a proclamation by Gov. Mike DeWine to’ensure a safe and secure environment’ during the debate,” according to the New York Post.


After receiving a formal request from Cleveland officials last night, I am issuing a proclamation today that activates around 300 @OHNationalGuard members to help @CLEPolice ensure a safe and secure environment for those attending Tuesday’s presidential debate in Cleveland.


— Governor Mike DeWine (@GovMikeDeWine) September 24, 2020


Many of the guard members were activated Monday, and photos on showed camouflaged Humvees driving through the streets.


“The area around Cleveland Clinic, the site of Tuesday night’s 90-minute debate, was also sealed off by a ring of tall iron fences,” the Post report said.


Businesses and other buildings in the area also took precautions to brace for possible vandalism and rioting, according to the article.


“Villa shoe store at the corner of East 79th Street and Euclid Avenue was one of the most prominent buildings near the Clinic to board up its windows, shades of downtown Cleveland which saw some business looting after the May 30 George Floyd protests downtown,” the report stated.


In addition to the Ohio National Guard, the Secret Service and the FBI will provide security throughout the debate, according to News 5 Cleveland.


“What May 30 taught us is that peaceful protests can go in a different direction in a short period of time,” Special Agent in Charge with the Cleveland FBI Eric Smith told the outlet.


During a Facebook teleconference, Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson said officials expected protesters to descend on the city, and Cleveland Police Chief Calvin Williams asked residents to alert law enforcement if they see anything suspicious.


“There are a lot of things that we’ve learned not just from May 30 but the subsequent protests around the country that we have incorporated into our plan itself,” Williams said.


Fox News anchor Chris Wallace will host the presidential debate scheduled to being Tuesday night at nine p.m. EDT, according to UPI.


“Wallace has selected six topics for the debate — the COVID-19 pandemic, race and violence in U.S. cities, the Supreme Court, the integrity of the election, Trump’s and Biden’s records and the economy,” the report said.

Anonymous ID: 2cc62f Sept. 29, 2020, 12:28 p.m. No.10838997   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tulsi Gabbard Raises the Alarm: 'Ballot Harvesting Has Allowed for Fraud and Abuse'


Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) has raised an alarm over ballot harvesting and voter fraud, filing a bill to prevent the practice. Gabbard, a former presidential candidate, has shown extraordinary willingness to buck the propagandistic groupthink in her party, and Democrats have not always appreciated it. Yet she is right to warn about ballot harvesting and voter fraud, and she even noted that the recent Project Veritas sting videos illustrate her point.


“We’re getting closer and closer to Election Day now, and it is critical to remember that the strength of our democracy lies in the integrity of our elections, that every one of us has to have faith that our vote will count,” Gabbard said in a video on Sunday.


“But right now, there are still many states in our country that allow for something called ballot harvesting,” she warned. “This is a system that allows for third parties to collect and deliver ballots for other people, potentially large numbers of people.”


“Unfortunately, ballot harvesting has allowed for fraud and abuse to occur by those who could tamper with or discard ballots to try to sway an election,” the Democratic congresswoman warned.


“Whether in the midst of a pandemic, as we are now, where mail-in voting is likely to drastically increase, or even in a normal election, no one — no one — should get in-between a voter and the ballot box,” Gabbard argued.


She pushed H.R. 8285, the Election Fraud Prevention Act, which she cosponsored along with Rep. Rodney Davis (R-Ill.). “Our bipartisan bill protects the custody for every one of our ballots by prohibiting funding from going to states that allow this practice of ballot harvesting to occur,” she explained.


Gabbard later noted a Project Veritas video in which a ballot harvester identified as Osman Ali Dahquane boasts, “I have forty people,” each of whom he pays $800 for his or her ballot. The Project Veritas video revealed a stunning exchange of cash for a voter registration form, in which a ballot harvester gives a voter $200 in “pocket money” and promises $800 more for the ballot later.

Anonymous ID: 2cc62f Sept. 29, 2020, 12:31 p.m. No.10839058   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9180

Strategic Aims Behind The War On Armenia


On Sunday Ilham Aliyev, the longtime dictator of Azerbaijan, launched a war on the Armenian held Nagorno-Karabakh area. That he dared to do this now, 27 years after a ceasefire ended a war over the area, is a sign that the larger strategic picture has changed.


When the Soviet Union fell apart the Nagorno-Karabakh area had a mixed population of Azerbaijani (also called Azeri) Shia Muslims and Armenian Christians. As in other former Soviet republics ethnic diversity became problematic when the new states evolved. The mixed areas were fought over and Armenia won the Nagorno-Karabakh area. There have since been several border skirmishes and small wars between the two opponents but the intensity of the fighting is now much higher than before.


In 2006 Yasha Levine wrote about his visit to Nagorno-Karabakh for The Exile. He described the uneven opponents:


In 1994 the Armenians won and forced Azerbaijan to a ceasefire. In the meantime Nagorno-Karabakh organized itself into a sovereign country [called Artsakh] with its own army, elected officials and parliament. But it still hasn’t been recognized by any country other than Armenia and is still classified as one of the “frozen conflicts” in the region, along with the breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia in Georgia.


But this “frozen conflict” may soon heat up, if you believe what Azerbaijan’s playboy/gambling addict/president, Ilham Aliyev, says. Not that Azerbaijanis should get too excited about another war: If Armenians are still the fighters they were ten years ago, then statistically, it’s the Azeris who’ll do most of the dying. While matched evenly in soldiers, the Azeris had double the amount of heavy artillery, armored vehicles, and tanks than the Armenians; but when it was over, the Azeri body count was three times higher then that of the Armenians. Azeri casualties stood at 17,000. The Armenians only lost 6,000. And that’s not even counting the remaining Azeri civilians the Armenians ethnically cleansed.


Since the strategically-important Baku-Ceyhan oil pipeline opened up, pumping Caspian Sea oil to the West via Turkey, the Azeri president has been making open threats about reclaiming Nagorno-Karabakh by force. The $10 billion in oil revenues he expects to earn per year once the pipeline is fully operational is going to his head. $10 billion might not seem that much — but for Azerbaijan it constitutes a 30% spike in GDP. In every single interview, Aliyev can’t even mention the pipeline project without veering onto the subject of “resolving” the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.


Aliyev started spending the oil cash even before the oil started flowing and announced an immediate doubling of military spending. A little later he announced the doubling of all military salaries. Aliyev’s generals aren’t squeamish about bragging that by next year their military budget will be $1.2 billion, or about Armenia’s entire federal budget.


Over the next 14 years the war that Yasha Levine foresaw in 2006 did not happen. That it was launched now points to an important change. In July another border skirmish broke out for still unknown reasons. Then Turkey stepped in:


Following the July conflict Turkey’s involvement became much deeper than it had previously been, with unprecedentedly bellicose rhetoric coming from Ankara and repeated high-level visits between the two sides. Ankara appeared to see the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict as yet another arena in which to exercise its growing foreign policy ambitions, while appealing to a nationalist, anti-Armenian bloc in Turkey’s domestic politics.


Turkey’s tighter embrace, in turn, gave Baku the confidence to take a tougher line against Russia, Armenia’s closest ally in the conflict but which maintains close ties with both countries. Azerbaijan heavily publicized (still unconfirmed) reports about large Russian weapons shipments to Armenia just following the fighting, and President Ilham Aliyev personally complained to his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin.

Anonymous ID: 2cc62f Sept. 29, 2020, 12:36 p.m. No.10839170   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9571

ASSANGE HEARING DAY SIXTEEN–Anonymous Witnesses to Detail Alleged CIA Plot to Kill Assange


2:30 pm EDT: Judge Vanessa Baraitser has granted anonymity to two witness from the UC Global Spanish security firm to have their testimony read in court on Thursday regarding an alleged Central Intelligence Agency plot to either kidnap or poison Julian Assange.


The two witnesses have already testified under protection in a Spanish court case against David Morales, founder and director of UC Global. The company was hired by the Ecuadorian government to provide security at its London embassy, where Assange lived for seven years until his arrest last year.


According to press reports the witnesses testimony detailed how Morales was working with “American friends,” allegedly the CIA, to stream 24/7 video and audio from Assange’s chamber to the United States, including surveillance of Assange’s privileged conversations with his lawyers.


That would mean the government prosecuting Assange had eavesdropped on his defense preparations, an offense that would normally get its case thrown out of court.


The Spanish witnesses sought the same protection from Baraitser’s court that they enjoy in the Spanish court because of fear of retaliation from Morales. Spanish police raided his home and found loaded arms with their serial numbers filed off.


James Lewis QC, representing the U.S. government told the court he could not get instructions from the Department of Justice on whether to challenge the testimony on Thursday because of a “Chinese Wall” that is supposed to be between the DOJ and other federal agencies, such as the CIA, to prevent prosecutions from being politically motivated. (It is a a wall that has holes. We’ve heard testimony in this case about that).


So there is the specter of damning testimony being read in Assange’s extradition case about the Central Intelligence Agency planning to kidnap or poison Assange that will go unchallenged by the U.S. The prosecution will be informed of the witnesses’ identities and has 24 hours to vet the witnesses.


Thursday should be the most explosive and perhaps most decisive day during this proceeding.


8:10 am EDT: Just before lunch break the defense said it wanted to call anonymous witnesses. Judge Vanessa Baraitser said she would determine whether to accept anonymity when the court resumes.


In the morning session, Maureen Baird, former warden at the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) in Manhattan, testified that she believes Assange would be put in isolation under Special Administrative Measures (SAMs) both pre-trial in Alexander Detention Center and if Assange is convicted, in ADX Florence, Colorado.

Anonymous ID: 2cc62f Sept. 29, 2020, 12:41 p.m. No.10839313   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9366

=Becoming Pod People


Give each of these people a smartphone and this image from the movie Coma describes our destiny:


To be socially isolated except for our internet connection until finally, they pull the plug on our feeding tubes.


Clearly, the COVID "pandemic" is not intended to be a passing emergency but a ruse to impose a "new normal" corresponding to the UN's Agenda 21.


The dystopian future is taking shape. Mass gatherings have been canceled. We must experience the world on a TV screen. The NFL plays in front of a cardboard crowd to sound effects.


Millions are stuck at home, working "remotely," or paid to do nothing. (Will they ever agree to work again?)


Restaurants and other businesses in urban centers are going bust.


Students are deprived of the society of their peers, forced to take their courses online. Many are confined to their dorms without proper provisions.


Everyone is required to wear filthy masks.


Locally, the Royal Winnipeg Ballet canceled their annual Nutcracker ballet, scheduled for Christmas. Imagine hundreds of artists out of jobs.

Anonymous ID: 2cc62f Sept. 29, 2020, 12:43 p.m. No.10839350   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9492 >>9503 >>9571

Which Drugs Should Biden Take Pre-Debate?


With the first presidential debate now just hours away, President Trump continues to insist that Joe Biden take a drug test. Trump’s none-too-subtle insinuation is that the former vice president is so mentally frail that he cannot hope to match the vaulting intellect of the 45th president of the United States on the debate stage.


It’s a peculiar form of Trumpian baiting - something the President has probably learned from the world of Mixed Martial Arts - or perhaps the product of a guilty conscience. Trump himself famously sniffed his way through his first debate with Hillary Clinton four years ago, and there’s been plenty of speculation over the years that the President consumes medicinal substances to combat some form of attention-deficit disorder.


Cockburn won’t weigh in on the specifics. But if Biden were to use drugs for tonight’s performance, which ones should he take? Because make no mistake, Biden should absolutely be taking drugs prior to Tuesday’s debate.


Pro athletes all take performance enhancing drugs, after all, and winning a presidential election is at least as important as hitting 40 home runs or making the Pro Bowl, or something.


Fortunately, Cockburn is a writer, which means he has countless friends who are perpetually in one sort of drug-induced haze or another. They quickly supplied suggestions.

  1. Aricept


Aricept is used to enhance mental acuity in patients suffering from Alzheimer’s or vascular dementia. That will certainly be handy for keeping Biden from drooling on the podium. However, Aricept also has the side effect of increasing libido, and has been found to correlate with inappropriate sexual behaviors in those who take it.


did putin tell biden to sniff every woman he comes across


— Elon Mollusk (@minvskv) May 5, 2020


…actually, Biden may have been taking this drug for a long time.

  1. Fentanyl


This may seem like an odd choice. Fentanyl causes mood swings, irritation and heart failure — and the last thing Joe Biden needs is to fall asleep on stage. It would be an interesting statement in favor of globalization, however, since most Fentanyl is synthesized by our friends in China. And what better way for Biden to exhibit his legendary ‘empathy’ than by showing America’s opioid addicts that he knows what it’s like?

  1. Ecstasy


Arriving Tuesday night amped on MDMA would offer a host of benefits to Biden. Besides keeping him cheerful and upbeat for the cameras, if Biden is caught, he can easily pivot in a positive direction: by taking a party drug, he will disavow one of his tough-on-crime achievements, the 2003 RAVE Act. Cockburn doesn’t understand how contributing to the dramatic collapse of crime rates nationwide is a bad thing, but in 2020 everybody is convinced that it is. Biden debating while hopped upon Molly would go a long way toward showing his remorse. ‘Loved-up’, Biden would also show a winning spirit of magnanimity towards Donald Trump, which might help sway independents.


Finally, for years Biden was known as the ‘senator from MBNA’ due to his pro-credit card activism in Congress. If he rebrands as the senator on MDMA, at the least everyone will be really confused.

  1. Steroids


It’s not well-known, but then-Sen. Biden also played a key role in banning the recreational use of anabolic steroids. It’s time for Biden’s position to evolve. Putting on 10-20 pounds of lean muscle mass will alleviate concerns about Biden looking old and frail, while also providing a leg up if he and Trump decide to settle their differences through personal combat instead of rhetoric.

Anonymous ID: 2cc62f Sept. 29, 2020, 12:45 p.m. No.10839389   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9594

Israel's Attorney General Not Ruling Out Declaring Netanyahu Incapacitated Over Abuse of Office


Avichai Mendelblit says in leaked interview tape that incapacitation may be necessary if Netanyahu uses his governmental power to influence criminal cases against him


Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit said he may determine that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has been indicted for bribery, fraud and breach of trust in three criminal cases, is legally obligated to step aside as premier.


"There is the indicted Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu and there is the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, it is not the same thing," he said in a taped interview obtained by Channel 12 News. "If you mix things up and use your governmental power as prime minister, to influence you criminally, then it begins to be a serious problem. How do we deal with this problem? So if it really is impossible to deal with it, it could be that we will roll into incapacitation."


Mendelblit said these things in an interview with the newspaper "Mishpacha," a recording of which was aired on Channel 12 News on Tuesday.


Last week Haaretz reported that for two days, members of Israel's coronavirus cabinet butted heads over plans for a tighter lockdown amid the spike in COVID-19 cases.


Apart from the plan approved by the cabinet that allowed group worship and shut down many places of employment, some ministers said they had the impression that Netanyahu was primarily determined to stop the wave of demonstrations against him.

Anonymous ID: 2cc62f Sept. 29, 2020, 12:49 p.m. No.10839454   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9469 >>9517 >>9521 >>9542

Newly Declassified Intel Assessment Reveals Hillary Clinton May Have Hatched Russia Hoax to Pin DNC ‘Hacking’ Onto Trump


Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe declassified a Russian intel assessment in which he asserted that Hillary Clinton may have hatched the Russia hoax in order to pin the DNC hacking on President Trump.


“In late July 2016, US intelligence agencies obtained insight into Russian intelligence analysis alleging that US Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton had approved a campaign plan to stir up a scandal against US Presidential candidate Donald Trump by tying him to Putin and the Russians’ hacking of the DNC. The IC does not know the accuracy of this allegation of the extent to which the Russian intelligence analysis may reflect exaggerations or fabrication,” Ratcliffe wrote to Lindsey Graham.


The Obama-Biden White House was briefed on it by then-CIA Director John Brennan.


“According to his handwritten notes, former CIA Director Brennan subsequently briefed President Obama and other senior national security officials on the intelligence, including the “alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on July 26, 2016 of a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal and claiming interference by Russian security services.”


There’s more…


“On September 7, 2016, US intel officials forwarded an investigative referral to FBI Director James Comey and Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence Peter Strzok regarding “US Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s approval of a plan concerning US Presidential candidate Donald Trump and Russian hackers hampering US elections as a means of distracting the public from her use of a private mail server.””


The last paragraph suggests John Durham is not investigating this newly revealed information on Hillary Clinton’s plot to frame Trump.


“[Barr] has advised that the disclosure of this information will not interfere with ongoing Department of Justice investigations,” Ratcliffe said.

Anonymous ID: 2cc62f Sept. 29, 2020, 12:50 p.m. No.10839476   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9571

The Nxivm-5 Go on CBS Morning to Defend Raniere; Vicente Responds to Clyne on Twitter



The Nxivm-5 – Nicki Clyne, Michele Hatchette, Suneel Chakravorty, Marc Elliot, and Eduardo Asunsolo, AKA ‘We Are the Forgotten Ones, AKA ‘Make Justice Blind’ –appeared on CBS This Morning with Nikki Batiste.

This is the same group that has announced they “suspect” the prosecutors of criminal conduct in their prosecution of their master Keith Alan Raniere. They have presented prosecutors with what they call an “affidavit” (it’s really a questionnaire) requiring them to swear that they did not commit prosecutorial misconduct, tamper with evidence or intimidate witnesses – and have demanded the prosecutors individually fill these documents out and return them by Wednesday.

The prosecutors are not under any legal obligation to comply with the request.

This appearance by the Nxivm-5 is part of the campaign to excite public interest in their movement to “expose” the alleged malicious prosecution of Raniere and to make arguments that he is innocent.

See the film interview here

The gist of their argument in this interview seems to be that the prosecution used Keith’s sex life to prejudice the jury and dirty him up, which as Michele said “is nobody’s business.”


In the interview, both Clyne and Hatchette admit to being members of DOS.

Batiste asks Clyne and Hatchette if they were branded and if they had sex with Raniere.

They declined to answer.

Whistleblower Mark Vicente thinks it is a little late to be crying foul. He wonders why the Nxivm-5 did not speak up at the trial. His Twitter thread speaks for itself.



Mark Vicente





Because I’ve been blocked by most #nxivm loyalists/true believers, I have to resort to screenshots. I’m struggling along with @julia76856080 & @ivynevares & others to understand how a group blowjob of #raniere upholds ethics, compassion and critical thinking. (1/2)

Anonymous ID: 2cc62f Sept. 29, 2020, 12:53 p.m. No.10839528   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9599

Update on Flynn Case – Judge Sullivan and His Sidekick Making a Total Mockery of the Judicial System – Historic Corruption in the Works


Today’s General Flynn Court Hearing has turned into a nightmare for Flynn and those in the US who relish fairness and circus for the world to see.


The nightmare is among us. Here is a sampling of updates from the case:


One of the first knucklehead moves was the online systems were disrupted early on:


This wasn’t even a criminal case – the whole thing is a horrible joke starting with Obama:


Judge Sullivan went on a rant about Trump’s tweets even though he has no idea how to tweet:


Judge Sullivan is clearly biased and out of his mind. He will go down in history as a crazy old judge:


Next crazy and corrupt Judge Sullivan allowed his witness (as if this has ever happened before from a judge who has taken on the role of prosecutor in the case) another Trump Hater – John Gleeson, his appointed amicus, went on a rant: