Anonymous ID: 5623e0 Sept. 29, 2020, 12:40 p.m. No.10839283   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9347 >>9358 >>9527

Anons, I need help please.


I was told I was opening a "giant can of worms" when I tweeted a poem from the net. I didn't look into who she was before posting, but have since learned she is "Marianne Williamson, who is a Newsweek columnist, best-selling author, political activist and spiritual thought leader.


She is founder of Project Angel Food and co-founder of the Peace Alliance, and was the first candidate in the 2020 presidential primary to make reparations a pillar of her campaign.


I get the "reparations" being a giant can of worms, but do any of you have information on "Project Angel Food" or "Peace Alliance?"