POTUS may be discharged tomorrow… but but… He'S oN a BoAT! Because… It'S HaBbEnInG! tHe StOrM! jUsTiCe! BoOm! SoOn! HaBbEnInG!! MUH STORM!! Kek.
A Special Message to those that still think you're gonna get your magical tweet about a Storm that doesn't exist…
And you should get a clue, dullard.
Nothing is coming. Re-Election campaign…and all you rubes bought it.
It's funny watching a bunch of lemmings scramble, trying to connect dots that will lead them nowhere. "Q" is the pied piper of morons.
"Trust the Plan"…kek.
For no purpose. He went to the hospital because he's sick…but these fucking morons think he's on some dumbass boat, or submarine, or plane somewhere because "It's Happening." Confirmation bias at its finest, because these twits will believe ANYTHING if it makes them think there's some dumbass "Plan" in motion.
You're the one believing this shit, so I believe that'd make YOU the stupidest motherfucker alive. The plus side to that, is that you'll never have to worry about anyone challenging you for your throne. So…well done, King Dumbass.
Fake Q is still more legit than "Real Q". How Sad.