Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 8, 2020, 3:45 a.m. No.10979801   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2115 >>8308 >>2549

Mind-altering THC chemical in cannabis could help prevent and treat deadly COVID-19 complications by blocking harmful immune response, research shows


University of South Carolina researchers say THC could help prevent a harmful immune response that causes Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)


ARDS is a form of lung failure that can be fatal with COVID-19 patients


Researchers performed three studies in which mice were given a toxin that triggers the immune response that causes ARDS


All of the mice who received THC survived, while those that did not died


The researchers cautioned that the promising preliminary results are not meant to encourage people to use marijuana to self-medicate for COVID-19

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 8, 2020, 3:46 a.m. No.10979806   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BLUF: Ex-CEO of writes public letter explaining how the Obama administration tried to blackmail HRC so that they could control her for her 8 year presidency and then insert Big Mike.




Credit goes to BCP on YT:


Deeply fucking interesting, an excerpt:


You see, what’s going on, Patrick, is that at this point President Obama has his people across the federal bureaucracy, but especially the Department of Justice. Hillary is going to be president for eight years and nothing is going to stop that, but while she’s president the evidence you were part of gathering is going to be sitting on a “Bunsen burner” within the Department of Justice, and the hand on that Bunsen burner is going to be the hand of one of Barack Obama’s people. If Hillary is a good girl, defends Obamacare etc., that hand will keep the Bunsen burner on “Low”. If she is a bad girl, starts thinking for herself, that hand [mimes twisting a dial] will turn the Bunsen burner to “High”. That way, for the eight years she is President, Hillary is going to be managed by Barack Obama. Then Hillary is going to step down, and Michelle is going to run… And Patrick, that’s the plan.


It gets even better:


That is to say, Russiagate is not about Trump It was setup on the Republican Party that was crafted in 2015. Trump came along, won the nomination and then the White House, but along the way crashed into a pre-canned scandal that was in the works before he was President, before he was nominee, and quite likely, before he even declared.


This is the guy who was CEO of Overstock, all about his involvement with Maria Butina, and how the govt. was using him to get to her in a Red-Sparrow-esque play to drum up Russiagate. Holy shit. This should be mandatory reading.

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 8, 2020, 3:59 a.m. No.10979887   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9892 >>2115 >>8308 >>2549


Detailed breakdown of liabilities

Chart 2: Bank of Canada liabilities (month end)





















$ million


Bank notes in circulation

Government of Canada deposit

Payments Canada members deposits

Other deposits

All other liabilities


Bank notes

Bank notes in circulation represent the majority of the Bank’s total liabilities (Chart 2)6. Typically, the growth rate in bank notes broadly follows the growth rate in the economy (in terms of nominal gross domestic product), or roughly 5 per cent yearly on average. More recently, growth in bank notes in circulation has exceeded the economy’s growth rate, averaging closer to 6 per cent (Chart 1), which creates a need for the Bank to purchase more assets. Seasonal fluctuations in the demand for bank notes also must be offset with additional assets. Given the temporary nature of seasonal increases in bank notes, the Bank typically does this by conducting term repos, which are short-term and flexible.


Government deposits

The Bank is the Government’s banker. Government deposits are the second biggest component of the Bank’s balance sheet liabilities. A relatively small portion of the deposits meets the operational and day-to-day funding needs of the Government. The majority is maintained for prudential liquidity purposes and is set aside so the Government can meet domestic payment obligations if access to normal funding markets is disrupted.7


Payments Canada deposits

Payments Canada members who are direct participants of the LVTS maintain deposits at the Bank known as settlement accounts. The level of deposits is affected by the controlled supply of settlement balances, which the Bank sets as part of the operating framework of its monetary policy. The Bank may vary this amount to reinforce the target for the overnight rate. As of December 2018, Payments Canada deposits in the form of settlement balances were targeted at $250 million.


Other deposits

The Bank also holds cash accounts for other entities. These include foreign central banks and international financial institutions, designated clearing and settlement systems, and other domestic federal government agencies. While the amount of these deposits is small relative to other liabilities, it has grown in recent years due in part to regulators’ desire to reduce financial system risk.8 By leaving their deposits with the Bank rather than with commercial banks, these entities can avoid exposing systemically important infrastructures to banker risk.

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 8, 2020, 4 a.m. No.10979892   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9961 >>2115 >>8308 >>2549



Detailed breakdown of assets

Chart 3: Bank of Canada assets (month end)




















$ million


Treasury bills

Government of Canada bonds

Canada Mortgage Bonds

Advances to members of Payments Canada


All other assets

Government of Canada bonds and treasury bills

These assets comprise the largest holdings on the Bank’s balance sheet (Chart 3)9, which are acquired through non-competitive bids at auctions. The Bank currently buys 13 per cent of the Government of Canada nominal bonds offered when these are auctioned. This percentage has gradually declined from 20 per cent in 201510, when, as part of changes to the Bank’s operating framework, the Bank reduced its footprint at Government auctions to improve market functioning and the liquidity of the Government of Canada benchmark bonds. In contrast to bond purchases, treasury bill purchases vary depending in large part on the Bank’s remaining asset requirements. To maintain neutrality, the ratio of bonds-to-bills on the Bank’s balance sheet generally mirrors the nominal bond-to-bill ratio of debt issued by the Government overall.


Canada Mortgage Bonds (CMBs)

CMBs provide additional flexibility in the range of high-quality assets the Bank can acquire to offset the continued growth in bank notes in circulation.11 The Bank purchased its first CMB in December 2018 for $250 million. Purchases are conducted in the primary market, on a non-competitive basis. The Bank chooses the amounts of individual bond purchases in a way that limits market distortions and minimizes impact on market prices and are held to maturity on the balance sheet.



The Bank occasionally provides advances under its Standing Liquidity Facility as collateralized loans to LVTS participants to cover a negative end-of-day cash position. The lending occurs at the top of the Bank’s operating band or “Bank Rate.”



The two types of repos appearing on the balance sheet serve different purposes in normal times. Overnight repos are predominately used to reinforce the Bank’s target for the overnight rate. In addition, the Bank’s regular bi-weekly term repos operations allow the Bank to acquire assets on a temporary basis for its balance sheet. This provides flexibility, in combination with T-bills, to offset seasonal and short-term fluctuations in liabilities. As well, these repo operations provide information on conditions in short-term funding markets. The target amount for term repos has been set at 10 per cent of financial assets, plus or minus 5 per cent. Finally, repos may be used to inject extraordinary amounts of liquidity into the financial system and support funding conditions for financial institutions, as seen during the global financial crisis.


Other assets

Other assets on the balance sheet include property and equipment, intangible assets and other non-investment items.

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 8, 2020, 4:19 a.m. No.10979984   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anon deals alot with food within everyday duties. Been noticing the portion sizes on fastfood have gotten noticeably smaller (good) and that certain foods/products have changed since covid, but wasnt able to find sauce til now.


From June 2020, says nothing about portion sizes though.


Restaurant menus are getting smaller. Here's what some big chains are dropping


The slimmer menus are a way to shed complexities and costs, and push simpler or more popular items at a time when conserving cash is crucial for restaurant operators.


On the changes in food. vvvvvv


FDA Temporarily Allowing Food Ingredient Swaps Without Label Changes


The agency said the change is due to the scarcity of certain ingredients amid the COVID-19 pandemic.


The policy is meant to remain in effect only for the duration of the Department of Health and Human Services’ pandemic public health emergency. However, noting that the food and agriculture sector may need additional time to bring supply chains back to normal operating levels, the FDA plans to consider and publicly communicate whether a complete or partial extension of the temporary policy is warranted.

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 8, 2020, 9:51 a.m. No.10982820   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2823 >>2115 >>8308 >>2549

The Color Revolution Model: An Expose of the Core Mechanics





Color Revolutions are one of the newest models of state destabilization. They allow external actors to plead plausible deniability when accused of illegally interfering in the domestic affairs of a sovereign state, and their mass mobilization of ‘people power’ renders them highly effective in the eyes of the global media. Additionally, the conglomeration of large numbers of civilians protesting the government also increases pressure on that said government and limits its options in effectively dealing with the ongoing destabilization. All Color Revolutions closely follow the same template, and understanding the nature of this applied tactic of destabilization will allow states to craft suitable countermeasures against it.




I Model



Color Revolutions are formed through a complex interaction of many factors, however, they can be subdivided into several primary infrastructural categories:


• Ideology


• Finance


• Social


• Training


• Information


• Media


These factors interact with one another in a specific way in a five-tiered hierarchy:




The interplay of the above factors creates a Movement (m) that combines with two other variables in order to produce a Color Revolution:


• ‘The Event’ (e)


• Physical Infrastructure (p)


The resultant formula for a Color Revolution (R) is as follows:


m + e + p = R


The following chapters of the exposition will definitely detail what these variables are, as well as explain the interaction between them.



II Description of Variables


This section will detail the specific contributing factors that define each of the variables.


  1. Ideology


Ideology is the central focus of any change within the world, and it is the guiding idea that motivates all of the other factors affecting a Color Revolution. Without ideology, everything that follows is empty and devoid of meaning and purpose. The traditional ideology motivating all Color Revolutions is Liberal Democracy, and it seeks to ‘free’ targeted states from perceived anti-Liberal Democratic (non-Western) governments.


Liberal Democracy, in its current post-modern manifestation, is expansionist and aggressive. It is not content with alternative ideological and value systems and must steamroll over them in its pursuit of global dominance. Besides waging direct war against societies resisting its advance (i.e. Serbia, Libya), Liberal Democratic states (the West) have learned to pursue other methods of defeating targeted states. These methods are less direct that outright war, but no less efficient. The ideological penetration of a society eventually embodies itself in a physical outburst inside the state itself, guided by a segment of the state’s own citizenry. The state (and society as a whole) must combat a part of itself that is ‘rising up’ against the status quo, leading to a conflict of interest and a social civil war. Depending upon the level of provocation that the pro-Liberal Democratic protesters initiate, as well as instances of mismanagement by the state in dealing with this social uprising, the social civil war may eventually turn violent and briefly resemble an actual civil war. This is especially so if the protesters have been armed by forces outside of the country, and if they decide to attack the security services tasked with dispersing the Color Revolution’s physical manifestations.

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 8, 2020, 9:51 a.m. No.10982823   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2826 >>2115 >>8308 >>2549


Ideology is thus the initiator of all Color Revolutions(CRITICAL RACE THEORY). It presents an opposite form of development for a domestic society, and it motivates sympathetic segments of the population to engage in tangible demonstrations to demand change. It will later be seen that the vast majority of these active protesters may not even be aware that their activities are being orchestrated by a higher power (NGO, foreign government). Rather, most of them, as a result of a heavy-handed information campaign promoting the destabilizing ideology, have truly been led to believe that their actions are spontaneous and ‘natural’, and that they represent the inevitable ‘progress’ that all areas of the world are bound to experience sooner or later. The ideology of the individual over the collective (the social aspect of Liberal-Democracy) empowers each and every protester to feel that they are making a unique and significant impact in bringing about this change.



  1. Finance (GoFundMe, ActBlue, 1k Currents.)


Any ideology needs to have a financial infrastructure in order to facilitate its permeation of a society. Money lubricates society and provides additional means for spreading influence. Unless there is a strong level of pre-existing support for the penetrating ideology within the targeted country, then the initial capital will likely come from abroad (the host state[s] promoting the ideology). This was the case with the first wave of Color Revolutions and the Arab Spring. Foreign financial backers provided the capital needed to keep the fledgling Movements growing in their early stages. Even if the outside ideological influence builds its own social infrastructure of sorts without resorting to financial means, that social variable will be severely limited in its outreach and effectiveness if it does not have a solid financial basis backing its promotional activities and training.



Finance is the backbone of the entire Color Revolution.It transforms the ideas of the social Movement into tangible action (physical infrastructure), and it provides a ‘nest’ for ideological nurturing. Such nests are various pro-democracy and human rights (as defined by the West) institutions and organizations. Most commonly, they may misleadingly be referred to as NGOs, even if they do have a direct link to a foreign government or elements of the institutional political opposition. Such institutions and centers need money in order to operate, and this brings about the critical importance of having a financial infrastructure in place.



The financial infrastructure must continuously pump money into its endeavors, as any halt (however brief) will directly affect the effectiveness of its on-the-ground and cyber operations. Grants from established institutions and foreign governments can provide the initial start-up capital to create a domestic penetrating institution/organization within the targeted state, but in the future, proper training will teach activists how to raise funds on their own. Fundraising works to provide a certain level of financial self-sufficiency that achieves three aims:


1) Limit the negative impact that any halt in foreign financing would create


2) Create a domestic financial network that can evade the watchful government eye over international money transfers and the illegal smuggling of cash between borders


3) Entrench the institution/organization even further into domestic society through fundraising outreach activities


Finance allows the Color Revolution to firmly establish itself in society, as well as disseminate its ideas throughout.The more finance, the greater the number of institutions/organizations and the people that they employ.Taken in combination with Social Infrastructure, it is directly supported by Ideology.

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 8, 2020, 9:51 a.m. No.10982826   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2831


  1. Social


This type of infrastructure deals with the actual people that are involved in the ColorRevolution, and it is defined through institutions/organizations. It is the Revolution’s direct engine of engagement. Prior to ‘The Event’, this can be divided into three levels:


1) Core (Vanguard)


2) Cohorts (Workers)


3) Civilians (Sympathizers)


‘The Event’ leads to all three of these levels coalescing into a singular unit, thereby giving the Color Revolution the impression of being a unified grassroots initiative. It is argued that the Social Infrastructure is very hierarchical, and that a small cabal of vanguard individuals controls the entire Movement. This fact is usually lost not only on the outside observer, but also among the civilian sympathizers as well, however, it is extremely important to acknowledge and understand in order to comprehend the organization of the Social Infrastructure.



3a) Core


These individuals are the vanguard of the Color Revolution. They are the people who control the institutions/organizations that are set in bringing about the Liberal-Democratic change. They are highly trained and maintain direct contact with the external patron (ideological and/or financial). The core constitutes a small amount of activists who are dedicated to the cause. In the sense that they are dead-set against the existing status quo and actively seek to disrupt it, they can be defined as ‘ideological extremists’. They are the most powerful people within the targeted country, and when the decision is made to initiate the Color Revolution, they may either prominently deliver motivating speeches to the public in favor of it, or they may continue their shadow role in organizing the Movement. The capture or compromise of a Core individual severely offsets the organizational effectiveness of the Color Revolution.



3b) Cohorts


These people comprise the workers that are positioned below the Core. They carry out administrative or recruiting tasks under the employ of the institution/organization. The Cohorts are the ‘face’ of the organization that most civilians will initially come into contact with. They also perform most of the work for the institution/organization, thereby making them the labor backbone. Cohorts are dedicated to the cause, but they have yet to prove their absolute loyalty and enter into the elite Core. All Cohorts aspire to enter the Core, hence their dedicated activism and public demonstrations in favor of their ideology. Seeing as how the individual Cohort is not as integral to the Movement as a Core member is, they are easily disposable and replaced by the organization if need be (i.e. they are ordered into provocative publicized actions and subsequently arrested). A large number of Cohorts are powerful and valuable to the institution/organization, a single Cohort is nothing more than a pawn.



3c) Civilians


The Civilians are the regular citizens who the Cohorts come into contact with. They enter into the Social Infrastructure only when they become sympathizers to the cause. Civilians may or may not enter into the Physical Infrastructure (i.e. participate in marches of solidarity with the Color Revolution), but when they do, they provide a valuable soft power advantage. Media footage of thousands of civilians partaking in a Color Revolution rally may influence other civilians to also take part in such activities. As with the Cohorts, a single Civilian is a pawn, but large amounts of them are a ‘weapon’.

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 8, 2020, 9:52 a.m. No.10982831   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2834


In terms of influence, the pattern is thus:


Core Cohorts > Civilians


In terms of numbers, the pattern is reversed:


Civilians Cohorts > Core


As the Social Infrastructure builds upon itself and adds new members, it will also increase the funds available to the institution/organization through the Cohorts’ fundraising activities.



  1. Training


Training is indispensable to any Color Revolution, as it forms the third part of the Unholy Triangle (to be explained later). This level of Infrastructure enhances the capabilities of its Finance, Social, and Information counterparts:



Finance: Cohorts learn fundraising techniques


Social: Cohorts learn how to successfully conduct outreach activities to increase their ranks and gather more Civilian sympathizers.


Information: Cohorts learn how to create better websites, craft more effective promotional materials, and exploit social media


Training can either take place within the country or outside. (Middle East Hamas/Hezbollah)The Core may be trained outside, whereas the Cohorts will likely be trained inside the country by the Core. It is important for the institution/organization to establish plausible deniability in terms of foreign involvement otherwise their domestic operations will be discredited. This makes it more probable that the elite Core may do the traveling, while the many Cohorts remain within the country for their training.



Training can either be in-person or virtual. In the event that it dangerous or suspicious for the Core to leave the country for training, it will be conducted via the internet. However, the most effective training occurs in person, and online ‘tutorials’ are no substitute for face-to-face interaction between the Core and their sponsors. It may occur that the sponsors send a training representative into the target country to conduct training under such circumstances, although such a move is risky for the sponsor. If caught red-handed, both the sponsor and the institute/organization will lose credibility among the domestic audience, thereby mitigating many of their previous gains.


An institution/organization without effective training is incomplete, handicapped, and incapable of reaching its full potential.



  1. Information


This level of infrastructure deals with ideological dissemination, and it is extremely important in assisting with Social Infrastructure recruitment (Cohorts and Civilians). It has two primary elements:


• Social Media


• Propaganda Materials


These elements are explained below.



5a) Social Media


Social Media is exploited to spread the Ideology and create a Social Network, which in turn will either turn into Cohorts of Civilian sympathizers. Effective Social Media outreach by the institution/organization will further the Color Revolution by immeasurable bounds. Civilians will use the Social Media outlets to keep in touch with news and developments about the Movement, and it will pose a challenge to the official media outlets supporting the governmental establishment. In this way, successful Social Media skills have the end goal of creating an alternative information outlet.

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 8, 2020, 9:52 a.m. No.10982834   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2839


5b) Propaganda Materials


Propaganda Materials are integral in furthering the cause of the Movement and making it appear larger than it is. Graffiti, leaflets strewn across side streets and posted on buildings, and catchy slogans, logos, and colors can spread the Movement throughout the public psyche on a new non-stop basis. It reminds even those Civilians that are not sympathizers of the Movement that the underpinnings of a future Color Revolution exist and are present in their society. In fact, these Civilians may then think that such a Movement is inevitable and has larger support than it really does, making them follow a ‘bandwagon’ mentality of latching onto what they feel will be the ‘winning side’. Propaganda also simplifies the Movement’s message, makes it all-encompassing to each social class (preferably), and creates easy-to-digest images and concepts for foreign and domestic audiences.



Information Infrastructure is also responsible for the following:


• Creating software and strategies to map/plan upcoming protests


• Connecting the Institution/Organization with other likeminded ones within the country or abroad


• Choosing the most symbolic national symbols/songs/nationally significant monuments, squares, parks to associate with the Movement


Thus, this type of Infrastructure connects the Movement to the outside world and enhances the effectiveness of its message.



  1. Media


This level of Infrastructure is the culminating point of the Movement’s entire Infrastructure. The Media can either be New (blogs, alternative news sites) or Traditional (TV, newspapers). Finance, Social, Training, and Information Infrastructures come together to create this fifth and final tier, and this level leads to mass dissemination throughout society. It legitimizes the Ideology of the Movement, makes it seem reputable, and solidifies the perception of a strong presence in society. Most importantly, it also has a prime aim of reaching the international audience. Doing so creates international (Western) legitimacy and prompts statements from leading political figures, both within the country and abroad. The domestic politicians that support the Movement will then have the explicit support of their foreign sponsors, thereby helping to propel their political careers if the Color Revolution is successful.



Both media platforms (New and Traditional) serve to recruit more Civilians who may have been hesitant about joining the Movement, since they previously viewed it as fringe or unlikely to succeed. The New Media can even pressure the Traditional Media to report on developments concerning the Movement, especially if the Traditional Media is reluctant to do so for political reasons. It may even occur that a rift develops between the New and Traditional Medias, with the New Media on the side of the Movement, and the Traditional Media on the side of the establishment. Bloggers and ‘new journalists’ are at the forefront of the New Media, and their reporting is instrumental in expanding the influence of pro-Movement New Media.

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 8, 2020, 9:53 a.m. No.10982839   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2846


If the Traditional Media does report on the Movement (either as a result of New Media pressure or via Movement-friendly outlets), this would make unaware Civilians cognizant of the social civil war ahead of them and provoke a government counterstatement/media response. The government, of course, will not be in favor of any Movement aimed at overthrowing it, so it is compelled to publicly proclaim its opposition to it. This enables the Movement to frame the events in a way that makes the government appear to be ‘suppressing’ the political opposition. Such accusations carry heavy weight in the Western arena of public opinion and can serve to undermine the government’s support among on-the-fence civilians.



III Unholy Triangle


This is the term used to describe the interplay between the Finance, Social, and Training Infrastructures. Each one complements the other, and taken together, they form the center of the Movement’s power and influence. The Unholy Triangle is the most important interaction that takes place within the Movement. The stronger each of the three units is, the stronger the Movement itself will become. Conversely, if one part of the Unholy Triangle is weakened, the rest of the Movement also becomes weak. This weakness will have consequences on the Information and Media Infrastructures (the spawn of the Unholy Triangle), thereby undermining the entire Color Revolution operation. Without effective Information and Media outlets, the Movement will wither and eventually collapse.



Social Infrastructure is the most important part of the Unholy Triangle, since it directly affects Tiers 2-5. Therefore, any negative developments in Finance and Training (on which Social is dependent] would ripple through the entire Movement. Although Information also affects Social, it only increases recruitment. Recruitment without quality is ineffective, and institutions/organizations without funding do not operate.



IV Explanation of m Factor Interactions


Tier 1


Ideology à Finance: justification for the entire project


Ideology à Social: motivation for individuals to join the movement



Tier 2


Finance à Social: provides funding for more institutions/organizations


Social à Finance: more Cohorts may lead to more activists conducting fundraising


Finance à Training: pays for more training


Social à Training: more individuals to be trained, makes training a regular occurrence



Tier 3


Training à Finance: teaches Cohorts fundraising activities


Training à Social: increases the effectiveness of outreach activities, improves personnel quality



Tier 4


Finance à Information: pays for better information campaigns and resources


Social à Information: provides more Cohorts to conduct information campaigns


Training à Information: improves the efficiency of information campaigns


Information à Social: assists with recruitment of Cohorts and Civilian sympathizers



Tier 5


Finance à Media: pays for media coverage


Social à Media: institutions/organizations provide a tangible and legitimate subject for reporting


Information à Media: media outlets use the information crafted by institutions/organizations

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 8, 2020, 9:53 a.m. No.10982846   🗄️.is 🔗kun



V ‘The Event’ – GEORGE FLOYD


A Color Revolution can only be officially initiated after an ‘Event’. This Event must be controversial and polarizing (or framed to be so), and it releases all of the Movement’s built-up energy. The Movement physically manifests itself in the most public way possible, and all of its parts operate to their maximum possible capacity. The Event is the ‘coming out’ for the Movement, and it is the trigger for the Color Revolution.


Events are selectively exploited, and the Movement may ignore a certain event if it does not feel that the Infrastructure necessary to successfully carry out the Color Revolution is adequate. Therefore, it will wait until another Event arises, or it may work to manufacture or provoke an Event. The Movement capitalizes upon an Event only after it has operated a successful information campaign. The Media Infrastructure may or may not be fully built by the time the decision is made to exploit the Event, as this level is closely tied to the Event itself. It may be that Media Infrastructure is not utilized until after the Event itself, in order to set the stage and prepare the public psyche for the Color Revolution. It all depends on the situation itself and the decision of the Movement and its sponsors.


Examples of Events are the following:


• A rigged election


• The jailing of an opposition leader


• The signing of a controversial piece of legislation


• A government crackdown against the opposition or the imposition of martial law


• Declaring or being involved in an unpopular war


The above are but a few of the examples of what can constitute the Event. It is not important that these events actually occur in fact or not. What is pivotal is how they are perceived, framed, and narrated to the public at large. Allegations, not proof, of the above are what is most important in creating the catalyst for an Event. It must always be remembered that the Movement can provoke any of these events



VI Physical Infrastructure


The Event and the rolling out of Physical Infrastructure go hand in hand. There are two parts of Physical Infrastructure:


1) People and their active physical engagement in support of the Color Revolution


2) Physical objects & places and their strategic placement/utilization


These two aspects are further explained below.



  1. Physical Infrastructure 1


The first part is deployed when the Core gives the decision for the Cohorts and Civilian sympathizers to take to the streets to physically and publicly demonstrate their support of the Color Revolution. The following are examples:


• ‘Occupy’ Activities


• Building a Crowd


• Marches and Protests


The abovementioned prominent examples need to be explored more fully:



1a) ‘Occupy’ Activities


The Movement needs to ‘occupy’ a symbolic location in order to have a publicly presentable HQ. In many cases, this is the central square of the capital, and the occupation may be in violation of municipal law. Should it be illegal, it already creates the provocative pretext for the government to dismantle the occupied settlements and evict the protesters. Such an action, if recorded and broadcast (either via New or Traditional Media), could be spun into anti-government propaganda and could further embolden the Movement.The ‘occupation’ is made to appear spontaneous, and even if a pre-existing spontaneous occupation or protest (that supports the Color Revolution’s ideas) is present in the targeted location, then the Movement will exploit it by making it its own and using this previous occupation/protest to highlight the spontaneity of the anti-government opposition.

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 8, 2020, 10:52 a.m. No.10983534   🗄️.is 🔗kun



She is saying what other experts have been saying for months, but the finger is pointing directly to the US military that had the same virus at Fort Detrick in Maryland as early as 2015. Then we have the trail of passing it to the lab at Capel Hill, at the UNC, then to the lab in Winnipeg, Canada, and the spy charade in the summer of 2019 of a Chinese scientist using the Canada Post to send samples to Wuhan. This entire Covid scam is a Made in America production, at the behest of the same financial backers of the UN, the UN Agendas, the World Economic Forum and the high tech Great Reset being launched this year right under your naïve noses. Not only will you find more pressures coming your way for the vaccinations to make you "safe", but the entire contact-tracing scam, also a government-military operation, is setting the stage for the "necessity" of micro implants to accompany the vaccinations "to keep you safe" in the future for tracing of other flus and colds. Why do you think they have prolonged the first wave so long and are now manufacturing BS about the second wave? Their entire 5G AI networks with the planned digital currencies, control of finances, surveillance, people controls, remote working, essential consumption, etc. etc., is going to be a huge white elephant without the chipping of the public. The Covid scam is entirely a globalist operation funded and directed by the international banking cartel, which has used the US military to lead the charge and for coordination. It is clear that Trump and his circle were not told at any time in their administration what was coming by the "out of his control" US military, and that he and his cabinet were only briefed on the operation sometime around February. Yet, they are all dutifully supporting the psyop with the official lie that China did it, which at this stage is just a cheap dodge. Trump just wants to get through the election unscathed, but is backing the key vaccination program, like they have a gun to his head.

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 8, 2020, 11:10 a.m. No.10983760   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Some good news:


Guess that big fat Liberal grant ran out.

No one wants to watch propaganda.


==CBC to lay off dozens of journalists and management across multiple divisions

The layoffs affect 'all aspects of our business,' said Chuck Thompson, the head of public affairs, at CBC. This includes news, current affairs and others==


Author of the article:Tyler Dawson

Publishing date:Oct 07, 2020 • Last Updated 20 hours ago • 2 minute read



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CBC is planning to shed more than 60 jobs across multiple divisions, including its news division, the National Post has learned.


In an email sent to staff, Barb Williams, the executive vice-president of CBC English Services, said 40 employees affiliated with the Canadian Media Guild in five locations across the country will be let go, with most of them in Toronto.


A further 11 people, her email said, who are affiliated with the Association of Professionals and Supervisors, which represents supervisory staff and professional employees, will also be let go.


“A number of unaffiliated positions are also a part of this overall downsizing,” the email said. This refers to a further 10 people in management who have been let go.


In the email, Williams said CBC “operates in a challenging media landscape, a media landscape which is in constant disruption.”


The layoffs affect “all aspects of our business,” said Chuck Thompson, the head of public affairs, at CBC. This includes news, current affairs and others.



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“Every one of these individuals made a difference and contributed significantly to CBC,” said Thompson.


The impact to the news division, current affairs and local news affected 58 positions, but most were dealt with by retirement and attrition. Nineteen people were laid off.


The other 21 people in the Canadian Media Guild were let go across other divisions.

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 8, 2020, 11:14 a.m. No.10983791   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3812 >>6436 >>2115 >>8308 >>2549

Alleged mastermind of lavish mansion casino raided by police met twice with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau


Wei Wei met at least twice in 2016 with Trudeau, including at a controversial Liberal fundraiser in the home of another wealthy entrepreneur


Author of the article:Tom Blackwell

Publishing date:Oct 07, 2020 •


The news that emerged last week about Wei Wei was attention-grabbing to say the least.


Police announced the Toronto-area real estate developer had been charged after officers raided a lavish, well-armed and illegal casino that was uniquely located inside a sprawling mansion.


Wei is alleged to have been the mastermind behind the high-end “Mackenzie No. 5 Club,” where police seized an assault rifle from his bedroom, gaming tables and more than $1 million in cash.


“The money moving through these underground casinos leads to huge profits for criminals that fund other ventures such as prostitution and drug trafficking,” York Regional Police said in a statement last week.


Not long ago, however, the businessman accused of being at the centre of it all was moving in some of Canada’s loftiest business and political circles, partly as an advocate for China.


Wei met at least twice in 2016 with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, including at a controversial Liberal fundraiser in the home of another wealthy entrepreneur.


Wei also was among a delegation of four representing a Chinese government-endorsed industry group that met separately with Trudeau. Another member of the delegation donated $1 million to the Trudeau Foundation and the erection of a statue honoring the prime minister’s father.


Wei Wei, far left, at a 2016 meeting between delegates of the Chinese government-run China Cultural Industry Association and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. PHOTO BY CHINA CULTURAL INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION

Both the fundraising event and the gift fed a controversy over alleged cash-for-access schemes that gave rich donors face time with Trudeau. The uproar prompted the Liberals to reform their fundraising rules.


Liberal spokesman Matteo Rossi did not address questions about Wei specifically, but said the party now has the toughest and most transparent standards for fundraising in federal politics. That includes allowing media coverage of events and hosting them in publicly accessible spaces.


“As his party’s new leader, it’s time that Erin O’Toole also did the right thing and committed to stop barring journalists from the Conservative party’s behind-closed-doors fundraising events,” said Rossi.


York Regional Police painted an eye-opening picture of the underground casino they found in the suburbs north of Toronto. Wei and his wife, Xing Yue Chen, bought the opulent, 20,000-square-foot estate in 2015 for $4.7 million, with a mortgage of $3 million, property records indicate. Police say it’s now worth $9 million.



Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 8, 2020, 11:15 a.m. No.10983812   🗄️.is 🔗kun


As part of a series of raids carried out in July, but only announced last week, officers seized $1.5 million in high-quality liquor and wine and 11 guns as well as gambling equipment.


The mansion at 5 Decourcy Court, near Major Mackenzie Blvd. and Warden Ave., in Markham, Ont., on Wednesday September 30, 2020.

Inside the Markham casino bust: Armed guards, $11.5M in guns, cash and property. Oh, and shark fins

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is reflected in a TV monitor as he holds a press conference at the National Press Theatre in Ottawa on Monday, Dec. 12, 2016.

Conservatives call on Trudeau Foundation to ban foreign donations after 10-fold increase in three years


The house appeared to have bedrooms for the use of its clients, and allegedly may have been trafficking women for prostitution, officers said. Police who had approached the home earlier allegedly faced intimidation from guards posted there, they said.


Wei, 52, his wife, 48, and 25-year-old daughter were charged with keeping a common gaming house and other offences.


But the operation’s existence was not exactly a closely held secret. The National Post obtained an elegantly printed invitation from Wei that announced a “soft opening cocktail party” for what it called the “Mackenzie No. 5 Club.”


Hundreds of people attended the event in November 2019, including a number of local politicians, said an acquaintance of Wei’s who asked not to be named. She remembers line-ups of people waiting to take selfies with the “VIPs.”


Though the source did not notice formal casino equipment, she said she saw many of the guests playing cards and gambling there.


How Wei went from a well-connected property developer to an alleged black-market gaming boss is not clear.


Wei couldn’t be reached for comment, but the source said he came to Canada about 10 years ago under the investor-immigrant program. As head of Skywalk Investment, he’s known for buying and selling real estate in the Toronto area, serving on a committee of the Canada-China Realty Professional Association, which says it is dedicated to encouraging development and investment opportunities in the two countries.


A person named Wei Wei owns almost 50 properties in Toronto alone, land-registry records indicate.



Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 8, 2020, 12:25 p.m. No.10984650   🗄️.is 🔗kun at it again…

.this time bashing on Vanwatech, a CDN, hosting, and DDOS protection service


Bad actors are use various server hosting providers to host their sites, similar to criminals opening bank accounts at bank institutions without the bank cluing in on it. One bad actor was using Vanwatech to host a phishing website.


Senior Editor Nick Backovic calls out the different websites that use Vanwatech's services; some of them are related to Patriots spreading the truth. He equates Vanwatech as irresponsible. Yet he does not acknowledge that bad actors like agitators will use the same services as honest citizens. Maybe Backovic should do the same and investigate other web hosting and CDS. I'm sure he'll find more websites of bad actors and then his logic will not hold.


Backovic then lets his colleague Joe Ondrak, 8chan founder Fredrick Brennan, BBC Monitoring and BBC World reporter Shayan Sardarizadeh, NBC News reporters Ben Collins and Brandy Zadrozny, and Bloomberg reporter William Turton.


There are culprits everywhere. Culprits use the same service providers as innocent citizens. Logical fallacy.


Symptom =/= Root cause.


One data point =/= The truth. You need multiple data points from multiple angles in order for your hypothesis to be qualified.

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 8, 2020, 12:45 p.m. No.10984875   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Canadian Realestate in Serious Trouble


Mike Martins

12.9K subscribers


🚨Canadian mortgage rates are the lowest in history. Can they go any lower?🚨

Amazon to hire 3,500 workers in B.C. and Ontario, expand office footprint?

Amazoncom Inc. will hire 3,500 Canadians to work in spaces it is opening and expanding in British Columbia and Ontario.


The e-commerce giant revealed Monday that 3,000 of the jobs will be in Vancouver, where it is growing its footprint, and another 500 will be in Toronto, home of a new Amazon workspace.


Jesse Dougherty, Amazon's vice-president and Vancouver site lead, said the company wanted to offer the jobs in Canada because the country has an "enormous'' amount of tech talent Amazon is eager to tap into and accommodate at home.


"I look at it through the lens of how can we grow so that people don't have to leave Canada to learn and take on amazing global challenges that are of a scale that aren't typically available here?'' he said.

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 8, 2020, 12:51 p.m. No.10984929   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UN Agenda 30 is Literally Agenda 1984


UN Agenda 30 is the Missing Piece of the Puzzle


It Explains the Mask & Lockdown Insanity, and much more.


"When we introduced into the State organism the poison of Liberalism its whole political complexion underwent a change. States have been seized with a mortal illness–blood poisoning. All that remains is to await the end of their death agony." (Protocols of Zion, 9)


"In order that the true meaning of things may not strike the goyim before the proper time, we shall mask it under the alleged ardent desire to serve the working classes…" (Protocols of Zion, 6)


Picture in your mind an Orwellian dystopia like 1984, a world in which you have no rights, no freedom, no property, no family, no country, no religion, no say, and no nothing.


UN Agenda 21 is the blueprint for such a world. The infrastructure has already been built. (Agenda 2030 is a milestone in Agenda 21 i.e. Century 21.)


This is the context in which all current events must be seen. We are wasting our time discussing whether the coronavirus is real or whether the lockdowns are justified. They are real and justified in terms of the pernicious goals of Agenda 21.


This is the picture into which all the puzzle pieces fit: Defund the police. Systemic racism. Climate change. Rural fires and displacement. Artificial intelligence. Mass surveillance. Transhumanism. Sustainability.


They are all part of the UN Agenda 1984: A world police state.


The scary part is that 179 countries signed on to this world government tyranny at the Rio Summit in 1992. That's how advanced this agenda is, and for the most part, humanity is oblivious to this powerful and sinister conspiracy.


The media doesn't report it, and therefore we tended to dismiss Jeremiahs like Rosa Koire and Niki Raapana.




They are literally constructing 1984. This is the logic behind the insanity we are witnessing. This is where our focus should be.


I have been saying that the Cabalist Jewish bankers wish to extend their monopoly over government credit into a monopoly over everything.

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 8, 2020, 12:57 p.m. No.10984987   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8773

Is Soros Behind the Democrats More than People Know?


(same in Canada)


Most people are unaware that George Soros has a son who has set up his own philanthropy and is a major donor to the Democrats which gives him access and influence. Alexander Soros is the deputy chair of the Open Society Foundations. He sits on the boards of Bard College, Bend the Arc Jewish Action, and Central European University. While George Soros does not come to appear with Democrats, he sends his son. Alexander met the VP pick Harris, because he was there in the vetting process and his father was informed and approved.


Make no mistake about it, if Alexander Soros is on the phone, they will pick it up. He is believed to be as far left as his father. He was born in 1985 yet has his own foundation with dad’s money. So anyone who wants to know why the Democrats have moved far left, just look to Soros who wants to end governments and hand all power to the United Nations in an Open Society. So those who light candles and pray Soros will die soon, he has already cloned himself.


Some say the superrich are far left because they feel guilty for having so much money. Others suggest they are far left and create foundations so the wealth is not their personality, because they do not want anyone else rising to compete with them and their ideas. Either way, they have politicians eating out of their hands. Politicians are like mosquitoes. They are attracted to the pretty blue light that kills them.

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 8, 2020, 2:51 p.m. No.10986245   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Revealed: Anti-Trump New England Journal Of Medicine Is Partnered With A Chinese Communist Publishing House


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 8, 2020, 2:59 p.m. No.10986327   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8760

There is no Deep State


There is only an unelected set of bureaucrats who are not accountable to lawfully elected civilian executive authority.


THIS is the primary difference between civilian agencies and military agencies. We have always been proud of the peaceful handover of power since the military is under civilian control and oversight. Citizens elect the executive to ensure their control of the military.


The alphabet agencies have never been accountable to civilian oversight. Today they are largely self funded for all covert and clandestine work. Due to their ability to gather intelligence (dirt) on the legislative branch, they can gain or maintain legislative "approval" of their activities. Their very foundation and directorship was drawn from the investment banking lawyers! They have manipulated government policy for financial gain of their benefactors since their inception. There has never been a peaceful handover of "agencies" to the civilian oversight.


This is now changing and why their is such an outcry from the "establishment". The agencies ARE the media, the tech companies, the propaganda cheerleaders (hollywood and sportball). The agencies have been infiltrating all outlets for the global takeover of human resources for a small group of owners.


This is why the military is required to make this transition. We the people have authorized a transfer of power against all odds and the civilian agencies are not letting go. The "agencies" were never set up to benefit the nation or further the will of the people and have no intention of starting now. They will not give up the power they have taken for the globalist masters of the universe. It must be taken from them, and it will.

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 8, 2020, 6:02 p.m. No.10988561   🗄️.is 🔗kun



According to the WHO's own numbers.


That is the news of the day frens.

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 8, 2020, 7:03 p.m. No.10989993   🗄️.is 🔗kun

From mb


Q team, please do something about censorship, urgent!!


Probably the biggest independent media of Canada was shut down on facebook (majority of his visibility) because he spoke about "Q" a while ago. He has not even talked directly about Qanon for months now and that happens.


People of Quebec now lost a great leader of the great awakening on facebook, which was redpilling normies here like crazy.


One of the last hope of the french canadians and for canada.


Does not mean he's deleted, but losing much reach and influence.


Q team, help alexis, he's one of your greatest ally in the north!

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 8, 2020, 7:17 p.m. No.10990243   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Local lockdowns ‘may kill more than herd immunity does’


Strict lockdowns and school closures could end up increasing the coronavirus death toll in the long run, a new study has found. Shutting down the spread of the virus only helps to prevent deaths if a vaccine can be found quickly, academics at the University of Edinburgh claim. According to the study, lockdowns can help to relieve pressure on hospitals but also serve to prolong a virus outbreak – potentially leading to more deaths later on as fewer people will have built up immunity. Professor Graeme Ackland, who led the research, said: ‘In the short-term, closing schools contributed to reducing the severity of the first wave, to the extent that Nightingale hospitals were not needed, but the decision has left us more vulnerable to subsequent waves of infection. ‘Mitigating a Covid-19 epidemic requires very different strategies for different age groups and a different strategy from an influenza epidemic, with more focus on shielding elderly and vulnerable people.’ Visit our live blog for the latest updates Coronavirus news live The Edinburgh study looked at various different lockdown scenarios including social distancing of the over-70s, social distancing of the entire population, closure of schools and universities, and at-home isolation of people who develop symptoms – for seven days and 14 days. They wrote: ‘The findings of this study suggest that prompt interventions were shown to be highly effective at reducing peak demand for intensive care unit (ICU) beds but also prolong the epidemic, in some cases resulting in more deaths long-term. ‘This happens because Covid-19 related mortality is highly skewed towards older age groups.


(con't at link)

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 8, 2020, 8:06 p.m. No.10990974   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2115 >>8308 >>2549

Convoy/Rally Update!


Grizzly Patriot


Saskatoon 0900 Oct 15 - Vancouver Oct 17 for Sat Freedom Rally



Don't want to bow down to China's NBA Censorship? Come join this rally this Thursday Oct. 17 at the NBA Exhibition game in Vancouver.

Ask Vancouver

Quoting the South Park Gods, "You want to be like the NBA and welcome the Chinese censors into your homes and into your hearts? You too love money more than freedom and democracy?"


Well then, you wouldn't want to come join this rally.


October 17, 2019, 5:30pm We Will Not Be Silenced Rogers Arena (Meet at Costco across from Gate 10)


The last few weeks have shown us that the battle for basic human rights is being fought not only in Hong Kong, but here at home as well. Though the NBA's Commissioner Adam Silver has come out supporting free speech, none of their players, coaches or owners have defended Daryl Morey for standing up for the people of Hong Kong.


The NBA may believe this will all blow over, but many around the world have stood up and made it known to the NBA that this will not go away. Consumers in the free world will not just shut up and dribble.


This demonstration in Vancouver will offer support to the people of Hong Kong, and will also be a litmus test to see whether the NBA really value free speech of their players and fans over the profits from access to the market controlled by the Chinese Communist State.

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 8, 2020, 8:46 p.m. No.10991526   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Melbourne clamps down on exercising, leaving your house and how far you can travel


Melbourne stage 4 restrictions and Covid lockdown rules explained


There have been some changes to metropolitan Melbourne’s tough stage four coronavirus restrictions. Here’s what you need to know




Here’s what you need to know about the restrictions in Melbourne.


When can I leave my house?


You are only allowed to leave your house for four main reasons: shopping for food and essential items; care and caregiving; daily exercise or recreation; and work. Employers must support you to work from home if you can work from home.


Caregiving includes managing shared custody arrangements, using a babysitter, leaving home to care for animals housed elsewhere, visiting someone in an aged care home and visiting someone in hospital. Specific directions apply.


You can leave your house if you are at risk of family violence or to apply for an intervention order, and to attend court or a police station.


You can also leave your house to access medical services. That explicitly includes leaving your house to give blood. Access to medical services is unrestricted: you can access them anywhere in Victoria.


From 5am on Monday 28 September there is no longer a night-time curfew.


How far can I travel from home?


–Shopping for food and necessary supplies must be done within 5km of your home, except if the nearest supermarket is further than 5km.


Exercise must take place within 5km of home–, and must be in metropolitan Melbourne.


What are the rules for exercise?


From midnight on 27 September, you may exercise up to two hours a day in total, split into a maximum of two sessions.


Outdoor recreation must be within 5km of home or permitted work, up to two hours a day total, split into a maximum of two sessions.


Outdoor personal training is allowed, with up to two people per trainer.


Outdoor pools are open from 28 September, but skate parks and gyms remain closed.


Up to five people from a maximum of two households can meet outdoors for social interaction, exercise or recreation (infants under 12 months of age are not included in the cap) for a maximum of two hours and within 5km of their home.


You are not be allowed to leave metropolitan Melbourne to exercise, meaning long bushwalks or leaving Melbourne to go fishing or golfing are not permitted.


You are allowed to drive to a location in order to exercise, but your destination must be within 5km of your home and must be the closest practicable location.


Time spent in the car driving to and from your location is included in the one-hour time limit.


Can I have visitors to my house? Can I see my partner?


You cannot have visitors or go to another person’s house unless it is for the purpose of giving or receiving care. You can leave your house to visit a person if you are in an “intimate personal relationship” with them.


If your partner lives outside Melbourne and/or 5km away from your home you can still visit them.


People living alone are allowed to have one person visit in a “social bubble”. You can only have one nominated person, but you can travel more than 5km to visit their house, and that can include a house where they live with others. You and your nominated person are allowed to visit either person’s house. However if the nominated person lives with other people, they cannot be home when the single person visits.


Cleaners, tradespeople, gardeners, painters and renovators are not allowed to visit your house for work. Exceptions exist for emergency issues such as a burst pipe, and for providing care for welfare and wellbeing such as Meals on Wheels. But “it’s not the time to be painting your house or having unnecessary, non-urgent work happen,” Andrews said.



Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 8, 2020, 8:58 p.m. No.10991689   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4877

from mb


Two very disturbing things I learned today.


The Canadian Military will act against Canadians to enforce Pandemic requirements. Vaccine mandatory?


Second, Trudeau has allowed Chinese military on Canadian soil without jurisdiction approval or notifying provincial or local governments.


Everyday I dig up more disgusting dirt.>>10991526

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 8, 2020, 9:20 p.m. No.10991958   🗄️.is 🔗kun




6th to 21st in standard of living.

Yeah Canada!





Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 9, 2020, 6:47 a.m. No.10996051   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>10995508 .pb - Corey's digs on Gates Foundation


100 million from Gates to Clinton Health Initiative just in 2020.


Slush funds everywhere for cabal ops.

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 9, 2020, 6:49 a.m. No.10996075   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2115 >>8308 >>2549





Several of WE Charity's board members served on Counterpart International


Looks like they received ~$750M according to (TY to anon who posted this in the lb.)




Raul Herrera is Partner of Arnold & Porter’s Corporate and Securities Group where he concentrates his practice on international arbitration and international corporate and financing transactions. Mr. Herrera has been involved in transactions in every country of Latin America and the Caribbean. He represents multilateral and bilateral agencies as well as sponsors of their project financing and private equity transactions. He previously served as General Counsel for the Inter-American Investment Corporation, a multilateral financial institution affiliated with the Inter-American Development Bank.


In 2017, Mr. Herrera served as Interim General Counsel and Legal Director of the Green Climate Fund, based in South Korea. In 2019, Mr. Herrera was appointed by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia to the Board of Visitors of Virginia State University.


LOIS BRUU, Board Member


Lois Bruu is Vice President on the Humanitarian & Development team at MasterCard, where she designs financial services solutions that foster financial inclusion and economic development in developing countries. She currently leads product development for the micro-commerce sector, which is focused on connecting consumers and merchants to the formal economy primarily in Sub-Saharan Africa. She has also held key partnership management roles, including managing MasterCard’s relationship with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the grant from which funded the Lab for Financial Inclusion in Nairobi.




Tom Lovejoy is an innovative and accomplished conservation biologist who coined the term “biological diversity”. He currently serves as Senior Fellow at the United Nations Foundation, teaches Environmental Science at George Mason University, and serves as the U.S. Department of State’s Climate Ambassador. He serves on numerous multilateral institution climate advisory committees (World Bank, InterAmerican Development Bank, etc.), corporate boards, and non-profit boards. His honors, recognitions, innovations, and publications are prodigious, and include the 2012 Blue Planet Prize — known as “the Nobel Prize for the environment.” He is credited with founding the field of climate change biology.


DIANA WALKER, Board Member


Diana Walker is the Founder and CEO of Walker Impact Strategies and works with today’s most influential global thought leaders – businesses, governments, organizations, entrepreneurs and philanthropists – to develop innovative, effective collaboration strategies to maximize their opportunities for positive social impact within their work. For over 10 years, Diana worked with the UN Foundation to build and facilitate partnerships between large corporations, governments, non-profits and foundations, entrepreneurs and high-level individuals to help further the United Nations’ work and create larger social impacts in communities around the world. In September 2012, Diana was named by the Diplomatic Courier and Young Professionals in Foreign Policy as one of the top 99 foreign policy leaders under the age of 33.


BRIAN DOTSON, Director, USDA Portfolio


Brian Dotson joined Counterpart in 2020 as Director of its USDA portfolio. Brian brings to Counterpart more than 25 years of international development experience, with expertise in applying private sector approaches to agricultural and agribusiness development in emerging markets. He has a deep expertise in financial and market analysis, enterprise development, and supply chain structuring in emerging markets, and is skilled in the development of global, regional, country, and business-level strategies that lead to sustained revenue growth and real socio-economic impact.


Previously, Brian was Chief of Party for Population Services International-Benin, where he managed a $6.5 million per year country program funded by USAID, KfW, and UNICEF and oversaw the social marketing of 12 health-related products and services.




'Anons, Population Services International (PSI) has been awarded and granted $1.8B to date according to It's partners include Bill & Melinda Gates, Children's Investment Fund, Global Fund, World Bank, UNICEF, David & Lucile Packard foundation, Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies, and William + Flora Hewlett Foundation'.




Links here:"population%20services%20international"

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 9, 2020, 7:12 a.m. No.10996316   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rocco Galati Sues The Canadian Government Over Lockdowns (Truth Warrior)

Rocco Galati


+++ Rocco Galati "Covid-19 Measures Challenged in Ontario Superior Court" +++

Main Link :

Rocco's Constitutional Rights Center (also has donation link) :

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 9, 2020, 7:33 a.m. No.10996573   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9587 >>9801 >>2115 >>8308 >>2549

In case anyone hasn’t realized it, Trudeau imposed martial law in Canada back in March.It’s the War Measures Act, re-branded as a health measures act. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms was suspended, as was the Constitution. To clarify, CANADIANS CURRENTLY HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHTS AT PRESENT - none at all.


The proof of this has been (and is being) demonstrated by the arrest & imprisonment of citizens without a trial, without a judge, and without being permitted a Defense. That is absolutely forbidden under our Charter….so we can be certain we don’t have one.


Furthermore, BC has banned jury trials - one of the most fundamental Canadian rights under our Charter and Constitution.


The federal tender for building concentration camps across the country to imprison dissenters would be impossible if the Charter & Constitution were still in place.


The Alberta Health Act now provides for fines & indefinite imprisonment for anyone who resists vaccination, as they are deemed to be positive for COVID-19, WITHOUT a test. Yes, it really DOES say that.


I just thought people should know this.

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 9, 2020, 10:30 a.m. No.10998935   🗄️.is 🔗kun




With Guests: Mark Friesen and Carl Edward Fleury from Black Sheep Truth Media and finally we interview retired CIA officer Brad Johnson

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 9, 2020, 10:45 a.m. No.10999154   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Redpill your fam and ruin Thanksgiving… again


Got popcorn? Enjoy this feature length presentation which compiles many of the “coincidences” which verify the connection between QAnon and President Trump.

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 9, 2020, 11:17 a.m. No.10999680   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9875




UN is University / UBC Detachment.



Other markings (not trunk)

A (alpha) = General Duty / Rural (marked and unmarked);

B (bravo) = Municipal Duty (marked and unmarked);

C (charlie) = Freeway Patrol, Highway Patrol, Integrated Traffic Safety Unit or Traffic Services (generally NOT part of a Municipal contract) (marked and unmarked);

D (delta) = plain-clothes operational unit (General Investigation, Major Crimes, etc - unmarked);

E (echo) = Operational Support (Dog, IDENT - usually unmarked; Provost - usually marked; Radio and computer techs - unmarked);

F (foxtrot) = Administrative Support (Staff Relations, Professional Standards, CPIC, Commissioned Officers - unmarked)

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 9, 2020, 11:23 a.m. No.10999801   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9938






Full list of all restrictions in the country, by province.



Try digging on this:

March 31, 2020: The Government of Alberta proposed three new bills: (i) Bill 10, Public Health (Emergency Powers) Amendment Act, 2020 will provide law enforcement agencies full authority to enforce public health orders during a pandemic


Here is a pdf of the bill:

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 9, 2020, 11:26 a.m. No.10999835   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4145

You are being played – latest Worldwide Covid update


Worldwide, overall new PCR positive tests, falsely called “cases” in the Press, are plateauing at around 300,000 a day and daily deaths are slowly declining from their late July, early August peak.


A seasonal uptick in the Northern Hemisphere is to be expected as we get into the normal winter flu season.


Government diktats for lockdowns and mask wearing have made absolutely NO difference to the number of hospitalisations and deaths.


Daily new cases and deaths will significantly decline over the next 6 months into Spring as Herd Immunity is reached / bolstered, irrespective of any Western government Covid restrictions which will be designed to PREVENT this reduction, prolong the disease so more people will die of Covid and other conditions, and prevent Herd Immunity being reached among low risk younger healthy people which reduces the risk for the more vulnerable and elderly.


A very important initiative called the “Great Barrington Declaration” has now been launched by Professors Sunetra Gupta, Martin Kuldorff and Jay Bhattacharya, to oppose the counter productive Lockdowns and Covid Restrictions in favor of science based, risk based approaches to protect the vulnerable while building up or bolstering the Herd Immunity already apparent in large parts of the world.


4.500 Medical Researchers, 8,200 Medical Practitioners and over 100,000 members of the public have signed this petition

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 9, 2020, 11:33 a.m. No.10999994   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Canada is Crashing Right Now 🔴 SELL NOW !!! #marketcrash


🔴 Guys its Happening and its gonna be a very very Bumpy ride ! #marketCrash

Negative Rates Are Reserved For Disastrous Economies

I hear a lot of people say they need to get into the real estate market before negative rates hit. They fear once negative interest rates arrive, prices will catapult even faster. Negative rates are an unconventional policy tool, reserved for the worst economic scenarios. They’re used to prevent deflationary spirals, and to prevent savers from “hoarding.” Savings rates jump when people are afraid to spend money, not when they’re spending a lot of it.


For negative rates to be rolled out, the economy needs to fall into total disrepair. People need to be hoarding money, and not spending it. Usually this type of environment is accompanied by a very weak labor market. This isn’t the time you see bidding wars, and wage gains.


  • Better Dwelling

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 9, 2020, 12:57 p.m. No.11001234   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New cv Q



2017 Total Deaths US: 2,813,503 (234,000/month)

2018 Total Deaths US: 2,839,205 (237,000/month)

2019 Total Deaths US: 2,855,000 (238,000/month)

2020 Total Deaths US (jan - week 9/26): 2,130,000 (236,000/month)

2,130,000 + (236,000/month x 3) [Oct, Nov, Dec] = 2,838,000 [assumption based on monthly avg]

2020: 2,838,000 [3-month assumption insert]

2019: 2,855,000

2018: 2,839,000

2017: 2,814,000




Why did select [D] govs push C19 infected patients into nursing homes?

% of total C19 deaths attributed to nursing home(s)?

Who is most susceptible?

Same [D] govs who pushed C19 infected patients into nursing homes attempting to keep State(s) closed?



Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 9, 2020, 2:01 p.m. No.11002610   🗄️.is 🔗kun

4am Talking Points Origin


Definitely some of the talking points re: Russian collusion came from TDIP - Daniel Jones


(remember old info on C_A accessing Senate info from their servers - Feinstein was pissed - Jones' name came up)




Must Read-


Excellent article from CTH. Good refresher of past events plus some new ties

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 19, 2020, 6:55 p.m. No.11162438   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2457 >>8308 >>2549

Canada spent $464 million in Ukrainian foreign aid — with little oversight


By Sheila Gunn Reid | October 19, 2020


Canada spent $464 million in Ukrainian foreign aid with little oversight


An audit of the management of Canadian humanitarian spending in Ukraine concluded that nearly a half a billion dollars in aid was spent without a metric of success over the course of nine years.


The Evaluation Of Canadian International Assistance Programming In Ukraine report found a “lack of coherence in planning … lack of an explicit long term vision on sustainability” and no measure of long term results.


“Without a common performance framework, Canada’s overall progress towards overall outcomes within the country was difficult to reinforce”


According to a new report by Blacklock’s Reporter:


Parliament increased foreign aid to the country following Russians’ 2014 annexation of Crimea. Aid grew from $18 million in 2010 to as much as $106 million in 2015. Grants over nine years totaled $464 million.


Funding included a $900,000 grant to the National Bank of Ukraine, “sales and marketing” subsidies for farm co-operatives, support for free legal aid and programs for juvenile delinquents, and police training.


“Ukraine has made slow economic progress in recent years and remains one of the poorest countries in Europe,” said the Evaluation.


The audit also established the Canadian embassy in Ukraine used Foreign Affairs funds to hire a “gender equality advisor” to help in “promoting gender equality in Ukraine” and that men milking cows was touted as a feminist victory won with Canadian foreign aid dollars:


“Gender equality was well integrated in development programming and led to good results; Support to family farms impacted gender roles. Men participated in milk farm activities, traditionally considered a women’s activity.”


According to a 2016 national census, Ukrainian-Canadians number 1,359,655, or 3.8 per cent of the country's population, and are mainly Canadian-born citizens. The majority of Ukrainian-Canadians reside in the prairies.

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 19, 2020, 7:26 p.m. No.11162929   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3116 >>8308 >>2549

>>11162457 ←bookmark this shit

From the above link, this is their search engine. You can search foreign aid to NGO's among other juicy items.


International Aid Transparency Initiative

IATI is a global initiative to improve the transparency of development and humanitarian resources and their results to address poverty and crises.


Dig on Ukraine project funded by Canada 2014-2020 on the d-portal link above.Needs eyes.

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 19, 2020, 7:37 p.m. No.11163116   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3237 >>8308 >>2549



The Open Society Foundations in Ukraine




The International Renaissance Foundation, a part of the Open Society Foundations, was established in Kyiv in April 1990. At the time, Ukraine was still part of the rapidly collapsing Soviet Union, placing the new foundation at the forefront of the effort by George Soros, the founder and chair of the Open Society Foundations, to use his fortune to assist the former Communist states of Central and Eastern Europe.


After Ukraine became fully independent in 1991, the new foundation gradually expanded its support for Ukraine’s often-painful transition to democracy and a market economy. The Open Society Foundations’ immediate focus in Ukraine and other former Communist states was modernization and reform of moribund national institutions, and support for emerging civil society groups.


By 1994, the International Renaissance Foundation was the biggest international donor in the country, with an annual budget of roughly $12 million for projects that ranged from retraining tens of thousands of decommissioned soldiers to the creation of a contemporary arts center in Kyiv. In the early 2000s, the foundation oriented itself around European integration, while mobilizing resources to help those affected by conflict after Russia’s invasion and illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014. Over its lifetime, the foundation has supported more than 18,000 projects, benefiting millions of people.


Nine Facts About the International Renaissance Foundation

Fighting corruption by strengthening transparency and accountability has always been a priority for the International Renaissance Foundation, which has funded investigative journalism projects such as Our Money, and groups such as Transparency International Ukraine, StateWatch, Center Eidos, and the Anti-Corruption Action Center, resulting in millions of dollars returned to the state.

The foundation and its grantees were active supporters of the creation of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine in 2014, and helped lawmakers develop a new anticorruption law that required public officials to declare their assets.

In 2015, local groups supported by the foundation brought about wholesale reform of the Ministry of Health’s system for procuring HIV and tuberculosis medication, after they exposed overwhelming evidence of corruption among Ukrainian distribution firms.

The foundation and its partners have actively supported the work of the International Criminal Court in Ukraine, including the investigation of alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity in Ukraine—including in Crimea, the eastern Donbas region, and the shooting of unarmed protestors during the 2013–14 Maidan protests in Kyiv.

The International Renaissance Foundation has supported the development of independent media outlets in Ukraine, and backed a multi-year campaign to establish an independent public service broadcaster that led to the launch of the National Public Broadcasting Company of Ukraine in 2015.

The foundation supported the creation of Stop Fake, an initiative led by two university professors dedicated to exposing lies and myths about Ukraine. Stop Fake now produces its own TV and radio programming and online material in several languages.

The International Renaissance Foundation’s support for the modernization of Ukraine’s educational system in the early 1990s included commissioning educators, academics, administrators, and civil society groups to write, edit, and publish hundreds of school and university textbooks, helping to transform the way those subjects were conceived and taught.

Between 1997 and 2004, the foundation helped to produce and distribute Tartar language textbooks to schools in Crimea, supporting a revival of Tartar language courses, which had been suppressed under Soviet rule.

The International Renaissance Foundation helped Ukraine’s universities establish an independent external testing system for admissions—aimed at combating the paying of bribes for admitting students—that now operates across the country.

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 19, 2020, 7:46 p.m. No.11163237   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Really good read from Justice is Coming


1.#China was always the [#DS] cabal US economic and Military replacement

#DarkToLight #RedPilled 💊

George #Soros Announces #China Must Lead The #NWO H/T @RedDragonFly for Link


  1. Did Ya know? #Darktolight

In 1969 #Soros created t #QuantaumFund Main Investor was a #Rothschild 🧐

Quantum Funds

Soros to close Quantum fund to outsiders:


  1. #China #DarkToLight 🤡#RedPilled

Let's go to 1971 #Kissinger[Bilderberg] secret trip Bejing … ..(images)


Getting To Beijing: Henry Kissinger's Secret '71 Trip




  1. #Soros/Soros #2 & associates have their tentacles everywhere.. #DarkTolight #GreatAwakeningWorldwide #RedPilled 💊

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 19, 2020, 8:45 p.m. No.11164105   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4221 >>8308 >>2549


Clandestine Printing Press


With all of this dirty Chinese money being laundered to the Bidens, CIA spies killed by China coinciding with that pay-off, and the Alan Parrot CIA whistleblower info re Benghazi and Seal Team 6/Extortion17, I reviewed this indictment from the DOJ. 1/


So Pras from the Fugees and Chinese businessman Jho Low were laundering illegal foreign campaign contributions into the coffers of "Candidate A." 2/


We know "Candidate A" is

@BarackObama because, as the incumbent, he was the only candidate with access to the White House in 2011-2012. 3/


So what does all of this have to do with dead USA spies in China? Keep following Pras… 16/

As Pras was on his global jaunt to collect illegal foreign money, bribes, and kickbacks for his political handlers, he made a stop in North Korea. 17/


That guy on the right is a Canadian 'citizen' named Michael Spavor who lives in China but crosses the border to NK for his Paektu Cultural Exchange. Just going in to NK like regular ol' Joe Molson 6 Pack, eh? 18/


Paektu Cultural Exchange promotes "investment" in NK. His website has been scrubbed, but I grabbed some screenshots from his IG. 19/

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 19, 2020, 8:55 p.m. No.11164221   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4281



So Pras uses Michael Spavor to get in to NK, where he does the ALS ice bucket challenge, and what happens to Mr. Spavor? 24/

He is jailed by the Chinese as a Canadian spy in December, 2018. 25/


I want to add - about Pras and those weird meds from NK…here is (who I am fairly certain is) Dr. Fauci, at the First Ladies of Africa Dinner in 2009 with Pras.

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 19, 2020, 9 p.m. No.11164281   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4337



China has charged two Canadians with spying, more than 18 months after they were detained.


Michael Kovrig, a former diplomat, and Michael Spavor, a businessman, have been held in China since December 2018.


Their arrests came just days after Meng Wanzhou - an executive of the Chinese giant Huawei - was detained in Vancouver, at the request of the US.


Canada called the arrests "arbitrary", but China denies they were retaliation for Ms Meng's detention.


Both men have been charged with "spying on national secrets" and providing intelligence for "outside entities".


China's court system is completely controlled by the Communist Party and has an almost 100% conviction rate once defendants are charged, notes the BBC's Stephen McDonell in Beijing.


The Communist Party's media outlets have been more specific. Canada: if you want this former diplomat and businessman back, you know what you have to do… release Meng Wanzhou.


Michael Kovrig, a former diplomat, and Michael Spavor, a businessman, were both detained on 10 December 2018.


China has accused the pair of espionage.

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 19, 2020, 9:04 p.m. No.11164337   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4458



The Fugees’ Pras Michel linked to Malaysian financial conspiracy


Prakazrel Michel


One of the founding members of the hip-hop group The Fugees has been accused in connection with a labyrinthine scheme to launder money from corrupt Malaysian officials into the United States.


According to ABC News, Prakazrel “Pras” Michel, musician and Fugees co-founder, and George Higginbotham, a former member of the Department of Justice, allegedly took part in a conspiracy to influence Department of Justice investigations into Malaysian financier Jho Low. According to court documents prosecutors produced Friday, the DOJ has charged Low for attempted bribery of overseas officials to curb investigations into the laundering of tens of millions of dollars into the country from the company 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

Prosecutors claim that Low sought out a “longtime political fundraiser” to lobby the American government for him, with the goal of getting the DOJ to back off efforts to investigate 1MDB. The documents allege that Michel’s role was to help hide links between this lobbying campaign and Low, and he apparently recruited Higginbotham to aid him in this effort.


It gets worse; after the DOJ refused to back off investigations into 1MBD, Low – along with Higginbotham and Michel’s help – sought to get the unnamed fundraiser to push for the US government to deport an unnamed foreign national critical of his home government. Higginbotham funneled tens of millions of dollars through various shell companies to pay Michel for his services, and forged fake documents to make the payments seem legitimate.


While Higginbotham has been charged with one felony count of “conspiracy to make false statements”, no charges have been publicly filed against Michel as of yet. However, the investigation is “ongoing,” the Justice Department notes.

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 19, 2020, 9:17 p.m. No.11164458   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4488



Almost no one in North Korea—where the average person can't access Internet—knows what it is


Internet access in North Korea may be limited to “super-elites,” but that hasn’t stopped the viral ALS Ice Bucket Challenge from penetrating the Hermit Kingdom.


Two-time Grammy-winning rapper Pras Michel completed the challenge along Pyongyang’s Taedong River last week, while many North Koreans, unaware of the challenge, looked on with confusion, surprise and laughter, according to the Associated Press. Michel, a founding member of the hip-hop group Fugees, said he passed on the challenge to four people, including former Fugees bandmate Lauryn Hill and Prince Harry.


Michel, who was in Pyongyang to watch a pro wrestling exhibition, said he’d decided that completing the challenge in North Korea would put a unique spin on his take.


“I thought I’d put a little twist to it,” he told AP. “When we go to places, my crew, we stick out. You can tell instantly these guys aren’t from this neck of the woods. But the people have been good to us.”


Donations from the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge topped $100 million last week.



Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 19, 2020, 9:21 p.m. No.11164488   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4505



Paektu Cultural Exchange (PCE) is a non-profit social enterprise dedicated to facilitating sustainable co-operation, cross-cultural exchanges, activities, trade, and investment between the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and international organizations, businesses, and individuals to promote greater peace, friendship, and understanding.



Their website is scrubbed, but youtube still up - 46 subs.

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 19, 2020, 9:23 p.m. No.11164505   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4617




Welcome to the Paektu Cultural Exchange YouTube Channel! Stay tuned for North Korean (DPRK) content and videos.




Paektu Cultural Exchange (PCE) is a non-profit social enterprise dedicated to facilitating sustainable cooperation, cross-cultural exchanges, activities, trade, and investment between the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) and international organizations, businesses, and individuals to promote greater peace, friendship, and understanding.


Our team consists of other professionals, advisors, and volunteers with passion, experience, and expertise on the Korean peninsula and East Asia. We come from the spheres of business, academia, the arts, entertainment, philanthropy, international law and tourism. We are registered in the UK

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 19, 2020, 9:36 p.m. No.11164617   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4624 >>8308 >>2549



International Crisis Group


Michael Kovrig's biz / workplace.



Our Mission

The International Crisis Group is an independent organisation working to prevent wars and shape policies that will build a more peaceful world.


Crisis Group sounds the alarm to prevent deadly conflict. We build support for the good governance and inclusive politics that enable societies to flourish. We engage directly with a range of conflict actors to seek and share information, and to encourage intelligent action for peace.


Read a message from our President & CEO Robert Malley


Our work is urgently needed as the world is confronted with a dramatic rise in the number of conflicts, with devastating humanitarian, social and economic costs. Efforts to resolve conflicts are complicated by the profound shift in geopolitics, as well as the increasing prominence of non-state actors ranging from religious militants to criminal gangs.


See our 2019-20 introductory brochure: Preventing War. Shaping Peace.


In this more polarised, fragmented and dangerous world, Crisis Group’s work points a way forward. War is not inevitable; it is a man-made disaster. We must mobilise political leaders to heed early warnings and take early action to avoid looming conflicts. And we must build more creative and flexible frameworks for international diplomacy.


The consequences of inaction are too great:


Over 68 million people are now displaced due to conflict and persecution - more than ever recorded.

The majority of the world’s refugees come from three countries devastated by war: Syria, Afghanistan and Somalia.

At least 70 conflicts involve non-state actors, a historic high.

An estimated 90,358 people were killed in conflicts in 2017.

The past five years have seen worsening trends across conflict indicators: more wars, more people killed and civilians increasingly targeted.

Sources: UNHCR, Uppsala Conflict Data Program


Watch our Board Members explain why they act to stop war.


Strategic Framework

Crisis Group aspires to be the preeminent organisation providing independent analysis and advice on how to prevent, resolve or better manage deadly conflict. We combine expert field research, analysis and engagement with policymakers across the world in order to effect change in the crisis situations on which we work. We endeavour to talk to all sides and in doing so to build on our role as a trusted source of field-centred information, fresh perspectives and advice for conflict parties and external actors.

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 19, 2020, 10:21 p.m. No.11165087   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>11164957 pb


>>11164900 pb Soros funds the Organized Crime and Reporting Project




OCCRP – Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project is funded by the Soros Open Society Foundations.


The OCCRP is linked in the whistleblower report to Congress three different times in the 9 page document.




Do you have information on corruption or wrongdoing related to the coronavirus pandemic? We’d like to hear from you. You can contact OCCRP journalists at or by sending an encrypted email to Aubrey Belford at (PGP). For maximum security and anonymity, use our SecureDrop service. In the hands of our team of trained researchers and journalists, your information can make a difference.

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 20, 2020, 10:48 a.m. No.11172440   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8308 >>2549


WE Charity paid $24K in expenses for Sophie Trudeau's attendance at eight events in eight years

The dollar amount was released today as part of several documents published by WE Charity that had been sought by the House of Commons finance committee


Author of the article:


OTTAWA — The minority Liberal government suggested Monday the Opposition Conservatives are pushing the country to the brink of an election with their potential demand for an “anticorruption” committee to probe COVID-19 spending.


Liberal House leader Pablo Rodriguez said in a letter to his opposition counterparts that the Tories’ effort to strike the committee is “blatantly partisan,” and designed to paralyze the government.


WE Charity paid $24K in expenses for Sophie Trudeau's attendance at eight events in eight years

Close sticky video


“If passed, it will raise serious questions about whether the House of Commons continues to have confidence in the government,” he wrote.


Rodriguez’s letter comes as the Tories were still deciding which of three potential subjects they’ll put up for debate Tuesday during one of the regularly scheduled days on the parliamentary calendar devoted to opposition business.


“Is he really suggesting that if the committee looks into Trudeau’s corruption, Trudeau’s just going to call an election? Is that really what he’s going to do?” Poilievre asked Monday.


“Setting up a committee is not a matter of confidence.”


Poilievre suggested his party is ready to do whatever it takes to hold the Liberals to account over the WE matter, but the Conservatives were also waiting on the Liberals’ own pitch on a special COVID-19 spending committee.


Rodriguez laid out details of that as well Monday, proposing a 12-member committee where government and opposition MPs would have an equal number of spots.


That’s roughly in keeping with the standings in the full House of Commons, but rounded in the Liberals’ favour.


Among other things, the Tories want the Opposition to have more seats.


The NDP’s Charlie Angus said Monday he has concerns the Liberal approach could just result in the government stonewalling that committee in the same way they’ve filibustered others in recent days


con't at link

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 20, 2020, 11:29 a.m. No.11173053   🗄️.is 🔗kun

From main bread - all PB

Anonymous 10/20/20 (Tue) 11:18:3710665a (3) No.11172883 >>11172913 >>11172915 >>11172919 >>11172939 >>11173011 >>11173029 >>11173031


Democrat Emergency (Plan Z)


“Win at any cost”


In case Anons haven’t realized the obvious, the current events surrounding HB’s drives have put the Democrat Party into a spiraling nosedive. They have exhausted nearly every asset/ammunition at their disposal and their ‘plane’ has run out of fuel. Our office hasn’t seen activity like this since election night four years ago. Democrat panic is an understatement.


Chatter increased last night over an ‘option Z’ on the hill. Dem leaders have just finished an impromptu, secret meeting this morning for emergency legislation over the Presidential Term Limit laws.


Plan Z is their final option, realizing that Biden, HRC, Warren, Mayor Pete, and Bernie will not be able to compete and win against Trump.


The PLAN is for an emergency legislation that will increase the amount of terms a President may serve to (3).


In case Anons have not realized the reality of the situation, let me explain: Biden/Harris will NOT be on the new ballot, as the HB event will force Biden to leave the race. There was a small chance (10%) that an undisclosed candidate may take his place. With the new legislation, the ticket will now read Obama/Harris.


A third term for Barack H. Obama will then be in play. It, too, will fail.


Trump will be President again in 2024 as a result.



Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 20, 2020, 1:28 p.m. No.11174667   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6205

World leaders are planning new lock downs to introduce “The World Debt Reset Program” which includes universal basic income and vaccination requirements


World leaders are preparing for a second and third wave of covid-19 cases and are fine-tuning their lock down strategies which will be implemented late in 2020 and into 2021. Their planning involves the development of a new world economy, one that introduces medical fascism as a permanent way of life.


A Canadian whistle blower came forward with the plans. The whistle-blower is on the Liberal Party of Canada’s Strategic Planning Committee, which operates under the direction of Canada’s Office of the Prime Minister (PMO).


The historic lock downs have engineered mass poverty and will continue to weaken people’s financial and food security, making them more vulnerable and eventually making them more desperate to accept the new world economy and its bodily requirements.


New world economy includes universal basic income and vaccination requirements


The new world economy includes the introduction of a digital currency, a universal basic income, vaccine requirements for travel, and “The World Debt Reset Program.” A continuous cycle of lock downs into 2021 will eventually lead to an international economic collapse. Governments worldwide will offer citizens an alluring way out by promising to eliminate all personal debts (mortgages, loans, credit cards, etc.)


In the U.S. this idea has already been implemented in 2020 through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) – a guaranteed loan program that forgives the debt if the borrower follows specific instructions. Under an impending economic collapse, any and all loans will be forgiven if the citizen agrees to participate in the “World Debt Reset Program, funded by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). In order to get all debts forgiven, citizens will have to forfeit ownership of any and all private property, accept a universal basic income, and enroll in the covid-19 and covid-21 vaccination schedule.


As the rolling lock downs and economic sanctions commence, citizens will be permitted all their previous freedoms to travel and gather in stadiums and public venues as long as they provide an ID showing they were inoculated with all the mandated covid-19 and covid-21 vaccinations. In Canada, detainment camps are being installed in all provinces and territories to coerce people to comply with the new plans. The Canadian whistle-blower revealed that this vaccine ID will be referred to in Canada as Canada’s HealthPass.

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 20, 2020, 2:24 p.m. No.11175856   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mike Martins

13K subscribers


Diane Francis :Since 2015, the Liberals have done nothing to crack down on money laundering in this country, despite international criticism from abroad and negative effects here at home.


Now, the global term “snow washing” has been coined to describe how easily dirty money can be washed clean, like the snow, in Canadian real estate. Ottawa’s intransigence is strange considering that international anti-corruption watchdogs have condemned Canada for this.


Since 2015, the Liberals have done nothing to crack down on money laundering in this country, despite international criticism from abroad and negative effects here at home.


Now, the global term “snow washing” has been coined to describe how easily dirty money can be washed clean, like the snow, in Canadian real estate. Ottawa’s intransigence is strange considering that international anti-corruption watchdogs have condemned Canada for this.

#moneylaundering #mikemartins #housingcrash

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 20, 2020, 3:22 p.m. No.11177242   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Will President Trump Slay the Central Bank Dragon?

4,045 views•Oct 20, 2020




Today we will focus on the 10 planks of Karl Marx's communist manifesto with an emphasis on the 5th which calls for a national or central bank.


Even though president trump has reversed regulations and taxation he still seems to be firmly behind the Federal reserve and encouraging to do even more of its thing.


Is it possible that, like Francisco d'Anconia, President Trump is trying to bring the Central Bank from within?


The update to the text, The Best Enemy Money Can Buy, looked at the role of military technology transfers up to the 1980s.[4] Appendix B of that text contained the text of his 1972 testimony before Subcommittee VII of the Platform Committee of the Republican Party in which he summarized the essential aspects of his overall research:


In a few words: there is no such thing as Soviet technology. Almost all — perhaps 90–95 percent — came directly or indirectly from the United States and its allies. In effect the United States and the NATO countries have built the Soviet Union. Its industrial and its military capabilities. This massive construction job has taken 50 years. Since the Revolution in 1917. It has been carried out through trade and the sale of plants, equipment and technical assistance.[citation needed]


Sutton's next three published books (Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, Wall Street and FDR and Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler) detailed Wall Street's involvement in the Bolshevik Revolution to destroy Russia as an economic competitor and turn it into "a captive market and a technical colony to be exploited by a few high-powered American financiers and the corporations under their control"[5] as well as its decisive contributions to the rise of Adolf Hitler and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, whose policies he assessed as being essentially the same "corporate socialism," planned by the big corporations.[6] Sutton concluded that it was all part of the economic power elites' "long-range program of nurturing collectivism"[3] and fostering "corporate socialism" in order to ensure "monopoly acquisition of wealth" because it "would fade away if it were exposed to the activity of a free market."[7]


The wealthy and accomplished Francisco is a profoundly intelligent and highly successful man whose whole life is a paradox. He was the first man to join Galt’s strike and serves as its recruiter, living in two worlds as he tries to bring others over to the strikers’ side. Although he is a brilliant businessman, he deliberately destroys d’Anconia Copper and brings down the fortunes of many others with it. And although he has only ever loved Dagny, he plays the part of a promiscuous playboy as a cover for his real activities. He is enthusiastic and benevolent, although much of his strike-related activities cause others, especially Dagny and Rearden, to feel he is mocking and untrustworthy. Francisco has a profound effect on Rearden, whom he genuinely loves, even while knowing Rearden is Dagny’s lover. He serves as Rearden’s protector, arming him with the moral certainty he needs to battle the looters. He seems to appear at Rearden’s side when he is needed most, and saves his life in the mill riots.


Francisco’s commitment to the strike is absolute, but he suffers a great deal for it. First, he must give up Dagny and allow her to view him as depraved and worthless. Later, he must endure Rearden’s hatred as well, when he is forced to betray him in a copper deal. And he must continually work to destroy the company his family built for generations. But the suffering is worth the price for him, because he is sure that he is right. Eventually, Dagny and Rearden come to understand and admire him, and the strike he devotes his life to works as planned.

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 20, 2020, 4:08 p.m. No.11178458   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9010



Like Q said. Sometimes they have to see it with their own eyes.


I like to ask them why hussein left 167 open seats for Judges in 2016. All prev prez left 1 or 0.


Shit that makes them think for themselves. Inject the question at the appropriate time.

Just one question, then go back to what you were talking about. Leave them to stew on it for a week.


They never thought she would lose.

One drip at a time.


Fear is a strong motivator to stay with the flock.

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 20, 2020, 6:02 p.m. No.11180893   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>11179502 /pb






Digs on tail sign

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 21, 2020, 12:44 p.m. No.11194330   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Candidate Accountability: Demand a Commitment to a Peace and Human Rights Agenda


The Black Alliance for Peace (BAP)


The novel coronavirus pandemic both revealed and accelerated the irreversible crisis of the global capitalist system and, consequently, the domestic conditions shaping the 2020 U.S. presidential election and every level of U.S. governance.


The Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) asserts the deepening structural crisis is causing unprecedented forms of capitalist structural violence that can be measured in unnecessary deaths, sickness, hospitalizations, mass hunger, homelessness and collective trauma. This crisis, along with climate change and the interlocking issues related to imperialist war, militarism and domestic repression, are the main challenges facing the public.


Yet, the diversionary psychodrama passing itself off as politics in the United States has consigned these issues outside of the pre-approved range of items for public discussion.


However, BAP took on the task to raise the issues that others have avoided during this election season to suggest the people must demand from public officials a minimum program that opposes war, repression and imperialism.


We launched the Candidate Accountability Pledge as part of our broader campaign, No Compromise, No Retreat: Defeat the War Against African/Black People in the U.S. and Abroad, to say public officials coming to our people for support must embrace an agenda that in the words of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., addresses the ongoing issues of “racism, materialism and militarism” that characterize the politics of the United States as the “greatest purveyor of violence on the planet.”


In these last few weeks of this effort, we highlight our demands. They go beyond the election because we know the state is increasingly relying on the use of violence domestically and abroad, and that both Democrats and Republicans are committed to this strategy to maintain the power of the capitalist dictatorship. So, we suggest the people demand their elected officials and candidates:


Oppose the militarization of U.S. police through the Department of Defense’s 1033 program


Oppose Israeli training of U.S. police forces


Call for and work for the closure of the U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM)


Advocate for the closure of 800+ U.S. foreign military bases


Oppose Trump’s “Operation Relentless Pursuit”


Commit to opposing all military, economic (including sanctions and blockades) and political interventions


Advocate for an end to U.S. participation in NATO


Support efforts to cut the U.S. military budget by 50%


Demand the U.S. Department of Justice document and investigate the use of lethal force by domestic police officers


Commit to passing resolutions that commit the U.S. to uphold international law and the U.N. Charter


Sponsor legislation and/or resolutions to support the U.N. resolution on the complete global abolition of nuclear weapons

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 21, 2020, 3:36 p.m. No.11197114   🗄️.is 🔗kun


George M. Nasif and The Rothschild documents


A man by the name of George M. Nasif came under my radar only a few weeks ago, claiming to be in possession of not only the DNC server but a few other interesting documents.


The alleged documents Mr. Nasif claimed to possess are, in his own words, the following:


A very brief explanation of what’s going down this week. My profile is private but the post is public Please hit SHARE to share this post and all document photos.


  1. Q and Trump have received the contents of my server which includes the following:


A. Entire DNC Server – Far more than exposed by “Gucifer2.0”


B. Entire HRC Email Server including deleted emails 64,000 total


C. Entire Obama, Podesta, Biden,FBI, CIA, Email servers and attachment files. over one million files total.


D., Hillary, Wiener, Email servers with attachments


E. Pizza gate files, including video, photos, and correspondence.


F.Entire file on Uranium One including Russian Side


G. A Total of 3 Terrabytes, and over 2 million documents.


H. Every donation to the Clinton foundation


I. Every donation to the DNC,


J. Obama’s offshore bank accounts


K. Clinton offshore Bank accounts


L. McCain Bank accounts


M. Every name, address, phone number , credit card payment of SOROS employee donations to DNC, RNC, yes republicans Soros bought off , Anti-fa, Clinton Foundation,


N. Donations to Clinton Campaign from (19) illegal Foreign countries. Nineteen counts of campaign fraud here.


O. Complete Clinton body count over 30 years.


P. Classified Emails


Q Benghazi, Yemen and Syria war plans between HRC< Podesta, Obama, Qatar Rebels/AlQaeda.


Sorry,, I have to stop at QQQQQQQQQQ




These claims from Mr. Nasif were originally posted on his Facebook account, which appears to have been taken down and restored several times since he revealed this information, along with very telling screenshots.

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 21, 2020, 11:02 p.m. No.11205920   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Diggs on Board of Directors of Facebook


Marc Zuckerberg, Chairman


Sheryl Sandberg, Board member




COO, Facebook




Chief of Staff, US Treasury Department (Clinton)


Management Consultant, McKinsey & Company


Economist, World Bank


Peggy Alford, Board member (Joined May 2019)




EVP, Global Sales, PayPal


Board member, Macerich (real-estate firm, owns a lot of malls in the US)




CFO and Head of Operations, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative


SVP, Core Markets, PayPal


President, (bought by eBay)


Marketplace Controller, eBay


Sr. Mgr, Auditing and Business Consulting, CPA, Arthur Andersen


Marc Andreesen, Board member (Joined Jun 2008)




Co-founder, Andreesen Horowitz (Venture capital firm)




Co-creator, Mosaic (One of the first Web browsers)


Co-founder, Netscape


Co-founder, Loudcloud


Board member, eBay


Board member, Zynga


Awardee, Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering


Advisory Board, Neom (Saudi Arabia's plan to build a futuristic 'mega-city' in the desert)


Andrew (Drew) Houston, Board member (Joined Feb 2020)




Founder, (leftist lobbying group) → co-founded with Bill Gates, Sean Parker, and others


Co-founder, CEO, and Chairman, Dropbox


Nancy Killefer, Board member & Chair of Privacy Committee (Joined Mar 2020)




Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company


Assistant Secretary for Management, US Department of the Treasury


CFO, US Department of the Treasury


COO, US Department of the Treasury


Member, IRS Oversight Board


Chair, IRS Oversight Board


Board member of: Computer Sciences Corporation (Merged with Hewlett Packard Enterprise to DXC Technology), Advisory Board Company (Bought by Optum), CSRA (Now part of General Dynamics Information Technology), Avon Products


Robert Kimmitt, Board member (Joined Mar 2020)




Senior International Counsel, Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr (WilmerHale) LLP


Deputy Secretary, US Department of the Treasury (Bush)


EVP, Global Public Policy, Time Warner


Vice Chairman & President, Commerce Operations


Managing Director, Lehman Brothers


General Counsel, US Department of the Treasury


Executive Secretary and General Counsel, National Security Council


Peter Thiel, Board member & Chair of Compensation , Nominating, and Governance Committee (Joined Apr 2005)


Citizenship: US, New Zealand




Managing Partner, The Founders Fund - along with other cofounders of PayPal


Investor, LinkedIn


Founder and President, Clarium Capital Management


Member, Bilderberg Group


Co-founder, Palantir




CEO, Chairman, Co-founder, PayPal


Tracey Travis, Board member & Chair of Audit and Risk Oversight Committee (Joined Mar 2020)




EVP and CFO, Estee Lauder Companies


Board member, Accenture


SVP, Finance, L Bands (Limited Brands) → Bath & Body Works, Victoria's Secret, Pink


CFO, Americas, Rexam Beverage Can


Market Unit General Manager, Business Unit CFO, Pepsi Bottling Group


Member, Economics Club of NY


Member, Council on Foreign Relations




Board member, Campbells Soup Company


Board member, Women's Forum of New York


Sources: Wikipedia, LinkedIn, and

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 22, 2020, 7:13 a.m. No.11210588   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0647

From bread 14325 all PB


>>11209640 , >>11209856 Maxwell Docs Dropped




>>11209696 , >>11209728 , >>11209908 Maxwell Court Documents


>>11209731 , >>11210135 , >>11210216 465 PAGE DEPOSITION UNSEALED

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 22, 2020, 7:17 a.m. No.11210647   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Ghislaine docs archive:


1137-2 -


1137-6 -


1137-7 -


1137-8 -


1137-9 -


1137-10 -


1137-11 -


1137-12 -


1137-13 -


1137-14 -


1137-15 -


1137-16 -


1137-19 -

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 22, 2020, 9:59 a.m. No.11213431   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CEFC->Rosneft->Glencore (Marc Rich)->Hillary->Dossier


Remember that this all ties together.


Everybody was getting a taste.

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 22, 2020, 10:34 a.m. No.11213996   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8308 >>2549

NXIVM Raniere 56 Letters-of-Support Unsealed — List of Names of Supporters Revealed Here


Exhibit Number Name of Person Submitting Letter


Exhibit 1 Veronica Alvarez (with accompanying translation)


Exhibit 2 Angelica


Exhibit 3 Raul Arias


Exhibit 4 Diego Asunsolo


Exhibit 5 Eduardo Asunsolo


Exhibit 6 Juan Asunsalo (with accompanying translation)


Exhibit 7 Michael Baker


Exhibit 8 Leon Bojalil


Exhibit 9 Natalia Bojalil


Exhibit 10 Edgar Boone


Exhibit 11 Damon Brink


Exhibit 12 [Name Redacted]


Exhibit 13 Esther Carlson


Exhibit 14 Sanjay Chakravorty


Exhibit 15 Suneel Chakravorty


Exhibit 16 Theo Chiappone


Exhibit 17 Abril Cigarroa


Exhibit 18 Nicole Clyne


Exhibit 19 Danielle [Last name redacted but presumably Roberts]


Exhibit 20 Álvaro de la Garza


Exhibit 21 James Del Negro


Exhibit 22 Marvin Derks


Exhibit 23 Brett Diamond


Exhibit 24 Brian Elliot


Exhibit 25 Justin Elliot


Exhibit 26 Marc Elliot


Exhibit 27 Alejandro Estrada


Exhibit 28 Gurpreet Gil


Exhibit 29 Leah


Exhibit 30 Lourdes Gonzalez


Exhibit 31 Hector (with accompanying translation)


Exhibit 32 Jorge Hernandez (with accompanying translation)


Exhibit 33 Lorena Lara


Exhibit 34 Sterling LeBaron


Exhibit 35 Wayne LeBaron


Exhibit 36 Elizabeth Leon (with accompanying translation)


Exhibit 37 Linda


Exhibit 38 Jeanette Lopez


Exhibit 39 Juan Luis Lopez


Exhibit 40 Roy Martina


Exhibit 41 Megan Mills


Exhibit 42 Michele [Last name redacted but presumably Hatchette]


Exhibit 43 Jose Ospino


Exhibit 44 Chris Pearson-Smith


Exhibit 45 Juan Luis Piña


Exhibit 46 Brandon Porter


Exhibit 47 Lucas Roberts


Exhibit 48 Vanessa Sahagun


Exhibit 49 Sahajo [Last name redacted but presumably Haertel]


Exhibit 50 Samantha


Exhibit 51 Alberto Sanchez


Exhibit 52 Patricia Sanchez (with accompanying translation)


Exhibit 53 Luis


Exhibit 54 Danny Trutmann


Exhibit 55 Matt Wakelin


Exhibit 56 Franklin Zhumi



Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 28, 2020, 6:17 p.m. No.11331910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1958 >>2110 >>2549

>>11328948 lb

>>11329151 lb

>>11328969 lb

>>11328593 lb


This is the guy who was transporting the uranium to Canada in the Uranium One case!


Former President of Nuclear Transportation Company Sentenced to Prison for Foreign Bribery and Other Offenses


Bria>>11328948 lb


>>11329151 lb


>>11328969 lb


>>11328593 lb


This is the guy who was transporting the uranium to Canada in the Uranium One case!


Former President of Nuclear Transportation Company Sentenced to Prison for Foreign Bribery and Other Offenses


Brian C. Rabbit, Acting Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division made the announcement. Same guy that announced the CIA imposten C. Rabbit, Acting Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division made the announcement. Same guy that announced the CIA imposte

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 28, 2020, 6:19 p.m. No.11331958   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2549



Courtney also convinced several real governmental officials that he was participating in this “task force,” explained that they had been selected to participate in the program, and then used those officials as unwitting props falsely to burnish his legitimacy. For example, he directed his victims to speak with these public officials to verify his claims, and separately instructed the government officials as to exactly what to say. Courtney thereby created the false appearance to the victims that the government officials had independently validated his story, when in fact the officials merely were echoing the false information fed to them by Courtney. At times, Courtney also convinced those officials to meet with victims inside secure government facilities, thereby furthering the false appearance of authenticity.


Through the scheme, Courtney also fraudulently gained a position working as a private contractor for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Information Technology Acquisition and Assessment Center (NITAAC), a branch of the NIH that provides acquisition support services to federal agencies. Once he had installed himself at NITAAC, Courtney gained access to sensitive, nonpublic information about the procurements of other federal agencies being supported by NITAAC. Courtney thereafter used that information to attempt to corrupt the procurement process by steering the award of contracts to companies where he was then also on the payroll, and used the false pretext of national security concerns to warp the process by preventing full and open competition. When law enforcement disrupted his scheme, Courtney actively was seeking to corrupt over $3.7 billion in federal procurement's.


Courtney also sought to use the actual and apparent power of the government to execute and protect his scheme, and to attempt to defeat law enforcement’s investigation. Among other things, Courtney caused a public official to attempt to prevent a private company from responding to a grand jury subpoena; caused a civilian attorney with the Air Force to contact one of the prosecutors on the case in an attempt to read that prosecutor in to the bogus program, thereby freezing the investigation; caused a public official to threaten FBI agents investigating this case with themselves being prosecuted if they did not drop the investigation; falsely told victims who had questioned his legitimacy that they were about to be arrested by the FBI for supposedly leaking classified information; used unwitting public officials to feed the names of innocent witnesses to the FBI, in the hopes that the FBI would seek to prosecute those innocent persons for supposedly leaking classified information, thereby diverting attention from himself; and sought to have real public officials issue and sign a “classification guide” for the bogus program, a document that would have set forth the rules and standards by which information acquired as a part of a governmental program is classified.



Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 28, 2020, 6:25 p.m. No.11332110   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2549




Friday, November 22, 2019

Former President of Transportation Company Found Guilty of Violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and Other Crimes

The former president of Transportation Logistics Inc. (TLI), a Maryland-based transportation company that provides services for the transportation of nuclear materials to customers in the United States and abroad, was found guilty today for his role in a scheme to bribe an official at a subsidiary of Russia’s State Atomic Energy Corporation and on related fraud and conspiracy charges.


Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, U.S. Attorney Robert K. Hur of the District of Maryland and Assistant Director in Charge Timothy R. Slater of the FBI’s Washington Field Office and Inspector General Teri L. Donaldson of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Inspector General (DOE-OIG) made the announcement.


After a three-week trial, Mark Lambert, 56, of Mount Airy, Maryland, was found guilty of four counts of violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), two counts of wire fraud, and one count of conspiracy to violate the FCPA and commit wire fraud. Sentencing has been scheduled for March 9, 2020, before U.S. District Judge Theodore D. Chuang of the District of Maryland, who presided over the trial.


According to the evidence presented at trial, Lambert participated in a scheme to bribe Vadim Mikerin, a Russian official at JSC Techsnabexport (TENEX), a subsidiary of Russia’s State Atomic Energy Corporation and the sole supplier and exporter of Russian Federation uranium and uranium enrichment services to nuclear power companies worldwide, in order to secure contracts with TENEX. The trial evidence demonstrated that, over the course of years, Lambert conspired with others at TLI to make the corrupt and fraudulent bribery and kickback payments to Mikerin through offshore bank accounts associated with shell companies, at Mikerin’s direction. In order to conceal the bribe payments, Lambert and his co-conspirators caused fake invoices to be prepared, purportedly from TENEX to TLI, that described services that were never provided, and then Lambert and others caused TLI to wire the corrupt payments for those purported services to shell companies in Latvia, Cyprus and Switzerland.


The trial evidence further showed that Lambert and other members of the conspiracy used code words like “lucky figures,” “LF,” “lucky numbers” and “cake” to describe the payments in emails to the Russian official at an alias, personal email account under the name “Marvin Jodel.” The evidence at trial also demonstrated that Lambert and his co-conspirators caused TLI to overbill TENEX by building the cost of th




Cameco has its EU office in Zug Switzerland maybe related

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 28, 2020, 8:59 p.m. No.11335982   🗄️.is 🔗kun







Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 29, 2020, 6:19 a.m. No.11341916   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1936 >>2549



Author`s name Dmitry Sudakov

22.01.2013 21:10

Russian nuclear energy conquers the world

Russia » Economics

Russian nuclear energy demonstrated impressive achievements in the global market "of nuclear services" in 2012. In this area, Rosatom State Corporation wins competition with major Western companies, even though cooperation in the field of "peaceful atom" remains under strong political pressure.


Russian nuclear energy conquers the world. 49175.jpeg

The raw material orientation of Russian exports receives criticism on a regular basis, mainly with no prospect of success in the export estimates of advanced technologies. However, they are present in the field of exports of goods and services of the nuclear industry. Russia has been showing impressive results, conquering new markets and penetrating into the markets of competitors. The advantages of Rosatom over its competitors (especially the French company AREVA and U.S.A.'s Westinghouse) are about the fact that the Russian company offers customers a complete range of services - from the construction of nuclear power plants and fuel supplies to staff training and generator shutdowns.


In addition, Rosatom is very disciplined in observing construction periods (5-6 years), which most competitors lack. The portfolio of Rosatom's foreign orders before 2022 now stands at 69.3 billion dollars, not including the HEU-LEU contract (processing highly enriched uranium (HEU) extracted from nuclear warheads of Russian missiles into low enriched uranium (LEU)). In 2012, the portfolio increased by 18.4 billion dollars, and the number of orders increased by 8 power-generating units (from February 11, 2011), the Center for Energy Expertise said.


The above-mentioned facts can be observed despite the "Fukushima syndrome," which pushed many countries (Germany, Switzerland, Japan) to refuse from the construction of nuclear power plants and shut down nuclear energy programs. On the contrary, Rosatom's portfolio of orders will continue to grow with a prospect to replacing outdated units with new ones. The "passive safety systems" that Rosatom proposes provide absolute safety in case of accidents, even if there is no water, electricity and personnel. In addition, the company develops fast neutron reactors of the 4th generation (Project "Breakthrough"), which will use elements of spent fuel.


Last year, special progress was achieved in Asia. There were nuclear power plants built in China (Tianwan NPP), Iran (Bushehr); NPP Kudankulam (India) is to be launched before the end of the current year.


President Vladimir Putin announced that Russia would give Bangladesh a loan for the initial phase of construction of the first nuclear power plant in the amount of $500 million. In the capital of Bangladesh, there will be an information center for nuclear energy set up - similar to the one that already works in Turkey, where Rosatom has a contract to build a nuclear power plant with full funding of the project by the Russian side ($ 25 billion).


This week, Rosatom became the owner of 100 percent of shares of Canadian uranium company Uranium One, which operates in Kazakhstan. Should the deal is approved by shareholders, a subsidiary of Rosatom will be able to consolidate control over uranium assets in the former Soviet Union and pave the way for the expansion of access to resources in Australia and South Africa.


In Europe, the situation with orders for 2013, can significantly improve. In the Old World, it is generally assumed that Russia strives for energy dictatorship over Europe in general and Germany in particular. It was political reasons that made Bulgaria refuse from the contract for the construction of Belena nuclear power plant ($ 10 billion). Most likely, though, the country will return to the contract with Rosatom if the question of the fundamental development of nuclear energy is resolved favorably during the referendum on January 27th. In the Czech Republic, there is a tender for the construction of two nuclear reactors in Temelin (15 billion dollars). The French AREVA has left the competition. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton personally lobbied the company Westinghouse. However, its chances to win the tender is much less than that of Rosatom.


Rosatom's subsidiary, TVEL, will supply fuel to Swedish nuclear power plants Ringhals-3. Thus, Russia, through the export of the full cycle of nuclear power greatly increases its strength as a world power. A positive development of this situation in the future may remove the issue of who will control "energy weapons" of the future. Russia will be automatically integrated into economic and political relations with the recipient country of services.


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Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 29, 2020, 6:21 a.m. No.11341936   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1939



FBI Special Agent Charles Butcher admitted in a March 11th court filing that the figures came from an unidentified person named Michael J. Petron.

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 29, 2020, 6:28 a.m. No.11342005   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Mar 22

Sham Sentencing for two Uranium One defendants starts Weds.


(really good read on U1)


Tim Caine (left) and Mark Warner, Senators from Virginia are shaking hands. Others are unidentified. Caine and Warner have top secret clearance. They were directly involved in covering up what really happened in the four Uranium One cases. Two of them, the Lambert and Condrey cases, are covered in this story.


Mark T. Lambert will be sentenced Wednesday for receiving $1.154,079 in bribes.


From 2007 to 2014.


In one of four Uranium One cases.


The amount of the bribes were disclosed March 11th.


Four months after Lambert’s trial ended on Nov. 22nd.


During the three week trial, Prosecutor David Ira Salem (above) never told the jury the amount of the bribes.


He never had to.


The jury returned nine guilty verdicts without them.


They included:


four counts of corruption


two counts of fraud


one count of conspiracy


What jury would convict without the Prosecutor proving the paper trail and bribe amounts?


Lambert’s did.


How did Prosecutors come up with $1,157,192 in bribes for Lambert?


Who came up with bribe amount?


Where is the expert report from a CPA specializing in money laundering and forensic accounting?


Or did the calculations come out of thin air?


FBI Special Agent Charles Butcher admitted in a March 11th court filing that the figures came from an unidentified person named Michael J. Petron.


No other explanation for given.


Thin air.


(con't at link)


Lambert and Condrey worked together for Transport Logistics Inc. (TLI).


They ran the company for five years..


TLI received a 20-year no-bid contract to import and export uranium and other rare metals to:




China Nuclear Energy Industry Corp., Beijing, China




Namibia (Africa)






Denver, Colorado


It was never limited to Russia.


Details were approved by the Atomic Energy Commission.


And Congress.


Here is an example:

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 29, 2020, 6:45 a.m. No.11342167   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2171 >>2922

The evil behind Lisa Page's child trafficking ring

Lisa Page (above)










Lisa Page works for NBC.




Page is a former attorney for the:








Her sidekick was Peter Strzok.

They reported to former FBI James Comey.

Strzok also reported to former CIA Director John Brennan.

Because Strzok was CIA.


Battelle has 1636 persons working for it in Columbus, Ohio.

With top secret clearance as a defense contractor and bioweapons manufacturer.

With access to the Pentagon’s top three bio labs in Ft. Detrick, MD.

Lisa Page has worked with Jens Kuhn.

He admits being recruited by the CIA.

To develop bioweapons for the Pentagon.


According to the Army, Kuhn is the world’s top bioweapons scientist.

In March, Kuhn starting working for Tunnell Government Services of Bethesda, Maryland.

Tunnell is a subcontractor for Battelle.

Kuhn photo and resume Tunnell.png




Who is the only person in the world with access to smallpox in Russia and the U.S.?


Jens Kuhn.

How secure are the facilities that contain 110 tons of smallpox?

None of it.

According to the:

he Center for Disease Control (CDC)

the Pentagon (DOD)


Pentagon unable to track its biological select agents and toxins (BSAT) -brassballs blog.png

Lisa Page worked six years for the European Adoption Consultants (EAC) in Strongsville, Ohio ending in 2016.


It was set up by former CIA Director.

George H. W. Bush.



When he was President.

Robert E. Hughes helped get Bush elected President.

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 29, 2020, 6:45 a.m. No.11342171   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2922



At the time, Hughes was Ohio’s State Chairman of the Republican Party.


Best of friends: President George H.W. Bush (left) and Bill Clinton

Best of friends: President George H.W. Bush (left) and Bill Clinton


Two fake charities were set up.


To provide income for family members of Robert E. Hughes.


The first was European Adoption Consultants (EAC).


Incorporated on Aug. 17th, 1991.


Closed Aug. 16th, 2001.


The other was American International Adoption Agency.


Their criminal acts would be protected by the State Department under diplomatic immunity.


Margaret Cole, Bob’s daughter-in-law, was made Director.


She married Tim Hughes.


Bob’s son.




The other fake charity was American International Adoption Agency.


Incorporated in Ohio on Jan. 28th, 1997.


Closed down on Aug. 23rd, 2015.


Charter number 966648.


Margaret Cole signed the paperwork as “Margaret A. Hughes”.


Ohio document number 05729-0215.






The European Adoption Agency (EAC) was closed down by the State Department for 18 violations on Dec. 16th, 2016.


Such as failing to prevent the:








. . . and abuse of children it its care.


And for paying bribes to get children illegally from Poland and Uganda

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 29, 2020, 7:18 a.m. No.11342549   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Notables are not endorsements


>>10947529 Facebook monitors the offline behavior of its users to determine if they should be categorized as a “Hate Agent,”

>>10952507 Can Mil prepping for Isolation camps / tear gas purchase docs

>>10960991 Isolation camp in TO

>>10978836 Digs on Chinese PLA in Canada / BC

>>10979801 THC / CBD effective against CV study

>>10979814, >>10979892, >>10979887 Report on Canadian Finances during CV

>>10982820, >>10982823 Colour Revolution deets

>>10983791 Wei Wei money laundering in Vancouver + Trudeau ties

>>10990974 Freedom Convoy - Oct 15-17 - Saskatoon to Van

>>10994155, >>10994178, >>10996075 (You) WE Foundation digs

>>10996235 Liberty Network - Social Network for Canadian Freedom Fighters

>>10996573 War Measure Act March 2020 - Martial Law in place

>>11008303 FIPA treaty Can-Chi details

>>11014145 GPDeclaration - sign it!

>>11014202, >>11014214 Vaccine ingredients from FDA website

>>11019585 WHO says stop using lockdowns (lawsuits incoming)

>>11027487 CSIS sovereignty vs Indigenous movements digs

>>11034956, >>11046810 2020-21 flu season started August 23. SIX cases to date (last year was 48000)

>>11040679 Rick Simpson - CBD Shaman

>>11061955 WE Charity / WE Foundation UK division digs. Swampy.

>>11066453, >>11066599 LPC Strategic Committee Leak - 10/10/20. PMO Roadmap to 2nd lockdown / camps.

>>11074199 ThePowerShift - Constitutional Action group to restore power to the people.

>>11081280 You can't make this up: CDC says 'We never suggested masks would help'

>>11082218 85% of new fall infections go to mask wearers

>>11082227 new study suggests that a million or more European Christians were enslaved by Muslims in North Africa between 1530 and 1780

>>11099051 Canadian arms sales to Ukraine

>>11099082 Canadian Military missions in Ukraine and Iraq extended

>>11114558 Antifa in Alberta

>>11105629 Anon has vision on Q (from main bread)

>>11115942 Clinton Foundation digs

>>11116575 Gov leak on lockdown, camps and more.

>>11120320 300 Canadians in Honk Kong threatened by Beijing, Trudeau's response

>>11134882 Current archives - download and save offline!

>>11162438, >>11162929, >>11163116, >>11164105 Digs on Ukraine - Can spent $464 billion in foreign aid. Soros in UKR.

>>11164617, >>11164624 Digs on International Crisis Group - Kovrig (spy arrested by China)

>>11172097 Results of Anon 3 year Q Drop Vatican RCC CIA Research File

>>11172440 WE Charity news

>>11178655 Ontario CV diggs / lockdown info


>>11176205, >>11197916 , >>11179050 , >>11184982 , >>11185071 , >>11197916 Anons discuss the state of things, the effects of Red pill ingestion and various self care techniques.

>>11201436, >>11205093 Ghana President Exposed Permanent World Lockdown Plot

>>11213996 NXIVM / Rainier supporters.

>>11221114 Trudeau - 237 million to FTI Professional Grade. 2 person co to make 10k ventilators.

>>11247701 Trudeau family digs Flashback: The Trudeau family's love of tyrants

>>11248413, >>11248480, >>11249460, >>11250988, >>11250993, >>11251962 Aga Khan / Trudeau, Kerry and others - connections

>>11251262 Grandfather of Chrystia Freeland was a Nazi collaborator

>>11252010 Pluralism in Canada

>>11259648 Amazing Polly - flashback: We are in the middle of a MARXIST revolution

>>11265127, >>11270464 Fentynal: The people that control China today, controlled them with Opium in the 1800's.

>>11270269, >>11277111 Emergent BioSolutions digs - Waleed bin Talal

>>11277303 Canada only country working with China on vaccine.

>>11281121 Korea stops flu vaccine after 48 deaths.

>>11285014, >>11285301, >>11285392, >>11316171 WE Charity funding sources and cash flow digs - get in here.


>>11301421, >>11301495, >>11320511, >>11320516 Aga Khan Foundation cash flow, org chart, digs and bun, >>11305102

>>11323795, >>11329473, >>11330869, >>11331575 Kary Mullis - Inventory of PCR test digs (dies last Aug at 74). biochemist regarded the PCR as inappropriate to detect a viral infection.

>>11329713 A2A railway - Alberta to Alaska railway - approved by POTUS 26.9.20.

>>11331910, >>11331958, >>11332110, >>11341916 U1 digs - Uranium 1 connections and history

>>11336346 Andrew Scheer is part of a the masonic organization Knights of Columbus and is a dual citizen with the US


Baking at 725.

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 29, 2020, 7:48 a.m. No.11342922   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Dark WinterRefference







The Dark Winter exercise, held at Andrews AFB, Washington, DC, June 22-23, 2001, portrayed a fictional scenario depicting a covert smallpox attack on US citizens.





Dark Winter


The Dark Winter exercise, held at Andrews AFB, Washington, DC, June 22-23, 2001, portrayed a fictional scenario depicting a covert smallpox attack on US citizens. The scenario is set in 3 successive National Security Council (NSC) meetings (Segments 1, 2 and 3) that take place over a period of 14 days. Former senior government officials played the roles of NSC members responding to the evolving epidemic; representatives from the media were among the observers of these mock NSC meetings and played journalists during the scenario's press conferences.


Key Players

President: The Hon. Sam Nunn

National Security Advisor: The Hon. David Gergen

Director of Central Intelligence: The Hon. R. James Woolsey

Secretary of Defense: The Hon. John White

Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff: General John Tilelli (USA, Ret.)

Secretary of Health & Human Services: The Hon. Margaret Hamburg

Secretary of State: The Hon. Frank Wisner

Attorney General: The Hon. George Terwilliger

Director, Federal Emergency Management Agency: Mr. Jerome Hauer

Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation: The Hon. William Sessions

Governor of Oklahoma: The Hon. Frank Keating

Press Secretary of Gov. Frank Keating (OK): Mr. Dan Mahoney

Correspondent, NBC News: Mr. Jim Miklaszewski

Pentagon Producer, CBS News: Ms. Mary Walsh

Reporter, British Broadcasting Corporation: Ms. Sian Edwards

Reporter, The New York Times: Ms. Judith Miller

Reporter, Freelance: Mr. Lester Reingold

The Dark Winter exercise was the collaborative effort of 4 organizations. John Hamre of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) initiated and conceived of an exercise wherein senior former officials would respond to a bioterrorist induced national security crisis. Tara O'Toole and Tom Inglesby of the Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies and Randy Larsen and Mark DeMier of Analytic Services, Inc., (ANSER) were the principal designers, authors, and controllers of Dark Winter. Sue Reingold of CSIS managed administrative and logistical arrangements. General Dennis Reimer of the Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism (MIPT) provided funding for Dark Winter.



I was honored to play the part of the President in the exercise Dark Winter . . You often don't know what you don't know until you've been tested. And it's a lucky thing for the United States that, as the emergency broadcast network used to say, 'this is just a test, this is not a real emergency.' But Mr. Chairman, our lack of preparation is a real emergency. The Honorable Sam Nunn, House Hearing on Combating Terrorism: Federal Response to a Biological Weapons Attack, July 23, 2001

Anonymous ID: 8c6fbc Oct. 29, 2020, 10:16 a.m. No.11344581   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Biden's tattoo! Finger Lakes!


Look here! Look here!


Don't look there!


Any idea, the History of Uranium in that area?,minimum%20dose%20that%20would%20produce%20detectable%20kidney%20damage.


More than 1,900 miles away from Alamogordo, at the Rochester, NY headquarters of Eastman Kodak, a flood of complaints came in from business customers who had recently purchased sensitive X-ray film from the company. Black exposed spots on the film, or "fogging," had rendered it unusable. This perplexed many Kodak scientists, who had gone to great lengths to prevent contaminations like this.






Theory - Canada shipping in Uranium across lake Ontario


for decades. Might explain why tunnel systems along the


NY shoreline have been closed off to the public.


Also explains why Hussein made an agreement with Canada to FLOOD the Lake's shorelines