Anonymous ID: ad0e18 Oct. 8, 2020, 10:04 p.m. No.10992765   🗄️.is 🔗kun





White House installs a campaign veteran at the CIA


Agency veterans say the amorphous role of retired Army Major General Bert Mizusawa, a political ally of the president, is unusual.


A retired major general who served as a 2016 campaign adviser to then-candidate Donald Trump was quietly installed in a senior advisory role at the CIA earlier this year. The move is spurring discussion among some former agency officials, who say the arrangement is highly unusual.


Bert Mizusawa, a decorated retired Army general and a graduate of West Point and Harvard Law School, has been serving as a senior adviser for national security technology and business integration at the CIA since earlier this year, according to two former agency officials familiar with his role. A current U.S. official said Mizusawa has been working out of the office of the agency’s chief operating officer, Andrew Makridis. Mizusawa’s role at CIA has not been previously reported.


A Trump administration official said Mizusawa was assigned the CIA role earlier this year by John McEntee, the 30-year-old director of the White House Presidential Personnel Office who is responsible for filling thousands of jobs across the federal agencies. McEntee came under scrutiny over the summer for grilling government officials about their loyalty to Trump and commitment to carrying out his agenda.


“There are a number of people in the West Wing, including Johnny McEntee and [retired Lieutenant General] Keith Kellogg, who have respect for him given his credentials and loyalty to the president,” the administration official said of Mizusawa.


CIA Press Secretary Tim Barrett said in a statement that Mizusawa “serves as a senior adviser on national security technology, bringing his deep expertise to CIA’s mission. Any notion that he was ‘installed’ here is ridiculous. He went through the normal process for an outside expert hire.” Mizusawa and the White House did not return requests for comment.


It’s not unusual for the spy agency to be led by political allies of the president. But former officials said it seemed strange for the White House to appoint a former campaign surrogate to serve in a CIA role that wasn’t a “7th floor” position — i.e., director, deputy director, general counsel or other top official housed on the top floor of the agency’s Langley, Va. headquarters.


“An outsider with no internal sponsorship?” said one of the former officials. “That never happens.”


Current and former officials say Mizusawa might have been placed there to generally keep an eye on Director Gina Haspel and the inner workings of the agency. He would be positioned to do that from the office of the COO, who is responsible for managing the CIA on a day-to-day basis, they said.


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Anonymous ID: ad0e18 Oct. 8, 2020, 10:23 p.m. No.10993026   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3182 >>3316


Trump’s former intelligence chief (Dan Coats) told him to be careful with Devin Nunes, book says


President Donald Trump’s first director of national intelligence advised him to be careful with information provided to him by California Rep. Devin Nunes, warning that some of it “turns out to be false,” according to a new book about the Trump administration.


The exchange is detailed in “Rage,” a book about Trump by journalist Bob Woodward. Woodward spoke to Trump in 18 recorded conversations for the book.


The remark about Nunes occurred while Dan Coats was still serving as the Director of National Intelligence, but Woodward doesn’t say exactly when it happened. Coats stepped down from the role in July 2019.


The exchange centers on one of Nunes’ recurring arguments about the 2016 election. Nunes, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, has alleged that Justice Department officials and members of the Obama administration improperly asked for identifying information about Trump allies who were captured on intelligence reports communicating with foreign officials. That process of identifying an American in an intelligence report is known as unmasking.


Coats talked about Nunes after a briefing to Trump about unmasking, according to Woodward. Coats told Trump that unmasking is a routine practice, and Nunes was misleading him, according to the book.


“I know Devin Nunes is trying to be doing everything he can to support you,” Coats reportedly told Trump. “But he passes information to you that turns out to be false. In the end, it hurts you. Devin has told you something that is not true.”


“If you would contact us first so we can verify that, whether it’s true or not, it puts you in a better position,” Coats, a Republican who represented Indiana in the U.S. House and Senate for 24 years, continued. “We could assess whether or not what has been said is backed up by evidence, or factual, before you go public.”


Nunes, R-Tulare, closely aligned himself with Trump early in the administration and has defended Trump both during Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election and during Trump’s impeachment.


Since 2019, Nunes has filed seven lawsuits against media organizations and critics alleging they conspired to harm his reputation. He dropped one case against a retired farmer in his district, and judges have dismissed or diminished three others.


Nunes also is suing McClatchy, the owner of the largest newspaper in his district, The Fresno Bee. McClatchy has called the suit a “baseless attack on local journalism.”


Trump did not agree with Coats’ assessment of the San Joaquin Valley congressman, calling Nunes “the most courageous person in town,” according to Woodward. Woodward also noted that Trump has suggested to others that Nunes should get the Congressional Medal of Honor, which is a military award for valor, though Nunes has not served in the military.


Trump has corrected himself after saying that publicly at least once, during a Fox and Friends episode in October 2018. He said he meant the Presidential Medal of Freedom, which the president can award to civilians.


Coats did not return a call seeking comment. Nunes’ office did not respond to a request for comment.


“Rage” is due to publish Tuesday, containing many behind-the-scenes details of the Trump administration. Woodward concludes in the book that he does not think Trump is fit for the presidency.