Real smoking gun right there.
Actually, it just sounds like I found that post to be a waste of my 15 seconds of my life. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
I went through them for 3 hours last night. I'm not saying there's nothing there because it's 33,000 fucking e-mails and I didn't read them all, but I didn't find shit.
Fake virus, fake tests, fake cases, fake treatments, fake vaccines, REAL stupidity. That's my takeaway.
Nevermind, anon, I think I get what you're saying. This is not Pompeo's release, just anons getting ahead of themselves. Amiright?
Anyone notice that FOX is making Trump look ORANGE JUICE orange today? I thought my screen was broken.
He survived Influenza-C. The fact that you are surprised proves you accidentally drank some of the kool-aid.
When you consider how fucking stupid the average person is, and then you consider that half the population is even stupider than that, is it really that shocking that the government lies to us?
Fuck everyone of FOX News. Overpaid teleprompter readers who get paid millions. I wouldn't piss on any of them if they were on fire.