Anonymous ID: 4fee7d Oct. 10, 2020, 5:48 a.m. No.11011368   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1377



Walt Disney Co. defended its cooperation with government entities accused of human-rights abuses in China’s Xinjiang region, saying the company had to work with the government in order to make films there.


“There are regulations that must be followed by all foreign film production companies wanting to operate in China,” Sean Bailey, president of Disney’s film studio, said in an Oct. 7 letter to two British politicians. “These companies are not allowed to operate independently and must partner with a Chinese production company which is responsible for securing all film permits.”

Anonymous ID: 4fee7d Oct. 10, 2020, 6:32 a.m. No.11011667   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1799 >>1960 >>2035


Although she was only nineteen at the time, Bea was one of the fifteen Communists to be hired in 1937 by the newly-formed Congress of Industrial Organizations to organize the laundry workers. The campaign that ensued culminated in the organization of New York City’s 30,000 laundry workers and, more broadly, contributed to the mass movements that produced a revitalized labor movement that won important gains for all Americans, including Social Security and union rights.

Anonymous ID: 4fee7d Oct. 10, 2020, 6:37 a.m. No.11011700   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1734

JOE SCARBOROUGH: Good, so tell us, Fareed, what are some of the most important lessons that we are learning from COVID, and how is it going to shape our world moving forward?


FAREED ZAKARIA: Well, I think one of the most central ones relating to what we were just – you were just talking about with Trump is it's very useful to think, to understand our response to COVID by putting it in comparative perspective. So, Trump says it's all about China, but look at a place like Taiwan. Taiwan is right next to China, gets millions of tourists from China every year, had its first COVID cases before the United States. Taiwan with a population of 22 million has had seven COVID deaths. New York State by comparison has had 35, 34,000, right? The problem has not been China or, you know, where the virus came from. The problem has been our inept response. To put it very bluntly, the problem is not China. The problem is Donald Trump. But it goes beyond Trump, because for four decades now, we have had an attitude towards the Federal government that said as Ronald Reagan famously said, government is not the solution. It is the problem. Grover Norquist says my goal is to get the Federal government so small that I can take it into my bathtub and drown it. Steve Bannon says I want to deconstruct the administrative state. Well guess what, if your mission is to destroy, deconstruct, and drown the Federal government it's not going to perform so well during a pandemic. And that's one of my lessons, is it's not quantity of government you have, but the quality of government you have, and the quality of American government has been shown in this pandemic to be very bad.

Anonymous ID: 4fee7d Oct. 10, 2020, 6:45 a.m. No.11011773   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2059


>In September, the Federal Government posted a call for expression of interest for contractor to Provide, Supply and manage Quarantine/isolation camps. Throughout out every province and territory in Canada. These Quarantine/Isolation Camps however are not limited to people with COVID, but provide a wide latitude for many people. To be detained

Anonymous ID: 4fee7d Oct. 10, 2020, 6:57 a.m. No.11011882   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1886 >>1907 >>1960 >>2035

Transcript of Pelosi Interview on Bloomberg News' Balance of Power with David Westin

David Westin. You talked about the altered state of the President, as you call it, and you said, just a short time ago, that the public needs to know the health condition of the President. Do you have questions about his capability to really serve in his office at this point?

Speaker Pelosi. What I want to know is the trust that we have to place in the Executive branch at this time, the trust we have to place in a vaccine that may become available, that is if it is scientifically approved, the clinical trials as well as the advisory committee that must pass on all of this, and that it is not political. So, I do not know the motivation of the White House is strictly based on science, I think they’ve demonstrated in this coronavirus, as well as climate change and any other issue, that they have contempt for science.

But, what I said about the President was that we don’t know if somebody – I have not said this, I’ve quoted others to say there are those who say when you are on steroids and, or if you have COVID-19 or both, that there may be some impairment of judgment. But, again, that is for the doctors and the scientists to determine.

But it was very strange, very surprising – and I am rarely surprised – when the President took to a tweet and saying that he wants the Senate to have full focus on the confirmation of the Justice and turned attention away, and so we are stopping the negotiation. He will do anything in his power to overturn the Affordable Care Act, to take away the pre-existing condition benefit and all the other benefits contained in the Affordable Care Act. We know that. But for him to stop the negotiations in order to make the confirmation as fast as possible, for someone to be there for the November 10th oral arguments in the Supreme Court to overturn the Affordable Care Act at a time of a pandemic.

Anonymous ID: 4fee7d Oct. 10, 2020, 6:58 a.m. No.11011886   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1892 >>1960 >>2035



David Westin. Madam Speaker, I want to come back to something you mentioned, which is the special situation with the airline industry. And as I understand, what you’re saying is: you do agree – it might be handled a little bit separately, but it has to be part of an overall deal. That is to say, it doesn’t have to be one statute. It doesn’t have to be one bill. Is that what you’re saying? So, it is possible to do something maybe a little more quickly for the airlines as long as you have agreement on the rest?

Speaker Pelosi. Let me be clear, we want to help the airline workers. The workers. We want to help the airline workers. There is legislation that we had in the CARES Act, which we hoped we could continue for another six months or so. That expired the end of September. We can do that separately, but we cannot do it unless there’s a big bill. So, it can be part of a big bill or it could be separate from a big bill from a timing standpoint, but there won’t be anything unless we have: crush the virus, put money in the pockets of the American people.

Our view, and this is what we are told over and over again, the fiscal soundness of the state and local government is important to the fiscal soundness of our economy. We are a consumer economy. Putting money in the pockets of the American workers, especially those unemployed, immediately is spent, it injects demand into the economy and creates jobs. It is a stimulus.

So, we have a big, tall order to do here. But none of it can really thrive unless we crush the virus. The President seems to be thinking, ‘Well, the vaccine will come along.’ That is still months away. People will die, nearly 1,000 yesterday, 50,000 more infected. We have a plan. We have a plan. Let's get it done.

So, it’s not just about more money into the Oval Office for the President to have at his discretion with no commitment to the science. I am always optimistic. I see everything as an opportunity. Maybe the President seeing the reaction to his walking away from the table is the opportunity that we have for them to come back to the table for us to get an agreement and the sooner the better.

The President says he wants to wait until after he wins the election, from here to eternity. Even if he were to win the election, it is still another month of people being infected, people dying. Let’s get the job done now. People's lives depend on it. Our economy’s success depends on it. Our children’s flourishing in schools depends upon it. This is a tall order for us, and people say to me, ‘You’re not going to solve all of the world’s problems in one bill.’ I know that. This is corona-centric. That’s what it is.

But we are not going to solidify disparities in communities of color, whether it’s at the education level, the outreach for the coronavirus or the services rendered by the state and local governments. We are going to solidify those disparities.

We are going to do so in a way that is fair, and when we do the vaccine, which I hope is soon, we will do so with ethics and equity in how it is distributed so that nobody feels it was just there for those who are wealthy or live in a red state, but it’s there for all Americans. And as I say that, again, prayerfully hoping that it will be soon, but also, based on science for its safety and its efficacy. And I salute our scientists at F.D.A for what they are doing in that regard.

Anonymous ID: 4fee7d Oct. 10, 2020, 6:58 a.m. No.11011892   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1940



David Westin. Madam Secretary, you have been very clear, abundantly clear that the priority is to crush the virus, as you put it, and you need the broad stimulus to get that done. Is it your impression or understanding that right now the priorities of the White House, of President of the United States and the White House are different from that, that he is more concerned right now with confirming Judge Barrett to be Justice Barrett then he is with crushing the virus?

Speaker Pelosi. That is what he said yesterday. That is what he said yesterday. Not only that, that is what he has been saying for the past – this is not a priority for him, starting from the beginning when he said it was a hoax, it was magically going to disappear. It was going to be a miracle.

I think a miracle is science. As a person of faith, I think that science is an answer to our prayers. But there is nothing in the President's past behavior that indicates he has the respect for the recommendations that scientists have universally proposed to end the spread of the virus.

Anonymous ID: 4fee7d Oct. 10, 2020, 7 a.m. No.11011907   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>What I want to know is the trust that we have to place in the Executive branch at this time, the trust we have to place in a vaccine that may become available, that is if it is scientifically approved, the clinical trials as well as the advisory committee that must pass on all of this, and that it is not political. So, I do not know the motivation of the White House is strictly based on science, I think they’ve demonstrated in this coronavirus, as well as climate change and any other issue, that they have contempt for science.

Anonymous ID: 4fee7d Oct. 10, 2020, 7:13 a.m. No.11012011   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2064


>noquantifiedvirus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available


what's a quantified virus isolate?

do we have non quantified isolate of 2019-nCov?

has anyone seen the thing under a microscope yet?