just make your memes and use them. if an anon likes them, you'll see them reposted.
>It is pretty good if you can handle criticism of the Bush era GOP
you mean the bush era that illegally stole the 2000 election, purposely failed the mission in Afghanistan for war and heroin profit, lied to the world to start an illegal war in iraq for the same reasons + provided the ground work for hussein's ISIS?
yeah i can handle that criticism
>"As the World Turns"
was the show on TV when walter cronkite broke into the broadcast of JFK being shot. when Q says that, it is a reference to assassination efforts.
i thought for sure he was a gonner. i hope he talks about what treatment he got.
the 2nd wave has already arrived in cannukistan. they've been planting the "new normal" seeds since march. things are going to get bad here. like NZ bad on steroids.