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remeber the vid where Fauci said it's ok to use Tinder and Grinder?

that got shadow banned like i have never seen anything get shadow banned.


Dr. Fauci endorses Tinder hookups ‘if you’re willing to take a risk’


April 15, 2020 | 5:26pm | Updated

Tired of having to live your sex life online during lockdown? You’re in luck.


Government coronavirus expert Dr. Anthony Fauci says that heartsick isolationists can hook up with asymptomatic Tinder matches in real life — but, like love, it involves some risk.


The 79-year-old immunologist dropped the unorthodox dating tip in a Tuesday interview on Snapchat’s “Good Luck America.”


Toward the end of the taped segment, Fauci was asked: “If you’re swiping on a dating app like Tinder, or Bumble or Grindr, and you match with someone that you think is hot, and you’re just kind of like, ‘Maybe it’s fine if this one stranger comes over.’ What do you say to that person?”


“You know, that’s tough,” replied the befuddled National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director to the curveball. “Because that’s what’s called relative risk.”


Immunologist-cum-date doctor Anthony Fauci

Immunologist-cum-date doctor Anthony FauciGetty Images; Shutterstock

Then he dropped the bombshell. “If you’re willing to take a risk — and you know, everybody has their own tolerance for risks — you could figure out if you want to meet somebody,” said Fauci, who was named a candidate for People magazine’s “Sexiest Man Alive” award.


He added, “If you want to go a little bit more intimate, well, then that’s your choice regarding a risk.”


But don’t invite every one of your Tinder matches over for a Caligula-esque orgy just yet. The unlikely date doctor subsequently pointed out that “the one thing you don’t want to do” is base your decision on whether “the person is feeling well.”


If people only transmitted when they felt sick, “that would be much easier,” he said. “But what we’re seeing, which becomes really problematic, is that there’s a considerable amount of transmission from an asymptomatic person.”



Unfortunately, Fauci’s advice likely won’t prevent legions of lovebirds from getting cozy during the coronavirus pandemic. In fact, many thrill-seeking New Yorkers are forgoing dating apps and going straight to Craigslist to find partners with whom they can literally go out with a “bang.”


And a randy London couple threw caution — and droplets — to the wind when they broke quarantine last week to hook up in a public park.


Peter Hamby Interviews Dr. Anthony Fauci | Good Luck America | Snap Originals