Some thoughts about the election infection in Victoria, Australia.
The US is having a presidential election November 3rd - okay, they attacked, covid-19, …etc.
Melbourne, Australia has been severely locked down for weeks. The rest of Australia is fine. Why Victoria?
Victoria is currently having local elections, with vote by mail - no questions asked, no media coverage. No dissenting voices. The conversation is focused squarely on attacking the Premier/State Government.
You might be wondering, How does Australia's government work?
Australia has three level of Government.
The "Local" government or "local council" looks after things like taking out the trash, maintaining parks…etc.
The State governments are deciding the lockdown laws. The "Premier" of the state is similar to the "Governor" in the US - I think.
Voting is compulsory in Australia at all levels of government.
Victoria is the only state that signed up to China's Belt and Road scheme. Victoria's next-generation commuter trains are being built in China, by a company that has been blacklisted in the US.
The mood in Victoria is that people are calling the Premier "Dictator Dan". Even the MSM is publishing articles against him. However, nobody is talking about the local government elections. Are the anti-Premier voices part of the controlled opposition?
Victoria is a test for distracting the populace form vote-by-mail being forced onto them. These Victorian local elections are a test. The next attack/distraction will be federal. There are likely many more covids planned.