Clocking a bit earlier. We have 2 [187] [markers] on the [15] delta today. 2 is even, so that means we must go [187] minutes ahead which works out to [7] ahead. Drop 718 is on the :06 mark, so [7] ahead takes us to :13.
Trump's 1st tweet on October 13 2020 in Eastern time was @ :13 on the hour.
John 3.16. GO WITH GOD.
My clock interpretation for 10/13/2020. I use a [15] delta around the clock. The dates and post numbers on that delta for 10/13/2020 are:
10/29/2017- 3-13
11/13/2017- 150
12/13/2017- 337-343
01/27/2018- 612-642
02/11/2018- 718-740
03/28/2018- 971-982
04/12/2018- 1134-1144
04/27/2018- 1280-1291
05/12/2018- 1341-1351
06/11/2018- 1449-1463
06/26/2018- 1588-1599
07/26/2018- 1711-1718
08/10/2018- 1831-1840
09/09/2018- 2121-2126
09/24/2018- 2275
10/09/2018- 2377-2381
01/07/2019- 2663-2667
02/21/2019- 2844-2855
03/23/2019- 3167-3175
07/21/2019- 3458-3459
12/03/2019- 3647-3649
12/18/2019- 3718-3725
02/01/2020- 3819-3823
04/16/2020- 3972-3975
05/01/2020- 4040-4043
05/31/2020- 4362-4374
06/30/2020- 4546-4551
07/30/2020- 4617-4620
09/13/2020- 4686-4698
09/28/2020- 4777-4786
All the [markers] are noted. Odd amount, look back the value of the [marker]. Even amount, look ahead the value of the [marker]. Look to to see if POTUS has tweeted or RT'ed @ a timestamp on the [15] delta or pointed to by a [marker].
Re-read the drops!