Anonymous ID: 5e16e8 Oct. 14, 2020, 7:56 p.m. No.11077842   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8122

Are Early Voting Numbers A Harbinger Of What's To Come On Election Day?


With less than three weeks until Election Day, many states are already seeing historic levels of early voting.


According to figures from 35 states and the District of Columbia, compiled by the Associated Press and The Wall Street Journal, 8.8 million people have voted by mail in the general election and 962,000 have headed to polling places early to cast ballots. For comparison, more than 58 million early ballots were cast in 2016.


Pennsylvania, Kentucky and Virginia have already received more early ballots than they did in the 2016 presidential election. Several other states have topped 2016 numbers for mail-in ballots returned, even as in-person early voting is opening up in much of the country.


Counting the Votes: The unprecedented influx of early balloting, in person and especially by mail, is presenting a logistical challenge for local election officials. How they handle it is likely to figure in whether voters will see a protracted wait for results beyond Election Day in the presidential race, especially from closely fought battleground states.


Election officials are already talking about “Election Week” rather than “Election Day.” They are also urging voters to view lengthy counts in close contests as normal.


States have raced to ramp up, buying extra machines to tabulate votes, adding extra staff to count ballots, and in some cases, extending deadlines. Those rule changes are setting off partisan court battles in key states that will determine which votes count and are adding uncertainty as voters cast ballots in droves.

Anonymous ID: 5e16e8 Oct. 14, 2020, 7:58 p.m. No.11077867   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7913 >>8018 >>8129 >>8188 >>8202 >>8426 >>8511

The FBI Seized the Hunter Biden Computer in December 2019 – Ignored the Crimes, Did Nothing and Gave the Biden Family a Complete Pass


After years of leadership from the likes of Robert Mueller, James Comey and Christopher Wray, the FBI’s name is severely tarnished. Numerous major criminal activities were brought to the FBI’s attention but were ignored and never addressed because the participants were from a protected class. The actions by the FBI are the major reason Americans believe there is a two-tiered system of justice in the US.


Over the past couple of days we uncovered more evidence related to major crimes committed by leaders in the Democrat party.


Rudy Giuliani and Steve Bannon, via The New York Post dropped an October surprise on Joe Biden on Wednesday and the media hacks are scrambling to run cover for crooked Joe and his crackhead son Hunter.


The New York Post reported Wednesday that a laptop computer abandoned at a Delaware repair shop contains emails between Hunter Biden and a senior Burisma adviser that indicate Hunter Biden arranged a meeting between his father then-Vice President Joe Biden and the adviser in Washington, D.C. in 2015.


Joe Biden is going to hide all day in his Delaware basement so he doesn’t have to answer why he sold out his public office to enrich his family.


Biden previously claimed, “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.”


“I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.”


— thebradfordfile™ (@thebradfordfile) October 14, 2020


Of course Biden lied. But another problem, if not greater than the Bidens lying about their involvement in Ukraine, is that the Feds never dug into the case.


The the FBI took the controversial Biden computer after a subpoena.

Anonymous ID: 5e16e8 Oct. 14, 2020, 7:59 p.m. No.11077879   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8018 >>8202 >>8426 >>8511

IRS Slaps Baltimore City's Top Prosecutor With Lien For Years Of Unpaid Taxes


According to The Baltimore Sun, the IRS has filed a lien against Baltimore City's top prosecutor for years of unpaid taxes.


Baltimore City State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby and husband Nick Mosby - Democratic nominee for City Council president - were slapped with a $45,000 lien via the IRS for three years of unpaid taxes. The lien showed the Mosbys owe $23,000 for 2014, more than $19,000 for 2015, and about $3,000 for 2016.


The Mosbys released a statement to members of the press from their respective offices that read:


"I have been in ongoing conversations with the IRS for five years about the tax consequences of an early withdrawal from my retirement savings plan, which I did to support unplanned expenses after a series of family tragedies," the statement said. "I expect to have the issue resolved in the coming days."


Fox 45 News points out, as per Maryland State Constitution, there is a possibility Marilyn Mosby could be removed from office:


" There shall be an Attorney for the State in each county and the City of Baltimore, to be styled "The State's Attorney," who shall be elected by the voters thereof, respectively, and shall hold his office for four years from the first Monday in January next ensuing his election, and until his successor shall be elected and qualified; and shall be re-eligible thereto, and be subject to removal therefrom, for incompetency, willful neglect of duty, or misdemeanor in office, on conviction in a Court of Law, or by a vote of two-thirds of the Senate, on the recommendation of the Attorney-General (amended by Chapter 99, Acts of 1956, ratified Nov. 6, 1956; Chapter 681, Acts of 1977, ratified Nov. 7, 1978)," part of the constitution reads.


Unpaid taxes are not the only probe swirling above the Mosbys; Marilyn is under investigation for having accepted luxury travel trips, free of charge. In the last two years, she's traveled to Germany, Portugal, Africa, and Scotland.


"When Operation Crime and Justice first reported on State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby's extensive travel and side business, FOX 45 News filed several public information requests for pertinent documents," FOX 45 reported in September.


"Those requests were not fulfilled," Fox 45 said. "Instead, the State's Attorney's Office asked for thousands of dollars in exchange for certain public records, including $6,480 for specific email records and $156,000 for copies of Mosby's work calendar.


Marilyn has served half of her four-year term as the city's top prosecutor as she is now being investigated for potential ethics violations.


Readers may recall Marilyn mishandled the Freedie Gray case, where a young Black male died in police custody on April 2015. Uproar in the community of the death of Gray resulted in weeks of riots around the metro area.


And if the mounting potential ethics violations for Mosby wasn't enough for the liberal-run city, the former mayor, Catherine Pugh, is serving a three-year prison sentence for her book fraud scheme.

Anonymous ID: 5e16e8 Oct. 14, 2020, 8:01 p.m. No.11077889   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8018 >>8202 >>8426 >>8511

“The Whistleblower Delivered Computer to the FBI. What did They Do With It?” – Senator Ron Johnson Admits Hunter Biden Computer Whistleblower Contacted His Senate Committee


The New York Post reported Wednesday that a laptop computer abandoned at a Delaware repair shop contains emails between Hunter Biden and a senior Burisma adviser that indicate Hunter Biden arranged a meeting between his father then-Vice President Joe Biden and the adviser in Washington, D.C. in 2015.


The the FBI took the controversial Hunter Biden computer after they subpoenaed the whistleblower.


According to the New York Post:


Photos of a Delaware federal subpoena given to The Post show that both the computer and hard drive were seized by the FBI in December, after the shop’s owner says he alerted the feds to their existence.


On Wednesday night Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) went on with Sean Hannity to discuss the latest explosive revelations on Hunter Biden and his shady dealings with Burisma Holdings officials who he set up to meet with Vice President Biden in Washington DC.


Johnson told Sean Hannity that the Hunter Biden whistleblower contacted his committee with the documents from the Hunter Biden computer.


Senator Ron Johnson: Sean, I think we’re just scratching the surface… This whistleblower contacted us the day we issued our report. he contacted us. But he also delivered this computer to the FBI. What did they do with it?… The only reason I’m talking about this whistleblower is this whistleblower went public. So i acknowledged that he contacted us the day after he’d seen our report. We had talked to him. But we are in the process of validating his claims. We take it all with a grain of salt. Obviously, the New York Post felt strongly enough that they actually went with the story. We were trying to validate the claims.

Anonymous ID: 5e16e8 Oct. 14, 2020, 8:02 p.m. No.11077908   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8018 >>8202 >>8426 >>8511

Trump Vs Deep State: Will Trump Upend Neocolonial World Order?


Former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney released an extraordinary statement on Tuesday, decrying a political scene he said “has moved away from spirited debate to a vile, vituperative, hate-filled morass, that is unbecoming of any free nation.” “The world is watching America with abject horror,” he added.


Romney tweeted his statement under the title “My thoughts on the current state of our politics.” “I have stayed quiet,” he said, “with the approach of the election.” “But I’m troubled by our politics,” the sole Republican to vote to impeach Trump added in his statement.


“The president calls the Democratic vice-presidential candidate ‘a monster’. He repeatedly labels the Speaker of the House ‘crazy.’ He calls for the justice department to put the prior president in jail. He attacks the governor of Michigan on the very day a plot is discovered to kidnap her. Democrats launch blistering attacks of their own, though their presidential nominee refuses to stoop as low as others,” Romney, a Utah senator who was the 2012 Republican nominee for president, complained in the statement.


Though superficially trying to appear “fair and balanced” in the didactic sermon patronizingly delivered by the only adult in the room full of political upstarts, Romney’s perceptible bias in the polemical diatribe was hard not to be noticed.


It defies explanation if he didn’t watch the presidential debate or consciously elided over the sordid episode where the Democratic presidential nominee contemptuously sneered at his political rival with derogatory epithets such as "a clown, a racist and Putin's puppy."


I’m not sure if Biden was high on meth during the debate, as Trump had repeatedly been insinuating, or he lacks basic etiquette to act like a dignified statesman, but only amphetamines could make a person take leave of his senses and insolently yell at the president of the US, “Will you shut up, man,” while ironically complaining, “This is so unpresidential.”


Though a longtime Republican senator, Mitt Romney’s loyalty to the GOP was compromised due to a personal spat with Trump. In the Republican primaries of the 2016 US presidential elections, Romney severely castigated Trump, calling him “a phony and a fraud.”


After Trump was elected president, he dangled the carrot of the secretary of state appointment to Romney, invited him to a dinner in a swanky New York restaurant, made him eat his words and fawn all over Trump like a servile toady. But later, he gave one of the most coveted appointments in the US bureaucratic hierarchy to oil executive Rex Tillerson.


Romney felt humiliated to the extent that in Trump’s vulnerable moment, after impeachment proceedings were initiated against him in the Senate in February, Romney became the only US senator in the American political history who voted against his own Republican Party president.


Though lacking intellect and often ridiculed for frequent spelling errors on his Twitter timeline, such as “unpresidented” and “covfefe,” implying he gets his news feed from television talk shows and rarely reads book and articles, Donald Trump is street smart and his anti-globalization agenda and down-to-earth attitude appeal to the American working classes.


Nevertheless, it’s quite easy for the neuroscientists on the payroll of the national security establishment to manipulate the minds of such impressionable politicians and lead them by the nose to toe the line of the deep state, particularly on foreign policy matters. No wonder national security shills disparagingly sneer at the president as the “toddler-in-chief.”


In 2017, a couple of caricatures went viral on social media. In one of those caricatures, Donald Trump was depicted as a child sitting on a chair and Vladimir Putin was shown whispering something into Trump’s ears from behind. In the other, Trump was portrayed sitting in Steve Bannon’s lap and the latter was shown mumbling into Trump’s ears, “Who is the big boy now?” And Trump was shown replying, “I am the big boy.”

Anonymous ID: 5e16e8 Oct. 14, 2020, 8:04 p.m. No.11077927   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8018 >>8202 >>8426 >>8511

Justice Clarence Thomas: Section 230 Protections for Big Tech Are Too Broad



Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas argued that Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA) is applied too broadly to social media companies in a recent letter. The law, which was passed at the beginning of the dot-com era, allows internet companies to avoid liability for content that has been posted by users on their platform. According to Thomas, “many courts have construed the law broadly to confer sweeping immunity on some of the largest companies in the world.”


According to a report by Axios, Justice Clarence Thomas suggested that Section 230 of the CDA should be narrowed. Section 230 grants broad legal protections to social media companies with regard to content posted by users.


In a statement issued in response to a petition for writ of certiorari, Justice Thomas argued that Section 230 declares that social media platforms are not “publishers,” which means that they cannot be held liable for content posted by their users. Some industry analysts have suggested that platforms should be responsible for certain content on their platform, and for the censorship of content from their platforms, an act that makes them a publisher instead of a platform.


Enacted at the dawn of the dot-com era, §230 contains two subsections that protect computer service providers from some civil and criminal claims. The first is definitional. It states, “No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider.” §230(c)(1). This provision ensures that a company (like an e-mail provider) can host and transmit thirdparty content without subjecting itself to the liability that sometimes attaches to the publisher or speaker of unlawful content.


Justice Thomas went on to argue that many courts around the nation have construed the law too broadly, offering liability protection to some of the most powerful companies in the world.


“When Congress enacted the statute, most of today’s major Internet platforms did not exist. And in the 24 years since, we have never interpreted this provision,” Justice Thomas wrote. “But many courts have construed the law broadly to confer sweeping immunity on some of the largest companies in the world.”


Breitbart News reported in June that the Department of Justice was preparing a proposal that would repeal Section 230 of the CDA. A reversal would likely have a major impact on popular social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.


Stay tuned to Breitbart News for more updates on this story.

Anonymous ID: 5e16e8 Oct. 14, 2020, 8:30 p.m. No.11078258   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8426 >>8511

Daryl Maguire tells ICAC he discussed property deals with NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian


Disgraced former Liberal MP Daryl Maguire has told a corruption inquiry he discussed property deals with the NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian in 2017, when they were in a relationship.

Key points:


Daryl Maguire told ICAC he organised the 'pop in' as a favour to property developer Joseph Alha

He also told Mr Alha to write a letter to the Planning Minister

This is Mr Maguire's second day of giving evidence to the corruption watchdog


Mr Maguire said he had general discussions with Ms Berejiklian about his debts at the time, to "seek reassurance" about what he was doing.


He also told the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) he talked to the Premier about "what I was thinking of doing with property or trying to solve some issues".


The hearing was played a telephone intercept from September 5, 2017, in which Mr Maguire informed the Premier he'd "make enough money to pay off my debts" after "getting the Badgerys Creek stuff done".


Mr Maguire has told the commission he stood to receive a payment of up to $1.5 million related to the sale of land around Badgerys Creek.


When asked if the pair were still in a close personal relationship, Mr Maguire answered "not after the events of this I wouldn’t be".


Mr Maguire told the corruption watchdog his five-year relationship with Ms Berejiklian was "on-again, off-again".


Mr Maguire told the inquiry he kept Ms Berejiklian informed in general conversations about his business deals, as she was one of the few friends he could "seek assurance" or "raise things with".


Commissioner Ruth McColl said: "She was one of the people you could discuss your future with?"


"Yes," replied Mr Maguire.


Mr Maguire said he had made up his mind to retire at the 2019 but he hadn't told anyone of his plans, although he had broached the subject with the Premier.


"I was going regardless, in my mind I wanted to get out. I needed to get out," he said.


The commission has now closed hearings to the public in order to hear evidence which may intrude on the privacy of Mr Maguire and Ms Berejiklian.

Anonymous ID: 5e16e8 Oct. 14, 2020, 8:32 p.m. No.11078280   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8296 >>8442 >>8585

Netherlands legalizes child euthanasia despite opposition from Christian parties


The Dutch government will allow doctors to euthanize terminally ill children as young as one year old, making the Netherlands the second country in the world to permit the practice.


Health Minister Hugo de Jonge announced the change in a letter to Parliament on Tuesday, calling the decision necessary to help “a small group of terminally ill children who are suffering hopelessly and unbearably.”


The decision does not amend any laws, but exempts doctors from prosecution for ending a child’s life in certain conditions and with parental consent. Children between the ages of one and 12 will now be eligible for assisted suicide, whereas previously only newborn infants and teenagers could be euthanized.


Regardless of their age, candidates for euthanasia in the Netherlands must have “unbearable and endless suffering,” and must request death “earnestly and with full conviction.” Two doctors must approve the procedure.


The Netherlands legalized euthanasia in 2001, and was the first country in the world to do so. In 2014, Belgium became the first to legalize child euthanasia.


The Dutch government’s decision was opposed by the country’s two main Christian parties, the Christian Democrat Appeal (CDA) and ChristenUnie. De Jong himself is a member of the CDA, but supported the move based on a recently published study that showed strong support for the practice from doctors.


Dear God, stop this evil

Anonymous ID: 5e16e8 Oct. 14, 2020, 8:34 p.m. No.11078307   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8471 >>8494

Pubs and restaurants shut for a month as government gets tough on Covid-19 in Northern Ireland


A four-week 'circuit breaker' lockdown has been announced in Northern Ireland to curb soaring Covid cases. The restrictions are the toughest introduced anywhere in the UK.


On Wednesday, First Minister Arlene Foster announced strict new measures to tackle the Covid pandemic in Northern Ireland. The move sees pubs, restaurants and bars shut for a month, effective from 6pm on Friday, while schools will close for two weeks from Monday.


The first minister said she was aware of the impact this would have on people's lives and paid tribute to young people as they deal with this "difficult time."


We fully appreciate that this will be difficult and worrying news for a lot of people. The Executive has taken this decision because it is necessary, and we discussed the impacts in great detail.


Eateries offering takeaways and delivery will remain open, as will gyms and retail premises. Further measures include limiting social bubbles to ten people and the probation of alcohol sales after 8pm from off-licences and supermarkets. Similar to measures introduced in Italy on Tuesday, indoor sport and organized contact sport is banned, apart from at elite level.


There has already been widespread criticism from the hospitality sector, which claims that one in eight jobs in the industry have already been lost this year. Neil Moore of the union Unite said: "Hospitality workers woke up this morning to news of a second lockdown, there's mass anxiety around jobs and livelihoods from workers who feel they are being kicked whilst they are down and will once again be made to pay the price for this global pandemic."


Foster's circuit breaker lockdown comes two days after UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced the introduction of a three-tiered lockdown system to tackle the Covid pandemic in England. So far, only Liverpool and Merseyside have been hit with the highest-level restrictions.


Northern Ireland recorded 863 new Covid infections on Tuesday, taking the country's total to 21,898 cases. Nearly half of Northern Ireland's cases have been recorded in the last two weeks. Derry City and Strabane are the worst-hit areas in the UK and one of the worst-hit areas in Europe, with an infection rate of 969 per 100,000 people.