Anonymous ID: 5a7ebc Oct. 16, 2020, 10:06 a.m. No.11104399   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4425 >>4472 >>4476 >>4509 >>4516 >>4518 >>4575 >>4584 >>4843 >>4938

Anons are arguing that the 4chan posts weren’t her speech style. I believe it to be camouflage.

>change speech patterns in halfchan posts

>post tweet, disavowing halfchan posts, emphasizing that the speech patterns were not hers

>use signal word “Sweetie” in disavowing tweet

She’s telling us that the halfchan poster was indeed her!


Why post on half?

Look how hard big tech censored the Biden story the last few days. If the upcoming leaks against the Bidens are bad, and Chanel leaks them, Big Tech will de-platform her, MSM attack her, etc. By establishing comms on halfchan, she can post normie-leaks on twatter for normies, and heavy-leaks for anons on halfchan. She knows that all relevant information will migrate to 8kun.


Why not post on 8kun?

Perhaps being even remotely associated with anything Q-related is too hot right now. Big tech is nuking all things Q right now, and it’s going to get worse. We need Chanel to red pill normies.


p.s. Chanel Rion is a fine sexy bitch, and I will do sweet battle in your glorious name, m’lady.

Anonymous ID: 5a7ebc Oct. 16, 2020, 10:41 a.m. No.11104843   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'll just say this one last thing, then let it rest.


If it is Chanel Rion on halfchan, then she'll probably give further Chanel-proofs to establish it as so.

If it's bullshit, then no substantial proofs will materialize.


The Sweetie thing could be coincidence; or not. Let's just move forward, but with peeled eyes for further proofs. Our eyes are trained for such things.