Q and Qanon in the news
We probably need to start to build data listing on all that people are saying to see how Qanon is defined and if/when public will finally learn all about Qanon.
++Last++ night I thought about why was it pushed so hard for a press/media person to ask, "Who is Q?"
Last night when Trump was asked directly ondebate2020by NBC debator-moderator Savannah Gutherie POTUS walks around topic but says Qanon are against pedofila …. isn't that good.
I really think Q since Nov 2017 been teaching normies how to research, how to think, how to meme, how to bake, how to record source information and to require it, HOW to BLITZ MSM with data.
Q's tweets are changing. They aren't so coded and forward directing but linking to actual things that are taking place presently for Qanons' to spread on MSM. And to be so loud (so much digital going out) that MSM and SM can't deny
Q information is going out.
Qanon are a pain for sm and msm. They cannot stop so many individuals.
learn to code your sm digital messages to avoid getting detected
$ for s
l (lower L) for i
I (capital i) for L
0 zero for o/O
words that end in 'ed' eliminate "e" murderd
ect. Code any WORD that would likely trigger an algorithm check/catch.
I have been passing information and not getting censored unless I don't use coding.
This is an example that did not get caught:
Christians v0ting for Blden or not v0ting: the elite politic@l clas$ and m$m and h0llywood and many others have been involved in hum@n tr@fficking of young children, ped0filia and even satanic@l
human s@crifice.
You claim you are for s0cial justice but you will not do your rese@rch to see what h0rrors have been taking place for the past 5O yrs….longer…since WWII…when US political and eIite making m0ney off of w@r, let N@zi scienti$t enter U$. Many of the gre@t @tomic b0mb scienti$t and other horrld hum@n experiments are from these mind$.
You v0te so the cause$ you serve can get more feder@l m0ney, or that m0re h0meless and refugee$ can get pr0tection and US benefit$. But you ignore all the other h0rrors taking place…. fet@l tissue being s0ld, h@arvesting of fet@l org@n$, t@king life of min0rity children and the p00r up to birlh, kidn@ping and hum@n tr@fficking of h0mele$$ and p00r children, sex sl@ve tr@de…. and the list goes on.
What did G0D say would happen to those who h@rm children? …better to have @ millst0ne around your neck and thrown into the waters…
You are being Lled to. You say…"P0tus calls people bad names on $M, he has had 3 wives, he is not presldential." You w0uld not be nice either to wlckedness lf you knew the trulh.
But childr@n are being re$cued and vi0lators are being @rrested. D0 you hear this new$!? Tr@fficking r0utes are cl0sing (to stop drug$ also.)
Many change their n@me so you will not recognize that they are of the same f@milies or are the same people. R0thchild$ do not go by R0thchild.
Y0u are now informed! You are acc0untable for your @ctions. 0pen your heart to the trulh, de$ire to kn0w what is happening for re@l…… Ask and you will be shown.