>will link to this post
I hereby make a claim of /comms/baker subversion
this claim is the foundational reason for the splitting of the bread saturday 10/3
the bread was split for the reason of:
Violation of First Principles
First Principle Violated:
-anons not allowed to bake as anon
Example 1 of Ongoing Issue
/comms/bakers refuse to handoff to anons
4 /comms/bakers involved in this example (4 unique UID's)
pic related includes 3 of these bakers
would have included 4th but pic related getting too large to digest
Bread #13946
/comms/bakers refuse to handoff to anons
anon wasfirst to offerto take bake
/comms/baker 'be' refuses to pass without qbin pre-verification
/comms/bakers proceed to defend brand new baker hand-off pre-verification procedure that was created by these same /comms/bakers
/comms/bakers require anon to selfdox/namefag in order to bake
since when are anons not allowed to bake as anon?
pic very related
input from anons requested
how does this look to you anons?
easy to understand?
is everything sauced?
UIDs โ /comms/baker ID's
too big? (what should be removed?)
At least 2 more examples of the above are being sauced and proofed
will post when done
thank you for (you)r consideration