both breads #14304 were created by shills
fuck it, use the bread
fuck the shill baker (both)
can’t stop the discussion or sharing of info
both breads #14304 were created by shills
fuck it, use the bread
fuck the shill baker (both)
can’t stop the discussion or sharing of info
both breads are shill breads
fuck them both, fill this bread
use what your enemy gives
they can split the breads, don’t let them split the anons
got a screen cap?
I don’t get it
can someone elucidate pleese
Why is it getting uncomfortable for MaggieNYT when they are talking about maxseddon?
Is that her email addy?
(1 post)
bread hasn’t even hit 200 posts yet
so no, if you create another bread, not going there.
This is a classic “divide the breads and anons” attempt
you can not so kindly fuck off
both breads are shill breads
when all the bread is moldy it’s best to just plow on through
staying here
filling this shitbake
fuck you