>>11198417 (PB)
It's pointless. I just witnessed the "good people" spreading what they believe is child porn.
I was involved in Twittergate. Not by choice but because I simply did not believe that Twitter was openly hosting some of the most horrific things…when the computer weinie wrote the hash scraper for twatter and posted all the accounts it scraped telling us to get huntingI saidOK, copied and pasted linkswas NOT even signed into my twitter. The first 5-6 links were nothingthai lady boys..etc..but then things got horrific. Account after account of some of the most horrific things I've ever seen.
I signed into twatter to report ALL the accounts–and was promptly permabanned. THEN I got permabanned from T_D where the hash scrape links were posted in the first place. Can you imagine how many T_D posters were attacking me GOADING me to post links to specific accounts? I flat out fucking REFUSED (by then the hash scrape post had been deleted). I refused to repost KP…refused. I got permabanned from T_D because I fucking saw it was real and by that time (post election 2016) T_D moding nad been taken over by (((JIDF))) kikes. Didn't you notice you dare not criticize Israel anymore at T_D?
I described in vague terms in writing what Twatter, FB and youtube were hosting….and that made people mad. I wouldn't be explicit.
I see the same damn shit happening here. BEGGING for KP to be posted.
And now that it has been this will be spread far and wide…"QANON board hosting child porn"–way to get this place shut down.
People are so fucking stupid it hurts. You really want to see and hear shit you can NEVER unsee? I heard children screaming in pain…I thought.."am I the only person to see this and bear witness to this child's pain–that actually cares about them?" Most, if not all the other people for whom those accounts were of interest (easy to find using the right #) were excited by the screams.
Trust me you do NOT want to see this. There's a reason KP cops have mental health therapy.