Thanks legit baker
NPR proudly covering up Biden email scandal
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Donald Trump Jr.: If Democrats win, freedom of speech is gone
==Don Jr. with Maria (video)
Oct. 22, 2020 - 7:13 - Trump Organization Executive Vice President Donald Trump Jr. argues Joe Biden is ‘compromised by corrupt foreign agencies’ and explains why he doesn’t ‘expect fairness’ in the final debate.
Donald Trump Jr.: If Democrats win, freedom of speech is gone
Don Jr. with Maria (video)
Oct. 22, 2020 - 7:13 - Trump Organization Executive Vice President Donald Trump Jr. argues Joe Biden is ‘compromised by corrupt foreign agencies’ and explains why he doesn’t ‘expect fairness’ in the final debate.
nik'd - good work
Watergate x1000
Trump 6000 miles
Biden 0 miles
Finally! Suburban women are flocking over to us. They realize that I am saving the Suburbs - the American Dream! I terminated the Regulation that would bring projects and crime to Suburbia. Not on my watch! Biden will bring the Regulation back, but bigger and worse.