Q posting in the other bread
Because Q is not going to tolerate the comms baker crew bullshit
>I repeat: Q will post in ANY available bread.
But this bread is available
Q just BTFO the comms bakers again
/Q knows/
>I repeat: Q will post in ANY available bread.
The GREATEST Military Operation of our time
And you think Q chose which bread to post in by chance
There are no coincidences
Comms bakers BTFO again
BTW, stop disrespecting Q
/Q knows/
>Q just "randomly" dropped again in Anime Baker's new bread.
>Just a coincidence yet again, right?
And Q had two 14328's to choose from plus this bread
Negates the Q posted in 14291 stale bread to fill it up argument comms bakers made
>OSS still runs away from adressing the anvil question
This isn't about OSS
Q chooses patriot anons not communist bakers
>whataboutism, unrelated to the question
Q chose non communist baked bread
/Q knows/
Anons despise the comms bakers and Q can see that
>Comms are part of a shill crew of some kind.
>No amount of ad hom, sockpuppet consensus, or shitty memes can deflect away from that fact now.
>They are pure cringe to be mocked at every turn from now on.
Q put comms bakers in the 'ash bin'
They don't give up tjo
Their overlords must really have something on them
>OSS is so clueless he doesn't even know what the anvil question is, he lost
posted in real bread
where you can be mocked accordingly