Savage POTUS
KEK >>11272945
Savage POTUS
KEK >>11272945
Interesting settlers referred to one of the lakes as crooked lake
Hillary lives in Rochester which is north of the finger lakes.
Maybe a deeper/double meaning to why Trump called Hillary Crooked.
the discussion. He cited one version of the Finger Lakes legend
which represents the giant hand as having an extra finger which
was fork-shaped, causing one lake, Keuka, to disturb the almost
perfect imprint.”
This is a bit of a twist, but if you run a Google search, you’ll find websites repeating this story or the idea that the Great Spirit “slipped” somehow. But the new information about Keuka, once known by white settlers as “Crooked Lake,” doesn’t lead to any older sources, so we’ll have to go back to the five-fingered Great Spirit.
How The Finger Lakes Was Named: Part 1
In this they discuss Rochester
Back to Rochester— the 1920s.
During the 1920s, the rise of the automobile and paved roads were important topics in newspapers, and articles about Upstate parks and landmarks were published frequently. C.S. Edwards, an editor at the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle began one such article (Oct. 6, 1929) with this eloquent lede:
“And when the Great Spirit blessed the Iroquois he left the imprint of
his hand and long, tapering fingers in the soil. There did spring up six
idyllic lakes where his hand had touched, with flashing colors and
gleaming waterfalls to match the scintillating jewel’s upon the Master’s
“Thus does an Iroquois legend describe the origin and beauty of the
Finger Lakes country, over which the red men held sway for two
It should not surprise you that Edwards’s opening paragraph, with its flowery words like “idyllic”, “gleaming” and “scintillating”, is found nowhere else on the Internet except for this article. But, if you allow that he spruced up the words a little, this is basically the same story we’ve seen all along, except that it definitively counts six lakes.