cant say thanks enough baker!
still practicin'… thanks for bein' patient
mmmmhm ACB conf_
its not always that deep…
sometimes its just Q putting the 'learning ass peasants' like me in our place.
come and take it, bish.
Trump can't do anything that seems like he's using the 'military to do his goon work'
they'll try painting him as a stalin/hitler.
but that doesn't mean there aren't continuous operations ongoing at all times…
fear/anxiety/stress cause a secretion that PREVENTS you from reaching christ consciousness, meaning you age faster, get cancer quicker, and inevitably DIE…
but the OPPOSITE of that, is everlasting life…
think about that.
i called it that 'christ conciousness' cuz yall wouldn't understand the REAL, latin-given term for the 'holy spirit'…
not today satan.
keep preachin' your white guy comin' to save you on a white horse from the clouds with a lightning sword, you fundamentalist, brainwashed, sad specimen.
i dont even know who those names are, you lying sack of shit.
says the random stranger on the internet…
take your mask off, Lestat.
aint nobody gunna believe you until you do.
I bet you won't call me so we can talk about this like men, you loud mouthed shit talking coward.
you already have it, Lestat.