>>11272620 /lb
Last summer I had a number of (mostly) foreign and at least 2 domestic agencies interested enough in my activities here on QR to start doing HUMINT case workups and probably threat assessments on me. At one point, I had so many different tails that I intentionally would drive to an area with three roundabouts and went back and forth until they were all almost crashing into each other. It was glorious. Hopefully the good guys got some snaps of the bad guys...I was trying to throw them a bone.
The irony is that I managed the surveillance teams in this area for many years, so they all literally glowed to me. They'll tell you that it was obvious I knew who was who. Most of the time. One day I should write a book about it. There was actually a lot more going on than this...they were all very interested.
So, two things regarding your situation...maybe three. The Germans were some of the bolder agents and even had a decent honey pot ruse set up...actually pretty good and would've caught the less aware. So they're quite interested. They actually stayed on the op until a hurricane made them evac.
So, yes this board and it's more potent Anons are watched VERY carefully. We are a paradigm shift for the legacy intelligence and security apparatus and they're not sure if we're good guys, bad guys, crazy, or what. It's a dangerous world and they can't be too careful and nobody wants to be the one who didn't check out a lead after the fact. They get their information from the MSM and so think we're radicals. Of course, they don't come here and find out we're mostly patriotic, freedom loving Christians, but whatever...
Hopefully as time goes on, they are beginning to realize that we are golden rule, anti-corruption and tyranny types. For the corrupt tyrants, that's a problem...for the decent agents and operators, they know an ally when they see one.
I've been hunting bad guys for fun and a living for a very, very long time. This is home, because of Anons like you. Men and women with the courage to stand up to a corrupt world and do whatever they can to help turn this around. Thank you.
If they've got something on you, they wouldn't be fishing. Follow the laws scrupulously, but keep fighting for freedom always. The good ones will help you behind the scenes and the bad ones will expose themselves to the good ones without realizing it. Layers and layers.
Peace to you, Anon. The Lord bless you in your work.